Английская поэзия XIV–XX веков в современных русских переводах - Антология
There is but One who ne’er rebell’d
But One by passion unimpell’d,
By pleasures unintice’t;
He from himself his semblance sent,
Grand object of his own content,
And saw the God in CHRIST.
Tell them I am, JEHOVA said
To MOSES; while earth heard in dread,
And smitten to the heart,
At once above, beneath, around,
All nature, without voice or sound,
Replied, O Lord, THOU ART.
Thou art-to give and to confirm,
For each his talent and his term;
All flesh thy bounties share:
Thou shalt not call thy brother fool;
The porches of the Christian school
Are meekness, peace, and pray’r.
Open, and naked of offence,
Man’s made of mercy, soul, and sense;
God arm’d the snail and wilk;
Be good to him that pulls thy plough;
Due food and care, due rest, allow
For her that yields thee milk.
Rise up before the hoary head,
And God’s benign commandment dread,
Which says thou shalt not die:
"Not as I will, but as thou wilt,"
Pray’d He whose conscience knew no guilt;
With whose bless’d pattern vie.
Use all thy passions! — love is thine,
And joy, and jealousy divine;
Thine hope’s eternal fort,
And care thy leisure to disturb,
With fear concupiscence to curb,
And rapture to transport.
Act simply, as occasion asks;
Put mellow wine in season’d casks;
Till not with ass and bull:
Remember thy baptismal bond;
Keep from commixtures foul and fond,
Nor work thy flax with wool.
Distribute: pay the Lord his tithe,
And make the widow’s heart-strings blithe;
Resort with those that weep:
As you from all and each expect,
For all and each thy love direct,
And render as you reap.
The slander and its bearer spurn,
And propagating praise sojourn
To make thy welcome last;
Turn from Old Adam to the New;
By hope futurity pursue;
Look upwards to the past.
Controul thine eye, salute success,
Hounour the wiser, happier bless,
And for thy neighbour feel;
Grutch not of mammon and his leaven,
Work emulation up to heaven
By knowledge and by zeal.
O DAVID, highest in the list
Of worthies, On God’s ways insist,
The genuine words repeat:
Vain are the documents of men,
And vain the flourish of the pen
That keeps the fool’s conceit.
PRAISE above all-for praise prevails;
Heap up the measure, load the scales,
And good to goodness add:
The gen’rous soul her saviour aids,
But peevish obloquy degrades;
The Lord is great and glad.
For ADORATION all the ranks
Of angels yield eternal thanks,
And DAVID in the midst;
With God’s good poor, which, last and least
In man’s esteem, thou to thy feast,
O blessed bride-groom, bidst.
For ADORATION seasons change,
And order, truth, and beauty range,
Adjust, attract, and fill:
The grass the polyanthus cheques;
And polish’d porphyry reflects,
By the descending rill.
Rich almonds colour to the prime
For ADORATION; tendrils climb,
And fruit-trees pledge their gems;
And Ivis with her gorgeous vest
Builds for her eggs her cunning nest,
And bell-flowers bow their stems.
With vinous syrup cedars sprout;
From rocks pure honey gushing out,
For ADORATION springs:
All scene of painting croud the map
Of nature; to the mermaid’s pap
The scaled infant clings.
The spotted ounce and playsome cubs
Run rustling ’mongst the flow’ring shrubs,
And lizards feed the moss;
For ADORATION beasts embark,
While waves upholding halcyon’s ark
No longer roar and toss.
While Israel sits beneath his fig,
With coral root and amber sprig
The wean’d advent’rer sports;
Where to the palm the jasmin cleaves,
For ADORATION ’mongst the leaves
The gale his peace reports.
Increasing days their reign exalt,
Nor in the pink and mottled vault
Th’opposing spirits tilt;
And, by the coasting reader spied,
The silverlings and crusions glide,
For ADORATION rip’ning canes
And cocoa’s purest milk detains
The western pilgrim’s staff;
Where rain in clasping boughs inclos’d,
And vines with oranges dispose’d,
Embow’r the social laugh.
Now labour his reward receives,
For ADORATION counts his sheaves
To peace, her bounteous prince;
The nectarine his strong tint imbibes,
And apples of ten thousand tribes,
And quick peculiar quince.
The wealthy crops of whit’ning rice,
Mongst thyine woods and groves of spice,
And, marshall’d in the fenced land,
The peaches and pomegranates stand,
Where wild carnations blow.
The laurels with the winter strive;
The crocus burnishes alive
Upon the snow-clad earth: