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Джон Толкиен - Английский язык с Дж. Р. Р. Толкиеном. Хоббит

Читать бесплатно Джон Толкиен - Английский язык с Дж. Р. Р. Толкиеном. Хоббит. Жанр: Фэнтези издательство АСТ, Восток-Запад, год 2004. Так же читаем полные версии (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте или прочесть краткое содержание, предисловие (аннотацию), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами (комментариями) о произведении.
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promontory [ˈprɔmǝnt (ǝ) rɪ] prosperous [ˈprɔsp (ǝ) rǝs] legend [ˈledʒ (ǝ) nd] drought [draʋt]

Not far from the mouth of the Forest River was the strange town he heard the elves speak of in the king’s cellars. It was not built on the shore, though there were a few huts and buildings there, but right out on the surface of the lake, protected from the swirl of the entering river by a promontory of rock which formed a calm bay. A great bridge made of wood ran out to where on huge piles made of forest trees was built a busy wooden town, not a town of elves but of Men, who still dared to dwell here under the shadow of the distant dragon-mountain. They still throve on the trade that came up the great river from the South and was carted past the falls to their town; but in the great days of old, when Dale in the North was rich and prosperous, they had been wealthy and powerful, and there had been fleets of boats on the waters, and some were filled with gold and some with warriors in armour, and there had been wars and deeds which were now only a legend. The rotting piles of a greater town could still be seen along the shores when the waters sank in a drought.

But men remembered little of all that (но люди помнили немногое из всего этого), though some still sang old songs (хотя некоторые все еще пели старые песни) of the dwarf-kings of the Mountain (о гномах-королях Горы), Thror and Thrain of the race of Durin (Троре и Трейне из рода Дьюрина), and of the coming of the Dragon (и о прибытии Дракона), and the fall of the lords of Dale (и о падении властителей Дейла). Some sang too (некоторые также пели) that Thror and Thrain would come back one day (что Трор и Трейн однажды вернутся) and gold would flow in rivers (и золото потечет реками) through the mountain-gates (из ворот горы), and all that land (и вся земля) would be filled with new song (наполнится новой песней) and new laughter (и новым смехом). But this pleasant legend (но эта приятная легенда) did not much affect their daily business (не сильно-то влияла на их повседневные дела).

lord [lɔ: d] laughter [ˈlɑ: ftǝ] daily [ˈdeɪlɪ]

But men remembered little of all that, though some still sang old songs of the dwarf-kings of the Mountain, Thror and Thrain of the race of Durin, and of the coming of the Dragon, and the fall of the lords of Dale. Some sang too that Thror and Thrain would come back one day and gold would flow in rivers through the mountain-gates, and all that land would be filled with new song and new laughter. But this pleasant legend did not much affect their daily business.

As soon as the raft of barrels came in sight (как только плот из бочек показался: «пришел в видимость») boats rowed out (появились лодки; to row — грести, перевозить в лодке) from the piles of the town (от свай города), and voices hailed the raft-steerers (и голоса приветствовали рулевых плота). Then ropes were cast (затем были брошены веревки) and oars were pulled (заработали весла; to pull an oar — грести; to pull — тянуть, тащить), and soon the raft was drawn out of the current of the Forest River (и вскоре плот был вытащен из течения Лесной Реки) and towed away round the high shoulder of rock (и отбуксирован вокруг высокого уступа скалы; to tow — буксировать, тащить) into the little bay of Lake-town (в небольшой залив Города-на-Озере). There it was moored (там он был пришвартован; to moor — ставить на мертвый якорь, швартоваться) not far from the shoreward head of the great bridge (недалеко от головных частей моста, что были направлены к берегу). Soon men would come up from the South (вскоре должны были прийти с Юга люди) and take some of the casks away (и забрать некоторые из бочонков), and others they would fill with goods (а другие они наполнят товарами) they had brought (что они принесут /с собой/) to be taken back up the stream (чтобы их отправили: «забрали назад» вверх по течению) to the Wood-elves’ home (к дому Лесных Эльфов). In the meanwhile (тем временем) the barrels were left afloat (бочки были оставлены плавающими на поверхности воды) while the elves of the raft (пока эльфы с плота) and the boatmen (и лодочники) went to feast in Lake-town (отправились на пир в Город-на-Озере).

pile [paɪl] steerer [ˈstɪ (ǝ) rǝ] moor [mɔ: ], [mʋǝ] shoreward [ˈʃɔ: wǝd]

As soon as the raft of barrels came in sight boats rowed out from the piles of the town, and voices hailed the raft-steerers. Then ropes were cast and oars were pulled, and soon the raft was drawn out of the current of the Forest River and towed away round the high shoulder of rock into the little bay of Lake-town. There it was moored not far from the shoreward head of the great bridge. Soon men would come up from the South and take some of the casks away, and others they would fill with goods they had brought to be taken back up the stream to the Wood-elves’ home. In the meanwhile the barrels were left afloat while the elves of the raft and the boatmen went to feast in Lake-town.

