Преображение мира. История XIX столетия. Том III. Материальность и культура - Юрген Остерхаммель
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Axelrod, A.: Chronicle of the Indian Wars: From Colonial Times to Wounded Knee, Prentice Hall 1993.
Ayalon, Ami: Political Journalism and Its Audience in Egypt, 1875–1914 // Culture & History 16 (1997). P. 100–121.
Ayalon, Ami: The Press in the Arab Middle East. A History, New York 1995.
Aydin, Cemil: The Politics of Anti-Westernism in Asia. Visions of World Order in Pan-Islamic and Pan-Asian Thought, New York 2007.
Baczko, Bronislaw: Ending the Terror. The French Revolution after Robespierre, Cambridge 1994.
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Badran, Margot: Feminists, Islam and Nation. Gender and the Making of Modern Egypt, Princeton, NJ 1995.
Bagehot, Walter: The English Constitution [1867], Ed. R. H. S. Crossman, London 1964.
Baguley, David: Napoleon III and His Regime. An Extravaganza, Baton Rouge, LA 2000.
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Bailey, Harold (Ed.): The Cambridge History of Iran, Vol. 1–7, Cambridge 1968–1991.
Bailey, Paul: Reform the People. Changing Attitudes towards Popular Education in Twentieth-Century China, Edinburgh 1990.
Bailyn, Bernard: Atlantic History. Concept and Contours, Cambridge, MA 2005.
Baines, Dudley: Migration in a Mature Economy. Emigration and Internal Migration in England and Wales, 1861–1900, Cambridge 1985.
Bairoch, Paul: De Jéricho à Mexico. Villes et économie dans l’histoire, Paris 19852.
Bairoch, Paul: Les trois révolutions agricoles du monde développé. Rendements et productivité de 1800 à 1985 // Annales ESC 44 (1989). P. 317–353.
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Baker, Alan R. H.: Geography and History. Bridging the Divide, Cambridge 2003.
Baker, Christopher J. / Pasuk Phongpaichit: A History of Thailand, Cambridge 2005.
Baker, Lee D.: From Savage to Negro. Anthropology and the Construction of Race, 1896–1954, Berkeley, CA 1998.
Bakhash, Shaul: Iran. Monarchy, Bureaucracy and Reform under the Qajars, 1858–1896, London 1978.
Baldasty, Gerald J.: The Commercialization of News in the Nineteenth Century, Madison, WI 1992.
Baldwin, Peter: Contagion and the State in Europe, 1830–1930, Cambridge 1999.
Balfour, Sebastian: The End of the Spanish Empire, 1898–1923, Oxford 1997.
Ball, Michael / David Sunderland: An Economic History of London 1800–1914, London 2001.
Ballantyne, Tony: Orientalism and Race. Aryanism in the British Empire, Basingstoke 2002.
Banga, Indu (Ed.): The City in Indian History. Urban Demography, Society, and Politics, New Delhi 1991.
Bank, Jan / Maarten van Buuren: 1900 – The Age of Bourgeois Culture, Assen 2004.
Banner, Stuart: How the Indians Lost Their Land. Law and Power on the Frontier, Cambridge, MA 2005.
Banti, Alberto M. / Paul Ginsborg (Ed.): Il Risorgimento, Turin 2007.
Banti, Alberto M.: Il Risorgimento italiano, Roma 2004.
Banton, Michael: Racial Theories, Cambridge 1987.
Barclay, Harold B.: The Role of the Horse in Man’s Culture, London 1980.
Bardet, Jean-Pierre / Jacques Dupâquier (Ed.): Histoire des populations de l’Europe, Bd. 2: La révolution démographique 1750–1914, Paris 1998.
Barfield, Thomas J.: The Nomadic Alternative, Engelwood Cliffs, NJ 1993.
Barkan, Elazar: The Retreat of Scientific Racism. Changing Concepts of Race in Britain and the United States between the World Wars, Cambridge 1991.
Barker, Hannah / Simon Burrows (Ed.): Press, Politics and the Public Sphere in Europe and North America, 1760–1820, Cambridge 2002.
Barker, Theo / Anthony Sutcliffe (Ed.): Megalopolis. The Giant City in History, Basingstoke 1993.
Barkey, K., M. Hagen von: After Empire: Multiethnic Societies And Nation-building: The Soviet Union And The Russian, Ottoman, And Habsburg Empires, Boulder 1997.
Barlow, Tani E. (Ed.): Formations of Colonial Modernity in East Asia, Durham, NC 1997.
Barman, Roderick J.: Citizen Emperor. Pedro II and the Making of Brazil, 1825–1891, Stanford, CA 1999.
Barnes, David S.: The Making of a Social Disease. Tuberculosis in Nineteenth-Century France, Berkeley, CA 1995.
Barnes, Linda L.: Needles, Herbs, Gods, and Ghosts. China, Healing, and the West to 1848. Cambridge, MA, 2007.
Barney, William L. (Ed.): A Companion to Nineteenth-Century America, Malden, MA 2001.
Barney, William L.: Battleground for the Union: The Era of the Civil War and Reconstruction, 1848–1877, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 1990.
Barrett, Thomas M.: At the Edge of Empire. The Terek Cossacks and the North Caucasus Frontier, 1700–1860, Boulder, CO 1999.
Barrow, Ian J.: Making History, Drawing Territory. British Mapping in India, c. 1756–1905, New Delhi 2003.
Barry, John M.: The Great Influenza. The Epic Story of the Deadliest Plague in History, New York 2004.
Barshay, Andrew E.: The Social Sciences in Modern Japan. The Marxian and Modernist Traditions, Berkeley, CA 2004.
Bartal, Israel: The Jews of Eastern Europe, 1772–1881, Philadelphia 2005.
Barth, Boris / Jürgen Osterhammel (Hg.): Zivilisierungsmissionen. Imperiale Weltverbesserung seit dem 18. Jahrhundert, Konstanz 2005.
Barth, Boris: Die deutsche Hochfinanz und die Imperialismen. Banken und Außenpolitik vor 1914, Stuttgart 1995.
Barth, Volker: Mensch versus Welt. Die Pariser Weltausstellung von 1867, Darmstadt 2007.
Bärthel, Hilmar: Wasser für Berlin, Berlin 1997.
Bartholomew, James R.: The Formation of Science in Japan. Building a Research Tradition, New Haven, CT 1989.
Bartky, Ian R.: Selling the True Time. Nineteenth-Century Timekeeping in America, Stanford, CA, 2000.
Bartlett, Richard A.: The New Country. A Social History of the American Frontier 1776–1890, New York 1976.
Barton, David: Literacy. An Introduction to the Ecology of Written Language, Malden, MA 20072.
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Bassin, Mark: Imperial Visions. Nationalist Imagination and Geographical Expansion in the Russian Far East, 1840–1865, Cambridge 1999.
Baud, Michiel / Willem van Schendel: Toward a Comparative History of Borderlands // JWH 8 (1997).