Реформация. История европейской цивилизации от Виклифа до Кальвина: 1300—1564 гг. - Уильям Джеймс Дюрант
4. Camb. Mod. Hy, I, 10, 16.
1. Thompson, Economic and Social History, 349, 422, 449.
2. Michelet, III, 348; Camb. Mod. Hy, I, 651; Belloc, How the Reformation Happened, 69.
3. Chapman, C. E., History of Spain, 139, 163.
4. Ibid., 216.
5. Burke, U. R., History of Spain, I, 404; Prescott, Ferdinand and Isabella, I, 338; Lea, Inquisition in Spain, I, 16.
6. Carpenter, Ed., Pagan and Christian Creeds, 25.
7. Graetz, Hy of the Jews, IV, 77.
8. Lea, op. cit., I, 64.
9. Graetz, IV, 79-84.
10. Michelet, vi, 4.
11. Roth C., Hy of the Marranos, 28.
12. Lea, Inquisition in Spain, I, 120.
13. Graetz, IV, 566.
14. Ibn Batuta, Travels, 315.
15. Ameer Ali, S., Short History of the Saracens, 570.
16. In Chapman, Hy of Spain, 200.
17. Pedraza in Prescott, Ferdinand and Isabella, I, 314.
18. Lane-Poole, The Moors in Spain, 232.
19. Ibid., 267.
20. Prescott, Ferdinand, I, 169.
21. Cf. Lea, Inquisition in Spain, I, 560-6.
22. Prescott, II, 340, note 46.
23. Lea, Spain, IV, 362.
24. Guizot, Hy of France, II, 564.
25. Letter to Fr. Vettori in Machiavelli, Hy of Florence, Appendix, p. 498; cf. The Prince, ch. xxi.
26. Guicciardini, History, IV, 108.
27. Hefele, K., Cardinal Ximenes, 40-4.
28. Graetz, IV, 315.
29. Lea, Spain, II, 511-13.
30. Ibid., III, 2; Ellis, H., Soul of Spain, 42.
31. Lea, Spain, I, 268, 100, 193; II, 323, 385.
32. Ibid., I, 235.
33. Ibid., I, 233-6; Pastor, IV, 400.
34. Lea, I, 178; II, 104-9, 401 f.; III, 184; Lacroix, P., Military and Religious Life in the Middle Ages, 433.
35. Graetz, IV, 313.
36. Lea, Spain, IV, 517.
37. Ibid.
38. Beginning of Psalm CXIV in the Vulgate translation.
39. Lea, Spain, I, 133.
40. Ibid.
41. Ibid., I, 134.
42. Prescott, Ferdinand, I, 514.
43. Graetz, IV, 391.
44. Ibid., 369.
45. Ibid., 370.
46. Ibid., 371; Abbott, Israel in Europe, 167.
47. Graetz, IV, 372.
48. Ibid., 376.
49. Marcus, The Jew in the Medieval World, 56-9.
50. Dozy, Spanish Islam, 268.
51. Arnold, T. W., The Preaching of Islam, 143.
52. Lea, Spain, III, 325.
53. Lane-Poole, Moors in Spain, 279.
54. Coulton, Inquisition and Liberty, 315.
55. Vacandard, The Inquisition, 198.
56. Santos y Olivera, La cathedral de Sevilla, 8.
57. Calvert, Moorish Remains in Spain, 383.
58. Post, C. R., History of Spanish Painting, VIII-2, 705.
59. In Ticknor, Hy of Spanish Literature, I, 227.
60. Prescott, Ferdinand, II, 448-9.
61. Ibid., 327.
62. Ibid., 332.
1. France, A., Joan of Arc, II, 17.
2. Lacroix, Prostitution, II, 1040 f.
3. Thorndike, Lynn, History of Magic and Experimental Science, III, 18.
4. Lacroix, Science and Literature in the Middle Ages, 187.
5. Thorndike, III, 520.
6. Sarton, III-2, 1246.
7. Coulton, Social Life, 505.
8. Singer, C., Studies in the History and Method of Science, 191.
