Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков
Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 64.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. P. 63; Colonel Bilingsley to the Earl of Melvill. Barwick, 19 July 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 472; The Earl of Melville to the King. July 6, [1690]//Ibid. P. 463–464.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1. P. 65.
Countess of Dorchester to the Earl of Nottingam. [(?) 1690]//RMLAGF. Vol. 3. P. 346; The Same to the Same//Ibid. P. 347; The Same to the Same. [(?) 1690, c. July]//Ibid. P. 349–350; The Same to the Same. [(?) 1690 or 1691, c. July]//Ibid. P. 350; The Same to the Same. Sept. 29//Ibid. P. 350–351; The Same to the Same//Ibid. P. 351.
Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 15.
The Case of Henry Neville Payne. [1691, ? October]//RMLAGF. Vol. 3. P. 368–371.
Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 13–14.
Burnet G. History of My Own Time. Vol. 3. P. 86; The Earl of Melvill to the Queen. Edinburgh, July 2,1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 456–457.
Attestation by Mr. Gabriel Cuningham, Mr. Carstares, and Mr. William Dunlop, as to Indemnity to Sir James Motgomery. 26 Jul. 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 478; The Earl of Melville to the King. 6 Jul. 1690//Ibid. P. 464; The Earl of Melville to the Queen. Edinburgh, July 2,1690//Ibid. P. 457; Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 65.
(Copy) The Earl of Melvill to Sir James Montgomery of Skelmorlie. 26 July 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 478–479; The Same to Queen. Edin. 29th July 1690//Ibid. P. 479–481; The Same to the Same. 31 Jul. [1690]//Ibid. P. 481–484.
Burnet G. History of My Own Time. Vol. III. P. 86; Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 66; Queen Mary to King William. Whitehall, July the 20, 1690//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 99.
Ferguson W. Scotland: 1689 to the Present. P. 18.
См. напр.: Lenman B. The Jacobite Cause. P. 29; MacKinnon R. The Jacobite Rebellions. L., 1973. P. 25; Rose C. Op. cit. P. 14.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1. P. 83; Drummond J. Op. cit. P. 295–296; Mr. William Carstares probably to Monsieur D'Alon? — 13 Jul. 1690//Leven and Melvill Papers. P. 469.
Mackay Н. Op. cit. Р. 99–102; Proceedings against Kenneth Earl of Seafort, for High Treason: 9 William III. a.d. 1697. [Now first printed from the records of Justiciary in Edinburgh.]//A Complete Collection of State Trials… Vol. 13. P. 1447–1449.
Lord Nottingham to King William. Whitehall, July 15, 1690//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 61.
Carmarthen to the King. London, 13 June, 1690//Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby and Duke of Leeds, 1632–1712. Vol. 2. P. 163.
Ellis P.B. Op. cit. P. 4, 27, 29; Miller J. James II: a Study of Kingship. P. 228, 231.
Маколей Т.Б. Указ. соч. Ч. 5//Он же. Пол. собр. Соч. Т. 10. С. 239; Ellis Р.В. Op. cit. Р. 30.
CSPD. William III. 1695, and Addenda 1689–1695. P. 158.
Куранты. 1690, 1 февраля//РГАДА. Ф. 155. On. 1. 1690 г. № 10 (ч. 1). Л. 142–143; CSPD. William III. 1695, and Addenda 1689–1695. P. 158; Letter from Mr. Hugh M'Gill to Sir Athur Rawdon. London, 7 April, 1690//Rawdon Papers… P. 316–317.
Ellis P.B. Op. cit. P. 5, 30, 46, 59, 70–71, 79.
Bellingham T. Op. cit. P. 123.
Burnet G. Bishop Burnets History of His Own Time. Vol. 3. P. 69; News from the army in Ireland, 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 460.
Burnet G. Bishop Burnets History of His Own Time. Vol. 3. P. 69; Bellingham T. Op. cit. P. 130.
News from the army in Ireland, 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 460.
Davies R. Op. cit. P. 123–124.
Bellingham T. Op. cit. P. 130–131; News from the army in Ireland, 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 460.
Davies R.P. 123–124; News from the army in Ireland, 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 460.
Костяк данных полков составляли французские гугеноты, однако на практике в них могли служить солдаты разных национальностей и вероисповеданий.
Davies R. Op. cit. Р. 124; News from the army in Ireland, 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 460.
News from the army in Ireland, 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 460.
Murtagh H. Op. cit. P. 76.
Маколей Т.Б. Указ. соч. Ч. 5//Он же. Полн. собр.