They would have been surprised (они бы удивились), if they could have seen (если бы они увидели: «смогли увидеть») what happened down by the shore (что случилось у берега), after they had gone (после того, как они ушли) and the shades of night had fallen (и спустился вечерний полумрак; shade — тень). First of all a barrel was cut loose by Bilbo (прежде всего, бочка была отвязана Бильбо; loose—свободный, несвязанный) and pushed to the shore (и подтолкнута к берегу) and opened (и открыта). Groans came from inside (изнутри послышались стоны), and out crept a most unhappy dwarf (и наружу вылез совершенно несчастный гном). Wet straw was in his draggled beard (в его вымазанной бороде была мокрая солома; to draggle — тащить, волочить по грязи, вымазать (ся) в грязи); he was so sore and stiff (он был настолько израненный и окоченевший; sore — болезненный, чувствительный), so bruised and buffeted (так покрыт синяками и /следами от/ ударов; buffet — удар /особ. рукой/) he could hardly stand (он с трудом смог стоять) or stumble through the shallow water (или проковылять по мелководью) to lie groaning on the shore (чтобы лечь, постанывая, на берегу; to groan — стонать, охать). He had a famished and a savage look (вид у него был голодный и дикий; to famish — голодать, умирать голодной смертью; famine — голод, голодание) like a dog that has been chained (словно у пса, которого посадили на цепь; to chain — скреплять цепью, держать в цепях; chain — цепь) and forgotten in a kennel for a week (и забыли в конуре на целую неделю). It was Thorin (это был Торин), but you could only have told it (но вы смогли бы это только сказать) by his golden chain (по его золотой цепи), and by the colour (и по цвету) of his now dirty and tattered sky-blue hood (его, теперь уже грязного и изорванного, лазурного: «небесно синего» капюшона; to tatter — изорвать в клочья, на куски) with its tarnished silver tassel (с потускневшей серебряной кисточкой; to tarnish — лишать блеска, тускнеть). It was some time (прошло некоторое время) before he would be even polite to the hobbit (прежде чем он стал хотя бы вежливым с хоббитом).

groan [drǝʋn] draggled [ˈdræɡld] famished [ˈfæmɪʃt]

They would have been surprised, if they could have seen what happened down by the shore, after they had gone and the shades of night had fallen. First of all a barrel was cut loose by Bilbo and pushed to the shore and opened. Groans came from inside, and out crept a most unhappy dwarf. Wet straw was in his draggled beard; he was so sore and stiff, so bruised and buffeted he could hardly stand or stumble through the shallow water to lie groaning on the shore. He had a famished and a savage look like a dog that has been chained and forgotten in a kennel for a week. It was Thorin, but you could only have told it by his golden chain, and by the colour of his now dirty and tattered sky-blue hood with its tarnished silver tassel. It was some time before he would be even polite to the hobbit.

“Well, are you alive or are you dead (ну что, вы живы или мертвы)?” asked Bilbo quite crossly (спросил Бильбо довольно сердито). Perhaps he had forgotten (возможно, он забыл) that he had had at least one good meal more (что он получил, по крайней мере, на один хороший прием пищи больше) than the dwarves (чем гномы), and also the use of his arms and legs (и также он мог шевелить руками и ногами; use — употребление, использование), not to speak of a greater allowance of air (не говоря уже о большем доступе воздуха; allowance — порция, паек, пособие).

“Are you still in prison (вы все еще в тюрьме), or are you free (или вы свободны)? If you want food (если вы хотите есть; food — пища, питание, еда), and if you want to go on (и если вы хотите продолжать) with this silly adventure (это ваше дурацкое приключение) — it’s yours after all and not mine (оно ваше в конце-то концов, а не мое) — you had better slap your arms (то вам бы лучше похлопать руками) and rub your legs (и растереть свои ноги) and try and help me (и попытаться мне помочь) get the others out (достать всех остальных) while there is a chance (пока есть такая возможность)!”

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Английский язык с Дж. Р. Р. Толкиеном. Хоббит отзывы

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