Джон Толкиен - Английский язык с Дж. Р. Р. Толкиеном. Хоббит
squabble [ˈskwɔb (ǝ) l] existence [ɪɡˈzɪst (ǝ) ns] greybeard [ˈɡreɪbɪǝd] gammer [ˈɡæmǝ] enormous [ɪˈnɔ: mǝs]
“I suggest Lake-town, ” said Bilbo, “What else is there?” Nothing else could, of course, be suggested; so leaving the others Thorin and Fili and Kili and the hobbit went along the shore to the great bridge. There were guards at the head of it, but they were not keeping very careful watch, for it was so long since there had been any real need. Except for occasional squabbles about river-tolls they were friends with the Wood-elves. Other folk were far away; and some of the younger people in the town openly doubted the existence of any dragon in the mountain, and laughed at the greybeards and gammers who said that they had seen him flying in the sky in their young days. That being so it is not surprising that the guards were drinking and laughing by a fire in their hut, and did not hear the noise of the unpacking of the dwarves or the footsteps of the four scouts. Their astonishment was enormous when Thorin Oakenshield stepped in through the door.
“Who are you (кто вы такой) and what do you want (и что вы хотите)?” they shouted (закричали они) leaping to their feet (вскакивая на ноги) and gripping for weapons (и хватаясь за оружие).
“Thorin son of Thrain (Торин, сын Трейна) son of Thror (сына Трора) King under the Mountain (Король под Горой)!” said the dwarf in a loud voice (сказал гном громким голосом), and he looked it (и выглядел он соответствующе), in spite of his torn clothes (несмотря на свою разорванную одежду) and draggled hood (и измазанный капюшон). The gold gleamed on his neck and waist (золото блестело на его шее и поясе: «талии»): his eyes were dark and deep (глаза его были темными и глубокими). “I have come back (я вернулся). I wish to see the Master of your town (я желаю видеть Главу вашего города; master — хозяин, владелец; мастер)!” Then there was tremendous excitement (наступило страшное волнение). Some of the more foolish (некоторые, из наиболее глупых) ran out of the hut (выбежали из хижины) as if they expected (словно ожидали) the Mountain to go golden in the night (что Гора зазолотится: «будет золотистой» в ночи; to go — зд. как глагол-связка в составном именном сказуемом: делаться, становиться) and all the waters of the lake (и все воды в озере) to turn yellow right away (немедленно пожелтеют: «станут желтыми»; to turn + прилагательное = становиться, делаться). The captain of the guard came forward (капитан стражников вышел вперед).
shout [ʃaʋt] gleam [ɡli: m] waist [weɪst] tremendous [trɪˈmendǝs]
“Who are you and what do you want?” they shouted leaping to their feet and gripping for weapons.
“Thorin son of Thrain son of Thror King under the Mountain!” said the dwarf in a loud voice, and he looked it, in spite of his torn clothes and draggled hood. The gold gleamed on his neck and waist: his eyes were dark and deep. “I have come back. I wish to see the Master of your town!” Then there was tremendous excitement. Some of the more foolish ran out of the hut as if they expected the Mountain to go golden in the night and all the waters of the lake to turn yellow right away. The captain of the guard came forward.
“And who are these (а это кто такие)?” he asked (спросил он), pointing to Fili and Kili and Bilbo (указывая на Фили и Кили и Бильбо).
“The sons of my father’s daughter (сыновья дочери моего отца), ” answered Thorin (ответил Торин), “Fili and Kili of the race of Durin (Фили и Кили из рода Дьюрина), and Mr. Baggins (и мистер Бэггинс) who has travelled with us (который прибыл с нами; to travel — путешествовать, ездить) out of the West (с Запада). ”
“If you come in peace (если вы пришли с миром) lay down your arms (сложите ваше оружие)!” said the captain (сказал капитан).
“We have none (у нас его нет; none — никто, нисколько, никакой), ” said Thorin, and it was true enough (и это было правдой; enough — достаточно, весьма, довольно): their knives had been taken from them (их ножи были отобраны у них) by the Wood-elves (лесными эльфами), and the great sword Orcrist too (и великий меч Оркрист тоже). Bilbo had his short sword (у Бильбо был его короткий меч), hidden as usual (спрятанный, как обычно), but he said nothing about that (но он ничего об этом не сказал). “We have no need of weapons (нам не нужно оружие: «мы не имеем нужды в оружии»), who return at last to our own (/нам/, кто вернулся, наконец, к себе домой; own — собственность, принадлежность) as spoken of old (как и говорилось в старину). Nor could we fight against so many (и мы не смогли бы сражаться против такого большого количества /людей/). Take us to your master (отведите нас к вашему Главе)!”
