Осознанная медитация. Практическое пособие по снятию боли и стресса - Берч Видьямала
Bernhard, T. How to be Sick (Wisdom Publications, 2010).
Cohen, D. Turning Suffering Inside Out: A Zen Approach to Living with Physical and Emotional Pain (Shambhala Publications, 2003).
Rosenbaum, E. Here for Now: Living Well with Cancer Through Mindfulness (Satya House Publications, 2007).
Sadler, J. Pain Relief without Drugs (Healing Arts Press, 2007).
Sandford, M. Waking: A Memoir of Trauma and Transcendence (Rodale, 2006).
Shone, N. Coping Successfully with Pain (Sheldon Press, 1995).
Bond, M. & Simpson, K. Pain: Its Nature and Treatment (Elsevier, 2006).
Cole, F., Macdonald, H., Carus, C. & Howden-Leach, H. Overcoming Chronic Pain (Constable & Robinson, 2005).
Nicholas, M., Molloy, A., Tonkin, L. & Beeston, L. Manage Your Pain (Souvenir Press, 2003).
Padfield, D. Perceptions of Pain (Dewi Lewis Publications, 2003).
Wall, P. Pain: the Science of Suffering (Columbia University Press, 2000).
Wall, P. & Melzack, R. The Challenge of Pain (Penguin Books, 1982).
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