Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков
Murtagh Н. Op. cit. Р. 85; Simms J.G. Jacobite Ireland, 1685–91. Р. 217.
Hayes-McCoy G.A. Op. cit. P. 238–272: Simms J.G. Jacobite Ireland, 1685–91. P. 225–228.
Murtagh H. Op. cit. P. 85–89.
В британской армии XVII в. бригадир являлся высшим офицерским званием, однако ниже генеральского.
Simms J.G. Jacobite Ireland, 1685–91. P. 236–238.
Ibid. P. 89, 91; Simms J.G. Jacobite Ireland, 1689–91. P. 228.
Алексеев К.А. Указ. соч. С. 40; Телегина Э.П. Освободительная война ирландского народа в последней трети XVII в: ирландское восстание 1689–1691 гг. С. 38–39.
Treaty of Limerick, 1691//EHD. Vol. 8. P. 765–769.
Постановление об окладе Ирландских полков, прибывших во Францию из Лимерика//РГВИА. Ф. 846. Оп. 15. № 5. Л. III; Fitzjames J. Op. cit. Vol. 1. P. 97.
Ratification of the Treaty of Limerick, 1692//English Historical Documents. Vol. 8. P. 769–770.
Lenman B. The Jacobite Risings in Britain, 1689–1746. P. 90, 112–113; Lord E. Op. cit. P. 18–19; O'Ciardha E. Op. cit. P. 87–367.
См. напр.: Garrett J. Op. cit. P. 15; Lord E. Op. cit. P. 13–14.
Burnet G. History of His Own Time. Vol. 3. P. 95; Evelyn J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. P. 282–283.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. P. 219, 224, 228–229.
Richard Graham, Viscount Preston: Statements, Letters, etc., 1691//Report on the Manuscripts of the Late Allan George Finch… Vol. 3. P. 308–310, 314–317; The Trials of Sir Richard Grahme, bart. Viscount Preston, in the Kingdom of Scotland, John Ashton, and Edmund Elliot, at the Old Bailey, for High Treason: 2 William and Mary, a.d. 1691//A Complete Collection of State Trials… Vol. 12. P. 645–822.
Lord E. Op. cit. P. 13–14.
Lord Nottingham to King William//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 4. P. 185; Lord Sidney to King William. About the Second Conspiracy. Feb. the 27, 1690/1//Ibid. P. 182–183; Part of the Marquis of Caermarthens Letter to King William on the Same Subject//Ibid. P. 183–184.
CSPD. William and Mary. 1690–1691. Р. 219, 224, 228, 246; Evelyn J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. P. 280, 282–283; Lord Nottingham to King William//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 4. P. 185; Lord Sidney to King William. Feb. the 27th, 1690–1//Ibid. P. 182–183; Part of the Marquis of Caermarthen's Letter to King William//Ibid. P. 183–184; Richard Graham, Viscount Preston: Statements, Letters, etc., 1691//Report on the Manuscripts of the Late Allan George Finch… Vol. 3. P. 308–310, 314–317; The Trials of Sir Richard Grahme, bart. Viscount Preston, in the Kingdom of Scotland, John Ashton, and Edmund Elliot…//CCST. Vol. 12. P. 645–822.
CSPD. William and Mary 1690–1691. P. 219, 224, 228, 246; Evelyn J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. P. 282–283; Lord Nottingham to King William//Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 4. P. 185; Lord Sidney to King William. About the second Conspiracy. — Feb. the 27th, 1690/1//Ibid. P. 182–183; Part of the Marquis of Caermarthens letter to King William о the same subject//Ibid. P. 183–184; Richard Graham, Viscount Preston: Statements, Letters, etc., 1691//RMLAGF. Vol. 3. P. 308–310, 314–317; The Trials of Sir Richard Grahme, bart. Viscount Preston, in the Kingdom of Scotland, John Ashton, and Edmund Elliot…//CCST. Vol. 12. P. 645–822; Callow J. Op. cit. P, 164,166; Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part 2. Book 4. P. 150; Jones G.H. Op. cit. P. 20–21.
Callow J. Op. cit. P. 164.
The Trials of Sir Richard Grahame, Bart. Viscount Preston, in the Kingdom of Scotland, John Ashton, and Edmund Elliot, at the Old Bailey, for High Treason: 2 William and Mary, a.d. 1691//A Complete Collection of State Trials… Vol. 12. P. 683, 716–719, 724–725, 807.
"Third" Statement of Richard Graham, Viscount Preston//Report on the Manuscripts of the Late Allan George Finch… Vol. 3. P. 309–310; Statement of Richard Graham, Viscount Preston, Jan. 22, 1690 [–1]//Ibid. P. 308; Sworn Statement (1) of Richard Graham, Viscount Preston, June 13, 1691//Ibid. P. 314.
Callow J. Op. cit. P. 164–165; Dalrymple J. Op. cit. Vol. 3. Part. 2. Book 6. P. 145.
Callow J. Op. cit. Р. 164.
Richard Graham, Viscount Preston: Statements, Letters, etc., 1691//Report on the Manuscripts of the Late Allan George Finch… Vol. 3. P. 308, 312; The Trials of Sir Richard Grahame, Bart. Viscount Preston, in the Kingdom of Scotland, John Ashton, and Edmund Elliot…//A Complete Collection of State Trials… Vol. 12. P. 713.
Richard Graham, Viscount Preston: Statements, Letters, etc., 1691//RMLAGF. Vol. 3. P. 308, 312; The Trials of Sir Richard Grahme, bart. Viscount Preston, in the Kingdom of Scotland, John Ashton, and Edmund Elliot…//A Complete Collection of State Trials… Vol. 12. P. 713.
Richard Graham, Viscount Preston: Statements, Letters, etc., 1691//Report on the Manuscripts of the Late Allan George Finch… Vol. 3. P. 314; The Trials of Sir Richard Grahme, bart. Viscount Preston, in the Kingdom of Scotland, John Ashton, and Edmund Elliot…//A Complete Collection of State Trials… Vol. 12. P.