Вера, Надежда, неЛюбовь… - Виктория Алексеевна Назыбина
And you don’t have to repent –
We won’t be the saints, at the end.
Do not ask for the forgiveness –
We are strong, cos’ know our weakness!..
25.11.18; 14:00-14:20. Иллюстрация авторская: 2016 год.
I’m a Dreamer!..
I’m addicted to this life.
If we could, then would – we’ll fly.
I just want to live “Here-Now”,
But I don’t know, Why and How?
And I just want to live free,
I need the power like a young tree.
I’ll be your Beauty for the Beast,
We should be happy, at the least!
I want to see the shine of stars -
Let’s follow my footsteps to Mars!
Do you know I’m the endless dreamer?
Of course, I will make us believers!
Let’s feel this dream from head to toe,
And turn your fear down low!
Oh, I don’t want you to leave me,
Just like the sane, abandoned me…
You find me down of my knees -
Oh, blow me one your last kiss, please!
If you break your big pink glasses,
What would you do in these cases?..
Our life has magic alternative -
Live in harmony with our native!..
And just surrender your great fate:
May you should be a famous saint?
Remember our talk about the sins -
Will you cross the one line of these lines?
Or you will live your life more calm
to be a non-unusual some?
So just make up your insane mind:
You want to live or you will hide?
You know you can’t hide from yourself,-
We should choose it, by ourselves!..
26.11.18; 16:00-16:30. Иллюстрация авторская: 2016 год.
The confession…
What do you feel in the word “families”?
You know, I feel the “group of enemies”…
You taste this pain within my heart,
But you don’t want to say: “Enough!”
This pain is double, it’s a fact;
Oh, I just want to be apart!
I always hope – you will support,
But you were always doing spot!..
You’ll understand that I was here,
When you can’t take me hug and hear!..
It will be late to say: “Goodbye!” –
I will be the “catcher in the rye”!
You’ll understand you weren’t right,
But I will close my eyes at night…
And, all the same, I really love you;
In spite the dark, I’m coming through…
Y’r rage should be a part of a dust!..
So also you should know – you must
Keep on trying to exchange things,
That your demons want to exist…
You should be someone another –
Don’t let your evil get too rather!..
I’ll give you your one last chance –
And you must feel the family sense;
You will not be a “dirty dancer”,
Cos you will know: Love – is the Answer!!!
26.11.18; 23:10-23:25. Иллюстрация авторская: 2017 год.
My madness World!
You know there’s nothing left to hide,
When you are here and on my side.
And we will keep on fighting
With enemies and with dark blinding!
We’ll survive the hurricane,
But we’ll never be the same.
Oh, I have the one last shell -
I should cure all viral cells!..
You feel the animal reflex,
That’s one of a million side-effects;
You feel that you should to protect
The defenseless, which you reject…
Oh, do you know, it’s not your fault,
That you came to the Heaven’s Vault?
So don’t remember your great fall -
And don’t regret, but just hold on!..
Within me there is the only empty,
I won’t be the one of the saintly;
All I want to do – is weep.
Do you feel, how strong my grieve?
You’ll be crying with me now, -
I will bow my head so low;
But I won’t down of my knees,
And my weakness won’t be vis…
The helpless crying is invisible;
I must be for you invincible.
Oh, you know, my world’s – my kingdom,
I will try to come back home…
I will go through the hardship, -
You won’t see my sunken ship!
Cos I’ll recreate it all:
Welcome to my Madness World!..
27.11.18; 11:30-12:00. Иллюстрация авторская: 2014 год.
I’m alone in empty room,
And I wallow in my gloom;
So I wallow in this grime,
But you know, there is no crime…
On the Edge of Universe
We can make our Multiverse.
And I will raise from the ash;
Can you, darling, feel my rush?..
Inside me I feel the split; -
What do you think about it?
In my soul feel the abyss -
But by whom I was abused?..
You know, I woke my mister Hide,
That’s why I feel I lost my mind…
Doctor Jekyl, give me cure
To I again feel myself pure;
You can give me your great poison,
And my black soul will be frozen;
But because of all my sin, -
Do you know, I’ll never die?..
I’m – one more face in the crowd,
And I’m thinking out loud:
“Do you want to be my angel,
Cos you aren’t for me a stranger?..”
Oh, my dear, you’re so pure,
That your words for me like a cure;
You lifted me for the light