“He is at feast (он на пиру), ” said the captain.
peace [pi: s] sword [sɔ: d] master [ˈmɑ: stǝ]
“And who are these?” he asked, pointing to Fili and: Kili and Bilbo. “The sons of my father’s daughter, ” answered Thorin, “Fili and Kili of the race of Durin, and Mr. Baggins who has travelled with us out of the West. ”
“If you come in peace lay down your arms!” said the captain. “We have none, ” said Thorin, and it was true enough: their knives had been taken from them by the Wood-elves, and the great sword Orcrist too. Bilbo had his short sword, hidden as usual, but he said nothing about that. “We have no need of weapons, who return at last to our own as spoken of old. Nor could we fight against so many. Take us to your master!”
“He is at feast, ” said the captain.
“Then all the more reason (тогда еще больше оснований) for taking us to him (отвести нас к нему), ” burst in Fili (вмешался /в разговор/ Фили), who was getting impatient (который уже начал проявлять нетерпение: «становиться нетерпеливым») at these solemnities (от всех этих торжественных церемоний). “We are worn and famished (мы совершенно измотаны и голодны; worn — изношенный, потертый; усталый) after our long road (после нашей долгой дороги) and we have sick comrades (и с нами больные товарищи). Now make haste (давайте-ка поспешим) and let us have no more words (и не надо больше слов: «давайте мы больше не будем иметь слов»), or your master may have something to say to you (или у вашего Главы возможно найдется, что сказать вам). ”
“Follow me then (тогда следуйте за мной), ” said the captain, and with six men about them (шесть человек окружили их: «и с шестью людьми вокруг них»; about — вокруг, рядом) he led them over the bridge (он повел их по мосту) through the gates (сквозь ворота) and into the market-place of the town (на рыночную площадь города). This was a wide circle of quiet water (она представляла собой: «это был» широкий круг спокойной воды) surrounded by the tall piles (окруженной высокими сваями) on which were built (на которых были построены) the greater houses (еще более крупные дома), and by long wooden quays (и /затем пошли/ по длинным деревянным причалам) with many steps and ladders (со множеством ступеней и лестниц; step — шаг; ступень) going down to the surface of the lake (ведущих вниз, к поверхности озера). From one great hall shone many lights (в одном из огромных залов: «из одного большого зала» светилось множество огней) and there came the sound of many voices (и раздавались звуки большого количества голосов).
reason [ˈri: z (ǝ) n] solemnity [sǝˈlemnɪtɪ] comrade [ˈkɔmr (e) ɪd]
“Then all the more reason for taking us to him, ” burst in Fili, who was getting impatient at these solemnities. “We are worn and famished after our long road and we have sick comrades. Now make haste and let us have no more words, or your master may have something to say to you. ”
“Follow me then, ” said the captain, and with six men about them he led them over the bridge through the gates and into the market-place of the town. This was a wide circle of quiet water surrounded by the tall piles on which were built the greater houses, and by long wooden quays with many steps and ladders going down to the surface of the lake. From one great hall shone many lights and there came the sound of many voices.
They passed its doors (они прошли в его двери) and stood blinking in the light (и стояли, щурясь на свет) looking at long tables (и смотря на длинные столы) filled with folk (полные народа).
“I am Thorin son of Thrain (я Торин, сын Трейна) son of Thror (сына Трора) King under the Mountain (Короля под Горой)! I return (я вернулся; to return — возвращаться, идти обратно)!” cried Thorin in a loud voice (закричал Торин громким голосом) from the door (от самой двери), before the captain could say anything (до того, как капитан смог хоть что-то сказать). All leaped to their feet (все они повскакивали на ноги). The Master of the town (Глава города) sprang from his great chair (вскочил со своего огромного кресла; to spring (sprang, sprung) — скакать, прыгать). But none rose in greater surprise (но никто не встал в большем удивлении) than the raft-men of the elves (чем эльфы—сплавщики; raft — плот, паром, сплав древесины) who were sitting at the lower end of the hall (которые сидели за нижнем концом стола: «нижнем конце зала»; the lower end of the table — нижний конец стола, т. е. места, предназначенные для менее почетных гостей). Pressing forward before the Master’s table (устремившись вперед, перед столом Главы; to press forward — пробиваться, проталкиваться вперед) they cried (они закричали):
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