Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков
Letter from the Privy Council of Scotland to Colonel Grahame of Claverhouse//Claverhouse, letters. P. 95; Letter from the Privy Council to the Marquis of Athole. Edinburgh, 27st May [1685]//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Athole… P. 14; The Same to Same. 8 June [1685]//Ibid. P. 15; Letter to the Marchioness of Athole, unsigned, dated Edinburgh, 5 and 6 June [1685]//Ibid. P. 17–18; Two letters from George, first Duke of Gordon, dated Strathfillan on 14 and 15 June 1685//Ibid. P. 19.
The Advice which James the Second bequeathed to his Son James, generally known by the name of the Chevalier de St. George. 1692//Clarke J.S. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 635; Маколей Т.Б. Указ. соч. Ч. 4//Он же. Полн. собр. соч. Т. 9. С. 304–305.
Crawford W., Pitcairn R. Editors Introduction//Drummond J. Op. cit. P. 21–22.
Апрыщенко В.Ю. Указ. соч. С. 102–122; MacKenzie W.C. Op. cit. P. 243.
Letter from the Earl of Argyll (aftermath first Duke) giving a privy account of his mission to London to offer the Crown, etc. London, 12 May 1689//The Manuscripts of Duke of Hamilton… P. 181–182; Lord Cardross to Lord Melville. 20 Jul. 1689//LMP. P. 178–179.
Keltie J.S. Op. cit. Vol. 1. P. 352.
Robertson A. Op.cit. P. 372–373.
MacKenzie W.C. Op. cit. P. 243.
Linklater М., Hesketh С. Op. cit. Р. 177–178; MacKenzie W.C. The Highlands and Irelands of Scotland. A historical survey. P. 243.
The Advice which James the Second bequeathed to his Son James, generally known by the name of the Chevalier de St. George. 1692//Clarke J.S. Op. cit. Vol. II. P. 634–635; Chambers R. Op. cit. P. 75; Keltie J.S. Op. cit. Vol. I. P. 371.
Lenman B. The Jacobite Clans of Great Glen, 1650–1784. P. 8.
Маколей Т.Б. Указ. соч. Ч. 4//Он же. Полн. собр. соч. Т. 9. 303–310.
Во время восстания 1644–1645 гг. ирландских рекрутов возглавлял генерал-лейтенант Элесдер МакКолла. Он был представителем южной ветви МакДоналдов, населявших полуостров Кинтайр и острова Айла и Джура, и имевших многочисленные колонии в Ольстере. В 1689–1691 гг. ирландский корпус, переброшенный Яковом II на помощь виконту Данди, возглавлял полковник А. Кэннон, выходец из Равнинной Шотландии.
Lenman В. The Jacobite Clans of the Great Glen, 1650–1784. P. 4, 8–9; Terry C.S. Op. cit. P. 266–267, 272.
Lenman B. The Jacobite Clans of the Great Glen, 1650–1784. P. 4, 8–9; Idem. The Jacobite Risings in Britain, 1689–1746. P. 30.
The Haughs о'Cromdale circa 1690. URL: http://www.lochiel.net/archieves/arch207.html (дата обращения: 23.04.2008).
Drummond J. Op. cit. P. 96–97.
Lenman B. The Jacobite Clans of the Great Glen, 1650–1784. P. 9.
Федосов Д.Г. Лорды и лэрды: шотландское дворянство в XVI–XVII вв. С. 40; Lenman В. The Jacobite Cause. P. 23; Idem. The Jacobite Clans of the Great Glen, 1650–1784. P. 10, 32.
The humble petition of the lord Macdonald, and the gentlemen of the name of Maclean, convened to defend themselves against the oppression and malice of the earl of Argyle//Wodrow R. Op. cit. Vol. 3. P. 88.
Monod P.K. Jacobitism and the English People, 1688–1788. P. 344; Szechi D. The Jacobites: Britain and Europe, 1688–1788. P. 18–19.
Morris M. Op. cit. P. 30; Smout T.C. A History of Scottish People, 1560–1830. N.Y., 1973. P. 68–69.
Act abolishing Prelacie, 5th June 1689//The Acts of Parliament of Scotland. P. 115–116.
Act Ratifying the Confession of faith and settling Presbyterian Church Government, 15th April 1690//Ibid. P. 116–143.
Lenman B. The Scottish Episcopal clergy and the Ideology of Jacobitism. P. 36–37, 40–41.
Lecky W.E.H. A History of England in the Eighteenth Century. Vol. 2. P. 49.
Earl of Crauford to Lord Melvill. 1 Aug. 1689//LMP. P. 220.
Letter from Mr. Hugh M'Gill to Sir Arthur Rawdon. London, 25 March, 1690//Rawdon Papers… P. 314–315.
Lord Dundee's speech to the troops before the battle of Killikranky//Original Papers… Vol. 1. P. 371–372.
Lenman B. The Jacobite Clans of Great Glen, 1650–1746. P. 42–43; Linklater M., Hesketh C. Op. cit. P. 177.
Катеранами (от гэльск. «ceathairne» — крестьянство) в Шотландии называли группы горцев, которые спускались с гор, чтобы грабить или угонять скот у местного населения или у соседних горных кланов.
Drummond J. Op. cit. P. 237, 242–244; A letter, addressed to Lord Murrey, signed "Mari Baillie", dated "Cari May 29, 1689//The Manuscripts of the Duke of Athole… P. 37; Letter, John Haldane of Gleneagles to Lord Murrey, dated Edinburgh, 21 June 1689//Ibid. P. 38; Lindsay C. Op. cit. P.