Преображение мира. История XIX столетия. Том III. Материальность и культура - Юрген Остерхаммель
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Vigier, Philippe: Paris pendant la monarchie de juillet 1830–1848, Paris 1991.
Viglione, Massimo (Ed.): La Rivoluzione Italiana. Storia critica del Risorgimento, Roma 2001.
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Voth, Hans-Joachim: Time and Work in England 1750–1830, Oxford 2001.
Vries, Jan de / Ad van der Woude: The First Modern Economy. Success, Failure, and Perseverance of the Dutch Economy, 1500–1815, Cambridge 1997.
Vries, Jan de: European Urbanization, 1500–1800, Cambridge, MA 1984.
Vries, Jan de: The Industrial Revolution and the Industrious Revolution // JEH 54 (1994). P. 249–270.
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Wade, Richard C.: The Urban Frontier. The Rise of Western Cities, 1790–1830, Urbana, IL 1996.
Waechter, Matthias: Die Erfindung des amerikanischen Westens. Die Geschichte der Frontier-Debatte, Freiburg i. Br. 1996.
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Wallace, Alfred Russel: The Wonderful Century: Its Successes And Its Failures. Toronto, 1898.
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Wallerstein, Immanuel: The Modern World-System III: The Second Era of Great Expansion of the Capitalist World-Economy, 1730s–1840s. Berkeley CA – Los Angeles – London 1989.
Walton, John K.: Fish and Chips and the British Working Class, 1870–1940, Leicester 1992.
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Wang Guanhua: In Search of Justice. The 1905–1906 Chinese Anti-American Boycott, Cambridge, MA 2001.
Wang Gungwu (Ed.): Global History and Migrations, Boulder, CO 1997b.
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Wasson, Ellis A.: Aristocracy and the Modern World. Basingstoke 2006.
Waswo, Ann: Japanese Landlords. The Decline of Rural Elite, Berkeley, CA 1977.
Watenpaugh, Keith David: Being Modern in the Middle East. Revolution, Nationalism, Colonialsm, and the Arab Middle Class, Princeton, NJ 2005.
Waters, Malcom (Ed.): Modernity. Critical Concepts, Vol. 1–4, New York 1999.
Watkins, Harold: Time Counts. The Story of the Calendar, London 1954.
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Watts, David: The West Indies. Patterns of Development, Culture and Environmental Change since 1492, Cambridge 1987.
Watts, Sheldon: Epidemics and History. Disease, Power and Imperialism, New Haven, CT 1997.
Wawro, Geoffrey: The Austro-Prussian War. Austria’s War with Prussia and Italy in 1866, Cambridge 1996.
Wawro, Geoffrey: The Franco-Prussian War. The German Conquest of France in 1870–1871, Cambridge 2003.
Wawro, Geoffrey: Warfare and Society in Europe, 1792–1914, London 2000.
Way, Peter: Common Labor. Workers and the Digging of North American Canals, 1780–1860, Baltimore, MD 1993.
Weaver, John C.: The Great Land Rush and the Making of the Modern World, 1650–1900, Montreal 2006.
Webb, James L. A.: Desert Frontier. Ecological and Economic Change along the Western Sahel, 1600–1850, Madison, WI 1995.
Webb, Walter Prescott: The Great Frontier, Austin, TX 1964.
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Wehler, Hans-Ulrich: Deutsche Gesellschaftsgeschichte, 5 Bde., München 1987–2008.
Weichlein, Siegfried: Nationalismus und Nationalstaat in Deutschland und Europa. Ein Forschungsüberblick // NPL 51 (2006).