Джон Толкиен - Английский язык с Дж. Р. Р. Толкиеном. Хоббит
float [flǝʋt] halt [hɔ: lt] inland [ˈɪnlǝnd] neighbour [ˈneɪbǝ]
The day grew lighter and warmer as they floated along. After a while the river rounded a steep shoulder of land that came down upon their left. Under its rocky feet like an inland cliff the deepest stream had flowed lapping and bubbling. Suddenly the cliff fell away. The shores sank. The trees ended. Then Bilbo saw a sight: The lands opened wide about him, filled with the waters of the river which broke up and wandered in a hundred winding courses, or halted in marshes and pools dotted with isles on every side: but still a strong water flowed on steadily through the midst. And far away, its dark head in a torn cloud, there loomed the Mountain! Its nearest neighbours to the North — East and the tumbled land that joined it to them could not be seen. All alone it rose and looked across the marshes to the forest. The Lonely Mountain! Bilbo had come far and through many adventures to see it, and now he did not like the look of it in the least.
As he listened to the talk of the raftmen (пока он слушал разговоры сплавщиков) and pieced together the scraps of information (и соединял в единое целое те отрывки информации; to piece — собирать в единое целое, собирать из кусочков; piece — кусок, часть) they let fall (что они роняли; to let fall smth. — выпустить, выронить, уронить), he soon realized (он вскоре понял) that he was very fortunate (что ему очень посчастливилось; fortunate — счастливый, удачливый) ever to have seen it at all (вообще ее увидеть), even from this distance (даже и с такого расстояния). Dreary as had been his imprisonment (и каким бы мрачным ни было его заточение в тюрьме /эльфов/) and unpleasant as was his position (и неприятным его нынешнее положение) (to say nothing of the poor dwarves underneath him (не говоря уже о бедных гномах под ним)) still (все же), he had been more lucky (ему гораздо больше повезло) than he had guessed (чем он предполагал). The talk was all of the trade (весь разговор был о торговле) that came and went on the waterways (что велась /взад и вперед/ на этих водных путях; to come and go — движение вперд и назад) and the growth of the traffic on the river (и о росте грузооборота на реке; traffic — движение, транспорт, перевозки), as the roads out of the East towards Mirkwood vanished (так как дороги с Востока по направлению к Мрачному Лесу исчезли) or fell into disuse (или вышли из употребления); and of the bickerings of the Lake-men and the Wood-elves (и о препирательствах между Людьми-с-Озера и Лесными Эльфами) about the upkeep of the Forest River (и о содержании в исправности Лесной Реки; upkeep—содержание, ремонт, уход; tokeepup — поддерживать в должном порядке) and the care of the banks (и об уходе за берегами).
scrap [skræp] unpleasant [ʌnˈplez (ǝ) nt] disuse [dɪsˈju: s]
As he listened to the talk of the raftmen and pieced together the scraps of information they let fall, he soon realized that he was very fortunate ever to have seen it at all, even from this distance. Dreary as had been his imprisonment and unpleasant as was his position (to say nothing of the poor dwarves underneath him) still, he had been more lucky than he had guessed. The talk was all of the trade that came and went on the waterways and the growth of the traffic on the river, as the roads out of the East towards Mirkwood vanished or fell into disuse; and of the bickerings of the Lake-men and the Wood-elves about the upkeep of the Forest River and the care of the banks.
Those lands had changed much (те земли сильно изменились) since the days when dwarves dwelt in the Mountain (с тех дней, когда в Горе обитали гномы), days which most people now remembered (дней, которые большинство людей сейчас помнят) only as a very shadowy tradition (только как очень смутное предание; shadowy — тенистый, туманный; tradition — традиция, старый обычай). They had changed even in recent years (они изменились даже за последние годы; recent — недавний, последний; новейший, новый), and since the last news (и со времен последних новостей) that Gandalf had had of them (которые Гэндальф знал: «имел» о них). Great floods and rains had swollen the waters (сильнейшие наводнения и дожди переполнили реки; to swell (swelled, swollen) — надуваться, разбухать) that flowed east (что текли на восток); and there had been an earthquake or two (так же случились одно или два землетрясения; earthquake — землетрясение; earth — земля; to quake — трястись, дрожать) (which some were inclined to attribute to the dragon (которые некоторые были склонны приписать дракону) — alluding to him chiefly (и упоминая его главным образом) with a curse (с проклятием) and an ominous nod (и зловещим кивком) in the direction of the Mountain (в направлении Горы)). The marshes and bogs (болота и трясины) had spread wider and wider on either side (распространялись все шире и шире с каждой стороны). Paths had vanished (тропинки исчезли), and many a rider and wanderer too (а также многочисленные всадники и /пешие/ странники тоже), if they had tried (если они пытались) to find the lost ways across (отыскать затерянные пути на ту сторону). The elf-road through the wood (дорога эльфов через лес) which the dwarves had followed (по которой следовали гномы) on the advice of Beorn (по совету Беорна) now came to a doubtful and little used end (теперь оканчивалась у сомнительного и малоиспользуемого конца) at the eastern edge of the forest (у восточного края леса); only the river offered any longer (теперь только река предлагала) a safe way from the skirts of Mirkwood in the North (безопасный путь от опушки Мрачного Леса на Севере; skirt — юбка, подол; край, граница) to the mountain-shadowed plains beyond (к равнинам, лежащим за ними и в тени гор), and the river was guarded (и река охранялась) by the Wood-elves’ king (королем Лесных Эльфов).
