Преображение мира. История XIX столетия. Том III. Материальность и культура - Юрген Остерхаммель
Davis, Mike: Late Victorian Holocausts: El Ninõ Famines and the Making of the Third World, New York 2001.
Davison, Graeme: The Rise and Fall of Marvellous Melbourne, Melbourne 1979.
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Day, Jared N.: Urban Castles. Tenement Housing and Landlord Acitivism in New York City, 1890–1943, New York 1999.
Deák, István: The Lawful Revolution. Louis Kossuth and the Hungarians 1848–1849, New York 1979.
Dean, Warren: With Broadax and Firebrand. The Destruction of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest, Berkeley, CA 1995.
Debeir, Jean-Claude, et al.: Prometheus auf der Titanic. Geschichte der Energiesysteme, Frankfurt a. M. 1989.
Dehio, Ludwig: Gleichgewicht oder Hegemonie. Betrachtungen über ein Grundproblem der neueren Geschichte [1948], Darmstadt 1996.
Dehs, Volker: Jules Verne. Eine kritische Biographie, Düsseldorf 2005.
DeJong Boers, Bernice: Tambora 1815. De geschiedenis van een vulkaanuitbarsting in Indonesië // Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis 107 (1994). S. 371–392.
Delaporte, François: Disease and Civilization. The Cholera in Paris, 1832, Cambridge, MA 1986.
Deloria, Philip J. / Neal Salisbury (Ed.): A Companion to American Indian History, Malden, MA 2004.
Delort, Robert / François Walter: Histoire de l’environnement européen, Paris 2001.
Demel, Walter: Der europäische Adel. Vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart, München 2005.
Deng Gang: Maritime Sector, Institutions, and Sea Power of Premodern China, Westport, CT 1999.
Dennis, Richard: English Industrial Cities of the Nineteenth Century. A Social Geography, Cambridge 1984.
Denoon, Donald (Ed.): The Cambridge History of the Pacific Islanders, Cambridge 1997.
Denoon, Donald / Philippa Mein-Smith: A History of Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific, Oxford 2000.
Denoon, Donald: Settler Capitalism, Oxford 1983.
Deringil, Selim: The Well-Protected Domains. Ideology and the Legitimation of Power in the Ottoman Empire, London 1999.
Desnoyers, Charles: A Journey to the East, Ann Arbor, MI 2004.
Dettke, Barbara: Die asiatische Hydra. Die Cholera von 1830/31 in Berlin und den preußischen Provinzen Posen, Preußen und Schlesien, Berlin 1995.
Devine, T. M.: The Great Highland Famine. Hunger, Emigration and the Scottish Highlands in the Nineteenth Century, Edinburgh 1988.
Devine, T. M.: The Scottish Nation 1700–2000, New York 1999.
Dickens, Charles: American Notes for General Circulation [1842], ed. Patricia Ingham, London 2000.
Diesbach, Gislain de: Ferdinand de Lesseps, Paris 1998.
Dikötter, Frank: Crime, Punishment and the Prison in Modern China, New York 2002.
Dikötter, Frank: Exotic Commodities. Modern Objects and Everyday Life in China, London 2006.
Dikötter, Frank: The Discourse of Race in Modern China, London 1992.
Dingsdale, Alan: Mapping Modernities. Geographies of Central and Eastern Europe, 1920–2000, London 2002.
Dinnerstein, Leon: Antisemitism in America, New York 1994.
Dipper, Christof: Übergangsgesellschaft. Die ländliche Sozialordnung in Mitteleuropa um 1800 // ZHF 23 (1996). S. 57–87.
Dobbin, Christine: Asian Entrepreneurial Minorities. Conjoint Communities in the Making of the World Economy 1570–1940, Richmond 1996.
Dodds, Klaus / Stephen A. Royle: Rethinking Islands // Journal of Historical Geography 29 (2003). S. 487–498.
Dodgshon, Robert A.: Society in Time and Space. A Geographical Perspective on Change, Cambridge 1998.
Doel, H. W. van den: Het Rijk van Insulinde. Opkomst en ondergang van een Nederlandse kolonie, Amsterdam 1996.
Doeppers, Daniel F.: The Development of Philippine Cities before 1900 // JAS 31 (1972). P. 769–792.
Doering-Manteuffel, Anselm: Die deutsche Frage und das europäische Staatensystem 1815–1871, München 1993.
