» » » » Вера, Надежда, неЛюбовь… - Виктория Алексеевна Назыбина

Вера, Надежда, неЛюбовь… - Виктория Алексеевна Назыбина

Читать бесплатно Вера, Надежда, неЛюбовь… - Виктория Алексеевна Назыбина. Жанр: Поэзия год 2004. Так же читаем полные версии (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте или прочесть краткое содержание, предисловие (аннотацию), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами (комментариями) о произведении.
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And I always feel your pain -

We will make it fade away…

You don’t have to say those words:

All the same, you feel – I’m yours…

You were like my brother, friend,

We were kids that innocent…

I see Heaven in your eyes -

You can make me go to rise.

And I don’t want to give in -

I must go ahead to win!

I steal the stars for you from sky,

Cos it makes me feel my life.

I would trade the world for you,

Cos I always think of you.

I think about you, anyway:

Whole my night, and whole my day.

And I hope we’ll be together,

I’ll be loving you forever…

We can sing and dance all night:

This is our sense of life.

Can you hear this melody,

that your heart plays for me?

All we have – is ourselves;

Our love’s – the greatest sense!

Just imagine: U and I -

It’s my gates of Paradise!..

07.11.18; 23:30-0:10. Иллюстрация авторская: 2017 год.

Crazy Town

On your palm can see the line;

With your hands you hold me tight;

And this line is tying us,

Oh, you know – we win our hearts!..

We create our Crazy Town

With the biggest city’s tower.

In this town we’re alone,

With our dreams live in common.

In our Kingdom you’re my king -

Bring a gift to me this ring;

Cos I am your crystal queen,

And I know your tragic in

aftermath of our charge -

No one has the right to judge;

We must love that we want it,

Because Love – is the God’s Gift!

Let us not wallow in lies,

And nights will be full of lights!

We’ll kneel non-believers down:

Welcome to our “Crazy” Town!..

(P.S.I’ll be with you from Dusk till Dawn!..)

08.11.18; 18:00-18:30. Иллюстрация авторская: 2016 год.

my Church

Dedicated to my lovely sister, Valery…

I can’t waste my time –

I must cross the line.

Trade my luck for the dime,

Like Tooth Fairy trades the tine.

You may extinguish my torch,

But you’ll never burn my Church;

And you’ll never take my light,

Because it is very bright!

I will never miss my chance;

If I hear a song – I dance.

You will always see my smile:

All the sadness I deny!

You should no give in to fear,

Because you should know, I’m here;

And you know I don’t go back –

You may be behind my back.

We have to go through the occasions –

I control the situations.

Wherever you go, whatever you do –

I will be right here helping you.

In your shadow I can shine,

There I see the violet’s bine.

And on any cloudy day –

We’ll be dancing in the rain.

So forget about your sorrow:

We’re not an actors of the Horror;

Every day’s – as the last day,

Day by day, and Day by day!..

12.11.18; 20:00-20:30. Иллюстрация авторская: май, 2018 год (автопортрет).

Inclined to Run… (Maestro of Blame)

I hate my life…

Do you know, why? -

Cos you’re the Maestro of Lie;

Cos it poisoned my life…


You’re forever in my mind,

All my thoughts are so wide.

I always keep on trying,

But my hands are “tying”…

Do you know I’m so tired,

So my pain can’t be denied…

But you won’t see me cry:

“Pillow-talk” – that’s what I like!..

Crying – is the helpless feeling.

Don’t you think so? Don’t you, really?..

Oh, you’ve never felt my heart,

That was suffering so hard…

You may kill me with a gun -

I’m not inclined to run;

You’ll invade me with an army -

Just blame anything on me…

But I know, I should escape,

To my soul will not be raped!

So forget about your gun -

I am inclined to run!..

15.11.18; 21:10-21:30. Иллюстрация авторская: 2015 год.


Please, just don’t forget my name -

Yours 4ever in my sane;

And for now you see me cry -

I’ll tell you about the Sin…

If you never feel the sun -

It’s the sin of number one;

And the sin of number two -

It’s the dark what’s going through;

When you prefer the dream to real -

It’s the sin of number three;

In your soul can see a fog -

It’s the sin of number four;

When you run on blade of a knife -

It’s the sin of number five;

And the sin of number six -

It’s due to the insane risk;

When you hear the Cry of Raven -

It’s the sin of number seven!

The Despondency’s – the Sin;

Oh, my dear, it is Mine!

Just look at the road snow,

That’s like the desolation row;

The black spots are on the Sun -

So forget about your sin…


If you ever felt confused,

By someone you were abused,

Or, perhaps, you could be used –

Don’t regret about your loss!

We will name it as a Life,

And you know, life’s full of Sin.

So forget about this -

You will feel

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