recent [ˈri: s (ǝ) nt] earthquake [ˈǝ: Ɵkweɪk] attribute [ǝˈtrɪbju: t] ominous [ˈɔmɪnǝs]
Those lands had changed much since the days when dwarves dwelt in the Mountain, days which most people now remembered only as a very shadowy tradition. They had changed even in recent years, and since the last news that Gandalf had had of them. Great floods and rains had swollen the waters that flowed east; and there had been an earthquake or two (which some were inclined to attribute to the dragon — alluding to him chiefly with a curse and an ominous nod in the direction of the Mountain). The marshes and bogs had spread wider and wider on either side. Paths had vanished, and many a rider and wanderer too, if they had tried to find the lost ways across. The elf-road through the wood which the dwarves had followed on the advice of Beorn now came to a doubtful and little used end at the eastern edge of the forest; only the river offered any longer a safe way from the skirts of Mirkwood in the North to the mountain-shadowed plains beyond, and the river was guarded by the Wood-elves’ king.
So you see (так что вы видите) Bilbo had come in the end (что Бильбо, в конце концов, пришел) by the only road (по единственной дороге) that was any good (которая была более-менее хорошей). It might have been some comfort to Mr. Baggins (для мистера Бэггинса могло бы стать некоторым утешением) shivering on the barrels (пока он дрожал на бочках), if he had known (если бы он знал) that news of this had reached Gandalf far away (что новости об этом достигли Гэндальфа, /который был/ очень далеко) and given him great anxiety (и заставили его сильно тревожится), and that he was in fact (и что он, на самом-то деле) finishing his other business (заканчивал свое другое дело) (which does not come into this tale (которое не входит в эту историю)) and getting ready to come in search of Thorin’s company (и готовился уже приступить к поискам Торина и его компании). But Bilbo did not know it (но Бильбо этого не знал).
anxiety [æŋˈzaɪǝtɪ] search [sǝ: tʃ]
So you see Bilbo had come in the end by the only road that was any good. It might have been some comfort to Mr. Baggins shivering on the barrels, if he had known that news of this had reached Gandalf far away and given him great anxiety, and that he was in fact finishing his other business (which does not come into this tale) and getting ready to come in search of Thorin’s company. But Bilbo did not know it.
All he knew was (все что он знал, так это то: «было») that the river seemed to go on and on and on for ever (что река, казалось, продолжалась и продолжалась и продолжалась бесконечно), and he was hungry (и что он был голоден), and had a nasty cold in the nose (и что у него был отвратительный насморк /в носу/; cold — холод, стужа; простуда), and did not like the way (и ему не нравилось то, каким образом) the Mountain seemed to frown at him (Гора, казалось, хмуро смотрела на него) and threaten him (и угрожала ему) as it drew ever nearer (когда она все приближалась). After a while, however (спустя какое-то время, однако), the river took a more southerly course (река потекла на юг: «река приняла более южное направление») and the Mountain receded again (и Гора снова удалилась; to recede — отступать, пятиться, ретироваться), and at last (и, наконец), late in the day (уже поздно днем) the shores grew rocky (берега стали скалистыми), the river gathered all its wandering waters together (и река собрала все свои блуждающие воды вместе) into a deep and rapid flood (и глубокий и быстрый поток; flood — наводнение, разлив, потоп) , and they swept along at great speed (и они понеслись на огромной скорости; to sweep (swept) along — нестись, мчаться, рваться).
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