Жизнь в средневековой деревне - Фрэнсис Гис
258 Wood. Op. cit. P. 368–374.
259 E.M.R. P. 12, 62, 78, 133, 209.
260 Duby. Op. cit. P. 65.
261 Miller, Hatcher. Op. cit. P. 164.
262 Hallam. Op. cit. P. 830, 838.
263 Howell Cecily. Land, Family, and Inheritance in Transition. Cambridge, 1983. P. 164–165; Astill. Fields // The Countryside of Medieval England. P. 118.
264 Косминский. Указ. соч. С. 298.
265 Miller, Hatcher. Op. cit. P. 147–148; Bennett H. S. Life on the English Manor. A Study of Peasant Conditions, 1150–1400. Cambridge, 1960 (first pub. in 1937). P. 95; Hallam. Op. cit. P. 824; Titow J. Z. English Rural Society, 1200–1350. London, 1969. P. 79; Howell. Op. cit. P. 159.
266 Mollat Michel. The Poor in the Middle Ages, an Essay in Social History / Trans. Arthur Goldhammer. New Haven, 1986. P. 194–195.
267 MacConglinne Anear. The Vision of Viands // The Portable Medieval Reader / Ed. James Bruce Ross, Mary Martin McLaughlin. New York, 1966. P. 497–499.
268 Gower John. Miroir de I’Omme, II, lines 450–460 // Complete Works of John Gower / Ed. G. C. Macaulay. Oxford, 1899–1902. Vol. 1. P. 293.
269 E.M.R. P. 47.
270 Langland William. Piers Plowman’s Crede / Ed. W. W. Skeat. London, 1867. P. 16–17.
271 Stow John. Survey of London. London, 1603. P. 92 (перевод описания Лондона XII века, составленного Уильямом Фицстефеном).
272 Homans George C. English Villagers in the Thirteenth Century. P. 358.
273 Bennett. Op. cit. P. 26.
274 E.M.R. P. 172.
275 Homans. English Villagers in the Thirteenth Century. P. 362.
276 Ibid. P. 365.
277 Ibid. P. 368, 370.
278 E.M.R. P. 69.
279 Homans. English Villagers in the Thirteenth Century. P. 372.
280 E.M.R. P. 172.
281 Manning Robert. Handlyng Synne / Ed. Idelle Sullens. Binghamton; New York, 1983. P. 224.
282 Owst. Op. cit. P. 362.
283 Bedfordshire Coroners’ Rolls. P. 97–98.
284 Hanawalt. Op. cit. P. 44, 60.
285 Bedfordshire Coroners’ Rolls. P. 2–3.
286 Ibid. P. 55–57.
287 Ibid. P. 108.
288 Ibid. P. 51.
289 Ibid. P. 71–72.
290 Ibid. P. XXIII.
291 Ibid. P. 7.
292 Ibid. P. 12–13.
293 Ibid. P. 116.
Глава VI. Брак и семья
294 Gies Joseph, Gies Frances. Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages. New York, 1987. P. 157–177.
295 Miller, Hatcher. Op. cit. P. 138.
296 Harvey P. D. A. A Medieval Oxfordshire Village: Cuxham, 1240 to 1400. Oxford, 1965. P. 124.
297 Faith Rosamond Jane. Peasant Families and Inheritance Customs in Medieval England // Agricultural History Review. № 4 (1966). P. 91.
298 Ibid. P. 86–87.
299 E.M.R. P. 208.
300 Court Roll of Chalgrave Manor / Ed. Marian K. Dale. Bedfordshire Historical Record Society, 1950. Vol. XXVIII. P. 10.
301 E.M.R. P. 56, 68, 70.
302 Ibid. P. 392.
303 Ibid. P. 313.
304 Ibid. P. 84–85, 264, 317.
305 Ibid. P. 313.
306 Cart. Rames. Vol. 1. P. 416.
307 Ibid. Vol. 1. P. 294, 306, 320, 330, 352.
308 Ibid. Vol. 1. P. 359, 384.
309 Court Roll of Chalgrave Manor. P. 9.
310 Trow-Smith. Op. cit. P. 100–101.
311 Britton. Op. cit. P. 59–64.
312 De Windt A. Op. cit. P. 151–153.
313 Duby. Op. cit. P. 284.
314 E.M.R. P. 96.
315 Ibid. P. 261.
316 Ibid. P. 5.
317 Searle Eleanor. Seigneurial Control of Women’s Marriage: The Antecedents and Function of Merchet in England // Past and Present. № 82 (1979). P. 3–43; Searle Eleanor. Freedom and Marriage in Medieval England: An Alternative Hypothesis // Economic History Review. 2nd ser. № 29 (1976).
318 E.M.R. P. 28.
319 Ibid. P. 132.
320 Bennett. Medieval Peasant Marriage: An Examination of the Marriage License Fines in Liber Gersumarum // Pathways to Medieval Peasants. P. 195.
321 Ibid. P. 197.
322 Ibid. P. 205–209, 213–214.
323 Ibid. P. 208–209.
324 Cart. Rames. Vol. 1. P. 432.
325 Bennett. Op. cit. P. 200–204.
326 E.M.R. P. 61, 132, 208–209.
327 Gies J., Gies F. Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages. P. 135–141.
328 Langland William. The Vision of Piers Plowman / Ed. A. V. C. Schmidt. London, 1984. Passus IX. Lines 162–165. P. 97.
329 Manning. Op. cit. P. 279.
330 Ibid. P. 277.
331 Owst. Preaching in Medieval England. London, 1926. P. 269.
332 Ibid. P. 269.
333 Cart. Rames. Vol. 1. P. 312.
334 Gies J., Gies F. Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages. P. 242–245, 299–300.
335 Manning. Op. cit. P. 211.
336 E.M.R. P. 3.
337 Ibid. P. 132, 146.
338 Ibid. P. 200.
339 Coulton G. G. Medieval Village, Manor, and Monastery. New York, 1960 (first pub. in 1925). P. 477–478.
340 Письмо Дж. Рэфтиса авторам.
341 Britton. Op. cit. P. 34–37.
342 Hanawalt. Op. cit. P. 216.
343 Myrc John. Instructions for Parish Priests / Ed. E. Peacock. London, 1868. P. 18–19.
344 Manning. Op. cit. P. 240–241.
345 Myrc. Op. cit. P. 4–5.
346 Hanawalt. Op. cit. P. 172–173.
347 Ibid. P. 175–179.
348 Bedfordshire Coroners’ Rolls. P. 1.
349 Ibid. P. 51.
350 Ibid. P. 59–60.
351 Ibid. P. 98.
352 Hanawalt Barbara. Childbearing Among the Lower Classes of Late Medieval England // Journal of Interdisciplinary History. № 8 (1977). P. 20–21.
353 Owst. Literature and Pulpit in Medieval England. P. 34–35.
354 Ibid. P. 33–34.
355 Ibid. P. 34.
356 Hanawalt. The Ties That Bound. P. 166–167.
357 Cart. Rames. P. 300–301.
358 Postan M. M., Titow J. Heriots and Prices on Winchester Manors // Economic History Review. 2nd ser. № 11 (1959). P. 392–410; Hanawalt. The Ties That Bound. P. 228–229; Miller, Hatcher. Op. cit. P. VIII, IX.
359 E.M.R. P. 311.
360 Clark Elaine. Some Aspects of Social Security in Medieval England // Journal of Family History. № 7 (1982). P. 307–320.
361 Manning. Op. cit. P. 30–32.
362 Raftis J. A. Tenure and Mobility: Studies in