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Green Human Resource Management. Assessing the Impact on the Environmental Sustainability of Banks (Nigeria Case Study)
Holo Matthew Aker, Abubakar Sadiq Suleiman
DOI 10.55140/2782–5817–2022–2–4–82–95
As the ESG agenda is gaining popularity around the world, companies start paying more and more attention to environmental responsibility, striving to reduce ecological damage. Green human resource management practices are becoming part of corporate strategies. For example, this means electronic workflow, from online vacancy announcements to employee training to use the resources sparingly and to conserve energy. In this article, we discuss the effects of “green” HR on the environmental sustainability of banks in Katsina State, Nigeria.
Holo Matthew Aker
Department of Business Management, Federal University Dutsin-ma, Katsina State, Nigeria
Abubakar Sadiq Suleiman
PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Business Management, Federal University Dutsin-ma, Katsina State, Nigeria
The global concern for environmental sustainability is on the increase. This is a result of the growing threats of climate change and global warming, as well as other environmental challenges, which are compelling individuals, organizations and governments to be more responsive to the environment. These environmental concerns have posed multifaceted managerial challenges to present-day management of organizations and have fundamentally affected operations, strategies, policies and culture of business organizations globally (Cohen et al., 2014). This phenomenon has necessitated the need to integrate environmental management practices and human resource management practices in organizations