» » » » Вера, Надежда, неЛюбовь… - Виктория Алексеевна Назыбина

Вера, Надежда, неЛюбовь… - Виктория Алексеевна Назыбина

Читать бесплатно Вера, Надежда, неЛюбовь… - Виктория Алексеевна Назыбина. Жанр: Поэзия год 2004. Так же читаем полные версии (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте или прочесть краткое содержание, предисловие (аннотацию), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами (комментариями) о произведении.
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Let's keep the heart crystality!..

I don't consider myself a humanist.

In something with Him I accurately resembles:

Dull eyes, pale skin, our suffering’s endless,

I want to (but I can't) become a humorist…

Because of Him I’m saddened, upset;

I wrote a poem – I couldn't think anymore.

Some1 who didn’t understand Him – is just a complete moron…

I can't smile again, I haven't tuned in it yet…

(18:05-18:45; 22.10.19.)



Heaven with U

Heaven with you, I believe I can fly,

And just want to say that I love you.

Heaven with you, and black cloud turns to light,

You know, I come here only for you.

Heaven with you, I should make up my mind,

Oh dear, I’m turning into you!

Heaven with you, and what else can I find?

The sense of my life I feel in you.

Heaven with you, and your nightmares will hide, -

Don’t fear them, because I will save you!

Heaven with you, and, you know, diamond sky,

My darling, for you turns to blue.

Heaven with you, and when all is inside, -

Don’t keep on pretending and open your eyes!

Heaven with you, and your dreams come alive.

Which one of these dreams do you like?

Heaven – with you, lifes – without the sin!

Imagine this dream: U and I…

28.10.18; 21:30-22:00. Иллюстрация авторская: 2017 год.

Примечания от автора: данное стихотворение – моё самое первое, написанное на английском языке.

С этой работы и далее слово «грех» – в оригинале на языке «sin», читается не по правилам произношения, т.е. не как «син», а как «сайн» для обеспечения рифмы.

The Slave

The night is full of horror,

But you are looking forward.

The evil is inside -

You have nowhere to hide!

And you don’t have to mind,

How you should live your life…

You think that you are fearless,

But, all the same, it’s illness;

You know you’re in the chains,

So live without an aims.

And you create your world,

That’s plated with the gold;

And you can’t leave your cage.

What’s happened at back stage?

You feel yourself so strange

To realize your rage…

What you see in the mirror?-

The person, but not hero!

Awake and don’t afraid -

Do what you should’ve been made!..

You’re running after thrill,

That you will never feel.

And you so love to serve –

Your back become a curve!..

This night is innocent -

And you are confident.

You know you’ve got a force,

But feel yourself “Dark Horse”;

And you’ve got the “dark gift”,

So you’re trying to lift…

You want to get the glory,

But getting amatory,

You understand your “fame”

is burning on the flame…

You may be what you want to be,

But tonight belongs to me!..

01.11.2018, 21:00-21:40. Иллюстрация авторская: 2015 год.

Talking about the Night (the 2nd Part of the “Slave”)

…the Spirit follows on -

Your sane secretes poison…

The souls/thoughts are poisoned by a venom -

What would you do with them all?..

It sounds as a rave:

“You won’t have the stone’s grave!”

Don’t wait for the God’s Grace -

You feel the death embrace…

You live in Pandemonium,

You’re poisoned with an ammonium,

And feel the thanatomorphose -

Life is not a bed of rose!..

You’re acting like the living dead,

So on this way just go ahead!..

The Tales aren’t believed by adults -

It’s the sault in your wounds…


Your vampire’s empire

I see on the fire;

And it’s my blame -

You can deny me…

All the Hell’s creatures

Lost in their features;

So you become their Slave,

And you can’t go away…

You’re serving obsessed with,

Cos I’m a little witch…

These ghosts you haunted by,

Can’t let you fly so high,-

So you become MY Slave -

That is the price you pay…

Will you surrender my will,

Cos I can do anything?

01.11.18; 21:40-22:00. Иллюстрация авторская: 2015 год.

Without U

You know this world is colored grey;

And all my thoughts are far away;

I’m drowning in your ocean’s wave;

But I can’t let you step away…

I see the light behind your eyes,

It’s so bright for a thousand miles!

I would trade this world for you,

Cos I can’t live without you…

We would make the ring of hands;

Our souls are strings of base.

In my dreams – there’s only you;

I love my life because of you…

But I heard your world’s – a mess;

You should live with no regrets;

Misery loves a little company -

You can take your pain off me…

P.S.We are what we want to be;

And your love belongs to me -

Anymore I’m not without you,

But I always think about you…

06.11.18; 18:20-18:40. Иллюстрация авторская: 2013 год.

My Paradise

You may hide me within you:

All the same, I see through you.

Do you know, I’d live for you?

And, of course, I’d die for you…

I just want to hold you tight,

That makes me see your eyes’

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