Doering-Manteuffel, Anselm: Internationale Geschichte als Systemgeschichte. Strukturen und Handlungsmuster im europäischen Staatensystem des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts // Wilfried Loth / Jürgen Osterhammel (Hg.): Internationale Geschichte, München 2000. S. 93–115.
Dohrn-van Rossum, Gerhard: Die Geschichte der Stunde. Uhren und moderne Zeitrechnung, München 1992.
Dominguez, Jorge I.: Insurrection or Loyalty: The Breakdown of the Spanish American Empire, Cambridge, MA 1980.
Donald, David Herbert: Lincoln, New York 1995.
Dong, Madeleine Yue: Republican Beijing. The City and Its Histories, Berkeley, CA 2004.
Dormandy, Thomas: The White Death. A History of Tuberculosis, London 1999. Dossal, Mariam: Imperial Designs and Indian Realities. The Planning of Bombay City, 1845–1875, Bombay 1996.
Doumani, Beshara: Rediscovering Palestine. Merchants and Peasants in Jabal Nablus, 1700–1900, Berkeley, CA 1995.
Dowd, Gregory Evans: A Spirited Resistance. The North American Indian Struggle for Unity, 1745–1815. Baltimore, MD 1992.
Dowe, Dieter, et al. (Hg.): Europa 1848. Revolution und Reform, Bonn 1998.
Doyle, Michael W.: Empires, Ithaca, NY 1986.
Doyle, Shane: Population Decline and Delayed Recovery in Bunyoro, 1860–1960 // JAfH 41 (2000). S. 429–458.
Doyle, William: The Oxford History of the French Revolution, Oxford 20022.
Drake, Fred W.: China Charts the World. Hsu Chi-yü and His Geography of 1848, Cambridge, MA 1975.
Drescher, Seymour / Stanley L. Engerman (Ed.): A Historical Guide to World Slavery, New York 1998.
Drescher, Seymour: From Slavery to Freedom. Comparative Studies in the Rise and Fall of Atlantic Slavery, Basingstoke 1999.
Drescher, Seymour: The Mighty Experiment. Free Labor versus Slavery in British Emancipation, Oxford 2002.
Driver, Felix / David Gilbert (Ed.): Imperial Cities. Landscape, Display and Identity, Manchester 1999.
Driver, Felix: Geography Militant. Cultures of Exploration and Empire, Oxford 2001.
Druett, Joan: Rough Medicine. Surgeons at Sea in the Age of Sail, New York 2000.
Dublin, Thomas: Transforming Women’s Work. New England Lives in the Industrial Revolution, Ithaca, NY 1994.
Dubois, Laurent: Avengers of the New World. The Story of the Haitian Revolution, Cambridge, MA 2004a.
Dubois, Laurent: A Colony of Citizens. Revolution and Slave Emancipation in the French Caribbean, 1787–1804, Chapel Hill, NC 2004b.
Duchhardt, Heinz: Balance of Power und Pentarchie. Internationale Beziehungen 1700–1785, Paderborn 1997.
Duchhardt, Heinz: Europa am Vorabend der Moderne 1650–1800, Stuttgart 2003.
Dudden, Alexis: Japan’s Colonization of Korea. Discourse and Power, Honolulu 2005.
Duggan, Christopher: The Force of Destiny. A History of Italy since 1796, London 2007.
Dülffer, Jost, et al.: Vermiedene Kriege. Deeskalation von Konflikten der Großmächte zwischen Krimkrieg und Erstem Weltkrieg, München 1997.
Dülffer, Jost: Im Zeichen der Gewalt. Frieden und Krieg im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Köln 2003.
Dülffer, Jost: Regeln gegen den Krieg. Die Haager Friedenskonferenzen 1899 und 1907 in der internationalen Politik, Frankfurt a. M. 1981.
Dülmen, Richard van / Sina Rauschenbach (Hg.): Macht des Wissens. Die Entstehung der modernen Wissensgesellschaft, Köln 2004.
Dumoulin, Michel, et al.: Nouvelle histoire de Belgique, Vol. 1–2. Brüssel 2006.
Dunlap, Thomas R.: Nature and the English Diaspora. Environment and History in the United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand, Cambridge 1999.
Dunlavy, Colleen A.: Politics and Industrialization. Early Railroads in the United States and Prussia, Princeton, NJ 1994.
Dunn, John: Africa Invades the New World. Egypt’s Mexican Adventure, 1863–1867 // War in History 4 (1997). P. 27–34.
Dupâquier, Jacques /