9. Lea, Inquisition in the Middle Ages, III, 461-5; Jusserand, English Wayfaring Life, 333.
10. Smith, P., Age of the Reformation, 655.
11. Sanger, Prostitution, 104.
12. Lea, Inquisition in the Middle Ages, III, 519.
13. Ibid., 543.
14. Sprenger, Malleus malefic arum, in Ibid., 502.
15. Michelet, III, 36.
16. Lea, Middle Ages, III, 549.
17. Cf. Thorndike, IV, ch. LI.
18. Id., III, II.
19. III, 30, 33.
20. 454.
21. 398-469.
22. Jusserand, Wayfaring Life, 328.
23. Abram, English Life and Manners, 205.
24. In Seebohm, Oxford Reformers, 211.
25. Paston Letters, 1,117.
26. De Wulf, Hy of Med. Philosophy, II, 168.
27. Thorndike, Science and Thought in the Fifteenth Century, 254.
28. Cambridge Hy of Poland, I, 274.
29. Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 117.
30. Duhem, Études sur Léonard de Vinci, III, 388.
31. Gilson, La philosophie au Moyen Age, II, 388.
32. Kesten, Copernicus, 91.
33. Penrose, Travel and Discovery in the Renaissance, 19,
34. In Morison, S. E., Admiral of the Ocean Sea, 93.
35. Thorndike, IV, 102.
36. Ibid., 108.
37. Gilson, La philosophie au Moyen Age, II, 129; Sarton, III-i, 543-4; Duhem, III, chs. IX-X.
38. Ibid., 181 f.
39. Sarton, III-2, 1429-31.
40. Thompson, Social and Economic History, 503.
41. Usher, A. P., Hy of Mechanical Inventions, 127.
42. Lacroix, Science and Literature in the Middle Ages, 186.
43. Thorndike, III, 483.
44. Walsh, J. J., The Popes and Science, 79.
45. Froissart, iv, 51.
46. In Sarton, III-1, 870.
47. Castiglioni, Hy of Medicine, 381.
48. Coulton, Social Life, 330.
49. Ashley, Introd. to English Economic Hy, II, 318.
50. Lecky, Hy of European Morals, II, 86.
51. Ibid.
52. Beard, C., Luther, 56.
53. De Wulf, Hy of Med. Philosophy, II, 172.
54. Ockham, Super IV Lib. Sentent., 1, 27, 2, K, in Tornay, Ockham, 9.
55. Summa totius logicae, I, 12, in Tornay, 9-
56. Thomas Aquinas, Summa theologica, I, ii, 3.
57. Ockham, Super IV Lib. Sentent., IV, 12, K, in Tornay, 119.
58. Ibid., I, ii, 6, in Owen, Evenings with the Skeptics, II, 375.
59. Ibid., I, iii, 2. in Owen, II, 378.
60. Tornay, 63.
61. Gilson, Philosophie au Moyen Age, II, 104; Tornay, 58, 191-2.
62. Tornay, 186; Owen, II, 377.
63. De Wulf, Med. Philosophy, II, 184; Crump and Jacob, Legacy of the Middle Ages, 251.
64. Owen, II, 392,
65. Gilson, Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages, 86.
66. Ockham, Centiloquium theologicum, ix, in Owen, II, 395.
67. Owen, II, 386.
68. Ibid., 396, 399.
69. Allen, J. W., Hy of Political Thought in the Sixteenth Century, 124.
70. Beer, Social Struggles in the Middle Ages, 112; Tornay, 81.
71. Carlyle, R. W., Medieval Political Theory, VI, 44.
72. De Wulf, Med. Philosophy, II, 187.
73. Jacobs, E. F., in History, XVI, no. 63, p. 218.
74. Rashdall, Universities of Europe in the Middle Ages, III, 265.
75. Owen, II, 410.
76. Duhem, Etudes, in Tornay, 51, 165.
77. Cunningham, W., Growth