Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков
Drummond J. Op. cit. Р. 237–252; Lindsay С. Op. cit. P. 41–42; News from Scotland with Mr. Hay. Received July 7, 1689//Original Papers… Vol. 1. P. 352–358; Relation of what pass in Scotland, in the Highlands, with [by] Mr, Hay, received July 7, 1689//Ibid. P. 358–360.
Philip J. Op. cit. P. 103, 110–111; Morris M. Op. cit. P. 182–183.
Johnston T.B., J.A. Robertson. Map of the Clans of Scotland. With the Possessions of the Highland Proprietors according to the Acts of Parliament 1587 & 1594 URL: http://www.electricscotland.com/webclans/geog/index.htm (дата обращения: 01.02.2010); Morden R. A Mapp of Scotland: made by R. Gordon, Author of Blaeus Atlas of Scotland. URL: http://www.nls.uk/maps/scotland/view/?sid=00000615 (дата обращения 23.03.2010); Lenman В. The Jacobite Risings in Britain, 1689–1746. P. 46–47; Linklater M., Hesketh C. Op. cit. P. 212–213.
James R. to Our Right Trusty and Well-Beloved Cosen and Councellor, John Lord Viscount of Dundee. Dublin Castle, the 29 of March 1689//Claverhouse, letters. P. 35–36.
Lindsay С. Op. cit. Р. 45; Mackay Н. Op. cit. Р. 51; The Viscount of Dundee to the Earl of Melfort. June 28,1689//Original Papers… Vol. I. P. 366.
The Viscount of Dundee to the Earl of Melfort. June 28, 1689//Original Papers… Vol. 1. P. 364.
The Affidavit of Mrs. Agnes Barker. 10 Febr. 1695//The Jacobite Trials at Manchester in 1694. P. 113–115; John Morgan to Earl of Shrewsbury. Chester Castle, June 22, 1689//Abbott R. Op. cit. P. xii.
Miller J. Janies II: a Study of Kingship. P. 223.
A Journal of what passed in Ireland, from his Majestie s arrival, on the 12 of March, Old Stile, to the 18 of July, 1689, when he prorogued the parliament//Original Papers… Vol. l. P. 182.
Belloc Н. Op. cit. Р. 230.
Walker G. A Op. cit. Р. 8.
Simms J.G. Jacobite Ireland, 1685–91. Р. 113–119.
Miller J. James II: a Study of Kingship. P. 228.
Letter from Dundee for the Lord Murrey. Stroan, July 19, 1689//Claverhouse, letters. P. 76–77; The Viscount Dundee to the earl of Melfort. Moy, in Lochaber, June 27, 1689//Original Papers… Vol. 1. P. 360–362; the Same to the Same, June 28,1689//Ibid. P. 367.
A Court in Exile. P. 24; Miller J. James II: a Study of Kingship. P. 228.
Sir John Dalrymple to Lord Melvill. 20 Jul. 1689//LMP. P. 182; The Same to the Same. 24 Jul. 1689//Ibid. P. 192.
Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 42–43; Mackay H. Op. cit. P. 46, 244–247.
CSPD. William and Mary. Vol. 1. 1689–1690. P. 17, 32–34, 36, 41, 73, 75, 96, 104, 139–140, 146, 149, 168, 193; Mackay H. Op. cit. P. 46; Letter, signed "Robert Murrey", to the Marquuis of Athole. London, 5 March 1689//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Athole… P. 37; Lindsey C. Op. cit. P. 39.
Letter from the earl of Argyll to Hamilton. 22n& July 1689//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Hamilton… P. 183; Mackay H. Op. cit. P. 46; The Opinion of the Councell of Ware at Inverrary. 22n (1 July 1689//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Hamilton… P. 183.
Letter to Argyll. 18 July 1689//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Hamilton… P. 183.
Lord Strathnaver to Lord Dundee, Inverness, 3d of July, 1689//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 2. Part 2. Book 2. P. 95; Terry C.S. Op. cit. P. 317.
Mackay Н. Op. cit. Р. 46.
Letter from Major-General Hugh Mackay to Lord Murray, with threats against Stewart of Ballechin, who commanded Blair Castle for King James//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Athole… P. 39; Mackay H. Op. cit. P. 47.
An account of engagements that happened between the King's party and the rebels in Scotland since May, 1689. December 15, 1689//Original Papers… Vol. 1. P. 369; Drummond J. Op. cit. P. 255; Letter from Murrey for the Lord Melville. Edin. 1st August, 1689//Claverhouse, letters. P. 72; Lindsay C. Op. cit. P. 44.
Sir John Dalrymple to Lord Melvill. 28 Jul. 1689//LMP. P. 205.
Drummond J. Op. cit., p. 258–264.
Letter, Major-General Mackay to Lord Murrey. St. Johnston the 4 Agust 1689//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Athole… P. 41.
Robertson A. Op. cit. L., 1889.
Lenman B. The Jacobite Cause. P. 25.
Drummond J. Op. cit. P. 259–264, 267; Linklater M., Hesketh C. Op. cit. P. 213.
Linklater M., Hesketh C. Op. cit. P. 212–213.
Плед — верхняя одежда шотландского горца, сотканная из шерстяной ткани.