Реформация. История европейской цивилизации от Виклифа до Кальвина: 1300—1564 гг. - Уильям Джеймс Дюрант
8. Bacon, Works, VI, 240.
9. Coulton, Medieval Village, 136.
10. More, Utopia, 175.
11. Coulton, Social Life in Britain, 321.
12. Rogers, Six Centuries of Work and Wages, 73; Schoenhof, History of Money and Prices, 311-2.
13. From Sir E. Dudley, Tree of the Commonwealth (1509), in Coulton, Social Life in Britain, 354.
14. Green, J. R., Short History of the English People, II, 568; Mrs. Green, Town Life, II, 70.
15. Camb. Med. Hy, VIII, 441-2.
16. Ibid.
17. Holinshed, iii, 632.
18. Ibid., 636.
19. Coulton, Social Life, 37.
20. Lounsbury, II, 346; Wright, Homes of Other Days, 429.
21. Paston Letters, I, 70.
22. Holinshed, iii, 508.
23. Cf. Percy’s Reliques, II, 88 f.
24. Salzman, 230.
25. Mrs. Green, Town Life, I, 212-5; Coulton, Chaucer, 200.
26. Camb. Med. Hy, VIII, 365.
27. In Coulton, Medieval Panorama, 304.
28. Sarton, III-i, 158.
29. Wright, Homes, 379.
30. Hammerton, Universal History, VI, 3443.
31. Hearnshaw, Social and Political Ideas of... the Renaissance and the Reformation, 75.
32. Chaucer, Parson’s Tale, lines 415-30.
33. Stubbs, III, 288.
34. Hearnshaw, op. cit., 82.
35. Coulton, Medieval Panorama, 126.
36. Id., Black Death, 112.
37. Catholic Encyclopedia, X, 334; Sarton III-2, 1046; Trevelyan, England in the Age of Wycliffe, 179, 317, 321, 327.
38. Coulton, Medieval Panorama, 490,
39. Trevelyan, Wycliffe, 334.
40. Shakespeare, 2 Henry IV, Epilogue.
41. Cath. Encyc., X, 335.
42. Trevelyan, Wycliffe, 347-9.
43. In Sellery, Renaissance, 207.
44. Jusserand, English Wayfaring, 192.
45. Mantle, Burns, and Gassner, A Treasury of the Theater, 1345.
46. Putnam, G. H., Books and Their Makers during the Middle Ages, II, 104.
47. Kittredge, G. L., Harvard Studies ....in Philology and Literature, II, 87 f.
48. Malory, Morte d’Arthur, iii, 15.
49. Ibid., x, 5.
50. Paston Letters, I, 81.
51. Gasquet, Eve of the Reformation, 220.
52. Einstein, Lewis, Italian Renaissance in England, 36.
53. Ibid., 38.
54. Smith, P., Erasmus, 95-6.
55. Seebohm, The Oxford Reformers, 70-1, 74-6, 110.
1. Blok, History... of the Netherlands, II, 289.
2. Pirenne, Histoire de Belgique, II, 471; Michelet, x, 4; Blok, II, 289.
3. Pirenne, Histoire, II, 471.
4. Huizinga, 289.
5. Ibid., 203.
6. Hastings’ Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics, II, 843a.
7. Janssen, History of the German People, I, 88.
8. Kempis, Thomas à, Imitation of Christ, i, 1, 3, 10, 22, 9, 20.
9. In Michelet, xii, 2.
10. Baldass, Jan van Eyck, 273.
11. Cheney, World History of Art, 623.
12. Conway, The Van Eycks and Their Followers, 141.
13. Comines, Memoirs, v, 9; Freeman, E. A., Historical Essays, 338.
14. Comines, ii, 3-4; Michelet, xv, 2-4.
15. Conway, 185.
16. Ibid., 194.
17. Baedeker, Belgique et Hollande, 129.
18. Baldass, Memling, 148.
19. Isaiah, xl, 6.
1. Boissonade, 285.
2. Rickard, Man and Metals, II, 525.
3. Boissonade, 325.
