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Английская поэзия XIV–XX веков в современных русских переводах - Антология

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for all the thorns that pierce,

For all the pangs that rage;

Blest light, still gaining on the gloom,

The more than Michael of his bloom,

Th’ Abishag of his age.


He sung of God-the mighty source

Of all things-the stupendous force

On which all strength depends;

From whose right arm, beneath whose eyes,

All period, pow’r, and enterprize

Commences, reigns, and ends.


Angels-their ministry and meed,

Which to and fro with blessings speed,

Or with their citterns wait;

Where Michael with his millions bows,

Where dwells the seraph and his spouse,

The cherub and her mate.


Of man-the semblance and effect

Of God and Love-the Saint elect

For infinite applause —

To rule the land, and briny broad,

To be laborious in his laud,

And heroes in his cause.


The world-the clustring spheres he made,

The glorious light, the soothing shade,

Dale, champaign, grove, and hill;

The multitudinous abyss,

Where secrecy remains in bliss,

And wisdom hides her skill.


Trees, plants, and flow’rs-of virtuous root;

Gem yielding blossom, yielding fruit,

Choice gums and precious balm;

Bless ye the nosegay in the vale,

And with the sweetners of the gale

Enrich the thankful psalm.


Of fowl-e’en ev’ry beak and wing

Which chear the winter, hail the spring,

That live in peace or prey;

They that make music, or that mock,

The quail, the brave domestic cock,

The raven, swan, and jay.


Of fishes-ev-ry size and shape,

Which nature frames of light escape,

Devouring man to shun:

The shells are in the wealthy deep,

The shoals upon the surface leap,

And love the glancing sun.


Of beasts-the beaver plods his task;

While the sleek tygers roll and bask,

Nor yet the shades arouse:

Her cave the mining coney scoops;

Where o’er the mead the mountain stoops,

The kids exult and brouse.


Of gems-their virtue and their price,

Which hid in earth from man’s device,

Their darts of lustre sheathe;

The jasper of the master’s stamp,

The topaz blazing like a lamp

Among the mines beneath.


Blest was the tenderness he felt

When to his graceful harp he knelt,

And did for audience call;

When satan with his hand he quell’d,

And in serene suspence he held

The frantic throes of Saul.


His furious foes no more malign’d

As he such melody divin’d,

And sense and soul detain’d;

Now strinking strong, now soothing soft,

He sent the godly sounds aloft,

Or in delight refrain’d.


When up to heav’n his thoughts he pil’d,

From fervent lips fair Michal smil’d,

As blush to to blush she stood;

And chose herself the queen, and gave

Her utmost from her heart, "so brave,

"And plays his hymns so good."


The pillars of the Lord are seven,

Which stand from earth to topmost heav’n;

His wisdom drew the plan;

His WORD accomplish’d the design,

From brightest gem to deepest mine,

From CHRIST enthron’d to man.


Alpha, the cause of causes, first

In station, fountain, whence the burst

Of light, and blaze of day;

Whence bold attempt, and brave advance,

Have motion, life, and ordinance,

And heav’n itself its stay.


Gamma supports the glorious arch

On which angelic legions march,

And is with sapphires pav’d;

Thence the fleet clouds are sent adrift,

And thence the painted folds, that lift

The crimson veil, are wav’d.


Eta with living sculpture breathes,

With verdant carvings, flow’ry wreathes

Of never-wasting bloom;

In strong relief his goodly base

All instruments of labour grace,

The trowel, spade, and loom.


Next Theta stands to the Supreme —

Who form’d, in number, sign, and scheme,

Th’illustrious lights that are;

And one address’d his saffron robe,

And one, clad in a silver globe,

Held rule with ev’ry star.


Iota’s tun’d to choral hymns

Of those that fly, while he that swims

In thankful safety lurks;

And foot, and chapitre, and niche,

The various histories enrich

Of God’s recorded works.


Sigma presents the social droves,

With him that solitary roves,

And man of all the chief;

Fair on whose face, and stately frame,

Did God impress his hallow’d name,

For ocular belief.



Stands sacred to the day of rest,

For gratitude and thought;

Which bless’d the world upon his pole,

And gave the universe his goal,

And clos’d th’infernal draught.


O DAVID, scholar of the Lord!

Such is thy science, whence reward

And infinite degree;

O strength, O sweetness, lasting ripe!

God’s harp thy symbol and thy type

The lion and the bee!


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