Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков
Riley P.W.J. Op. cit. P. 30.
Апрыщенко В.Ю. Шотландский якобитизм: бунт или национальное движение? С. 102–122; Ferguson W. Scotland: 1689 to the Present. P. 6–7.
Carmarthen to the King. London, 13 June, 1690//Thomas Osborne, Earl of Danby and Duke of Leeds, 1632–1712/ed. by A. Browning. Vol. 2.. P. 163; Sir William Lockhart to Lord Melvill. 3 Aug. 1689//Leven and Melvill Papers. P. 232–233; Sworn Statement (by Viscount Preston) (2), June 13,1691//RMLAGF. P. 320; Burnet G. Bishop Burnet's History of the Reign of King James the Second. P. 25.
Ferguson W. Scotland: 1689 to the Present. P. 8.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. P. 92; Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 53–54; Cowan I.B. Op. cit. P. 172.
Burnet G. History of My Own Time. Vol. III. P. 86; Sir John Dalrymple to Lord Melvill. 4 Jan. 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 363; Sir Patrick Hume of Polwarth and Duncan Forbes of Culloden to the King. 11 Feb. 1690//Ibid. P. 402–403; The Same to the Same. 15 Feb. 1690//Ibid. P. 406–407; The Same to Lord Melvill. 11 Feb. 1690//Ibid. P. 403.
Cowan I.B. Op. cit. P. 172.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. P. 92.
Ibid. P. 93; Sir John Dalrymple to Lord Melvill. 10 Jan. 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 367; Ferguson W. Scotland: 1689 to the Present. P. 18.
Mr. James Murray of Philiphaugh to Lord Melvill. 12 Sept. 1689//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 284–285; Sir John Dalrymple to Lord Melvill. 2 Aug. 1689//Leven and Melvill Papers. P. 229; Ferguson W. Scotland: 1689 to the Present. P. 8, 12.
Burnet G. History of My Own Time. Vol. 3. P. 48; Sworn Statements of Matthew Crone. 1691, June 20//RMLAGF. Vol. 3. P. 329–333.
Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 54; A full and faithful Account of the Conspiracy William, earl of Annandale was with other engaged in against the Government, written from the Earls own Mouth by Sir William Lockhart, and delivered by the Earl to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, the 14th Day of August, 1690//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 59.
Dalrymple J. Op. cit. P. 5.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. P. 93–94; A full and faithful Account of the Conspiracy William, earl of Annandale was with other engaged in against the Government, written from the Earl's own Mouth by Sir William Lockhart, and delivered by the Earl to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, the 14 Day of August, 1690//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 59; Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 54–58, 61; Sir John Dalrymple to Lord Melvill. 10 Jan. 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 367.
Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 7.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. P. 93; A full and faithful Account of the Conspiracy William, earl of Annandale was with other engaged in against the Government, written from the Earls own Mouth by Sir William Lockhart, and delivered by the Earl to the Queens most Excellent Majesty, the 14 Day of August, 1690//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 59; Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 55–58, 61; Sir John Dalrymple to Lord Melvill. 10 Jan. 1690//Leven and Melville Papers. P. 367.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. P. 93–94; Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 55–58, 61.
Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 58; Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 5.
Sworn Statements of Matthew Crone. 1691, June 20//RMLAGF. Vol. 3., P. 340.
A full and faithful Account of the Conspiracy…//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 57; Sworn Statement (by Viscount Preston) (2), June 13,1691//RMLAGF. Vol. 3. P. 319.
A full and faithful Account of the Conspiracy…//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 57; Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 5. P. 5–6.
Sworn Statements of Matthew Crone. 1691, June 20//RMLAGF. Vol. 3. P. 329.
Crone to [Nottingam]. [1691, c. May 3]//Ibid. Vol. 3. P. 323–324; The Same to Nottingham. [1691, (?) May]//Ibid. P. 325; The Same to the Same. [1691, May 16]//Ibid. P. 328; The Same to Mr. Shapland, Merchant, in Wexford. [1691, (?) May]. London//Ibid. P. 324; Nottingham to Viscount Sydney. 1691, May 22//Ibid. P. 72.
Burnet G. History of My Own Time. Vol. 3. P. 48; CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. P. 93–94.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. P. 93.
Burnet G. History of My Own Time. Vol. 3. P. 48; CSPD. William and Mary. 16901691. P. 93–94; Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 62.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. P. 92; The Queen to Sir James Montgomery. 25 March, 1690//Haile M. Op. cit. P. 262–263.
Burnet G. History of My Own Time. Vol. 3. P. 48.
Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 60–62.