4. Camb. Med. Hy, VII, 736 f.
5. Beard, Miriam, History of the Business Man, 63.
6. Headlam, Nuremberg, 32.
7. Thompson, Later Middle Ages, 402.
8. Janssen, IV, 132-6.
9. Freeman, Historical Essays, 360.
10. Gregorovius, History of the City of Rome in the Middle Ages, VI, 116; Camb. Med. Hy, VII, 120, 283 f.
11. Emerton, 66.
12. Gregorovious, VI, 151.
13. Emerton, 17; Ueberweg, History of Philosophy, 1,462; Owen, Evenings with the Skeptics, II, 357.
14. Camb. Med. Hy, VII, 130-1.
15. Camb. Mod. Hy, II, 602.
16. Lea, Sacerdotal Celibacy, 395.
17. Pastor, II, 48.
18. Kautsky, 102-3.
19. In Inge, Christian Mysticism, 160; James, Wm., Varieties of Religious Experience, 417; Huizinga, 203.
20. In Francke, History of German Literature, no.
21. De Wulf, Philosophy and Civilization in the Middle Ages, 294-7; Id., History of Medieval Philosophy, II, 130; Coulton, Medieval Panorama, 522.
22. Inge, 162.
23. Coulton, Medieval Scene, 126.
24. Headlam, Nuremberg, 29.
25. Cheney, History of Art, 665.
26. In Walsh, J. J., Thirteenth, Greatest of Centuries, 158.
27. As supposed by Carter, Invention of Printing in China, 24.
28. Sarton, III-i, 830.
29. Putnam, Books, I, 352-6.
30. En. Brit., XI, 12 c.
31. Putnam, Books, I, 359.
32. Janssen, I, 19.
1. Lützow, Bohemia, 59.
2. Ibid., 68.
3. Milman, VII, 487.
4. Kautsky, 46.
5. Huss, De Ecclesta, 114.
6. Ibid., 3, 16 f.
7. Ibid., xvi, 127.
8. 220-1.
9. Kautsky, 47.
10. In Creighton, History of the Papacy, I, 359.
11. Kautsky, 48.
12. Bax, German Society at the Close of the Middle Ages, 43.
13. Kautsky, 58 f.
14. Nosek, Spirit of Bohemia, 76 f.
15. Kautsky, 61-4.
16. Creighton, Papacy, II, 471; Reynaud, Unite or Perish, 185.
17. Burton, The Jew, the Gypsy, and Islam, 123.
18. Lewinski, Political History of Poland, 58.
1. Vasiliev, History of the Byzantine Empire, II, 395.
2. Ibid., 388.
3. 419.
4. In Diehl, C., Manuel d’art Byzantin, 761.
5. Gibbons, H. A., Foundation of the Ottoman Empire, 134.
6. Camb. Med. Hy, IV, 546.
7. Lane-Poole, Story of Turkey, 52.
8. Froissart, iv, 90.
9. Gibbons, H. A., Foundation, 132.
10. Camb. Med. Hy, IV, 620 f.
11. Ibid.
12. Ibid., 693; Pastor, II, 252.
13. The remainder of this section follows the incomparable narrative of Gibbon, Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, ch. lxviii.
14. Voltaire, Essai sur les moeurs, in Works, XIV-I, 297.
15. Camb. Med. Hy, IV, 691.
16. Gibb, Ottoman Literature, 203.
17. Sismondi, History of the Italian Republics, 630.
18. Janssen, II, 198.
19. Vambéry, Story of Hungary, 221.
20. Ibid., 23.
21. Réau, L’art russe, I, 235; Riedl, F., History of Hungarian Literature, 27.
22. Domanovsky, S., Magyar Muvelodestortenet, I, 160.
23. Szoni, Regi Magyar Templomok, 203.
24. Cf. Divald, Old Hungarian Art, figs. 123, 145.
25. Riedl, 34.
26. Nekam, Cultural Aspirations of Hungary, 88.
27. Vambéry, 251.
28. Riedi, 28-9.
29. Vambéry, 272-5.
1. Camoes, Lusiads, iii, 132.
2. Camb. Mod. Hy, I, 12.