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Криминология. Теория, история, эмпирическая база, социальный контроль - Яков Ильич Гилинский

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М.: Наука, 1985 (ч. I: 84, 147, 148).

547. Яковлев A. M. Социология экономической преступности. М: Наука, 1988 (ч. III: 167).

548. Яницкий О. Н. Модерн и его отходы // Социологический журнал. 2004. № 1/2 (ч. III: 82).

549. Ясавеев И. Г. Конструирование социальных проблем средствами массовой коммуникации. Казань, 2004 (ч. I: 76, ч. III: 51).

550. Aromaa К., Nevala S. (Eds.) Crime and Crime Control in an Integrating Europe. Helsinki: HEUNI, 2004 (ч. III: 252).

551. Abadinsky H. Organized Crime. Fourth Ed. Chicago: Nelson-Hall Publishers, 1994 (ч. III: 114, 116, 123).

552. Abolitionism in History: On another Way of Thinking. Warsaw, 1991(ч. IV: 52).

553. Aebi M. Crime Trends in Europe from 1990 to 2000 // Aromaa K., Nevala S. (Eds.) Crime and Crime Control in an Integrating Europe. Helsinki: HEUNI, 2004 (ч. III: 252).

554. Aebi M., Stadnic N. Council of Europe. Space I (Council of Europe Annual Penal Statistics). Survey 2005. Strasbourg, 2007 (ч. IV: 73).

555. Agnew R. Foundation for a General Strain Theory of Crime and Delinquency // Criminology. 1992. № 30 (ч. II: 67).

556. Agnew R. Sources of Criminality: Strain and Subcultural Theories // Sheley J. Criminology: A Contemporary Handbook. Wadsworth, 2000 (ч. II: 66).

557. Albanese J. Myths and Realities of Crime and Justice. Third Edition. Apocalypse Publishing Co., 1990 (ч. I: 3, ч. IV 39).

558. Albanese J. Organized Crime: The Mafia Mystique // Shelley J. Criminology: A Contemporary Handbook. Second Ed. Wadsworth Publishing Co. 1995 (ч. III: 111, 117, 123, 124, 130, 160).

559. Albini J. The American Mafia: Genesis of a Legend. NY: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1971 (ч. III: 111).

560. Albrecht G, Ludvig-Mayerhofer (Eds.) Diversion and Informal Social Control. Berlin-New York: Walter de Gruyter, 1995 (ч. IV 109).

561. Albrecht G, Ludwig-Mayerhofer W (Eds.) Version and Informal Social Control. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter and Co., 1995 (ч. IV 105).

562. Alvazzi del Frate A. Preventing Crime: Citizen's Experience Across the World. Roma: UNICRI, 1997 (ч. IV: 111).

563. Anechiarico E, Jacobs J. The Pursuit of Absolute Integrity: How Corruption Control Makes Government Ineffective. Chicago-London: The University of Chicago Press, 1996 (ч. III: 193).

564. Annual Report on the State of the Drugs Problem in the European Union. Lisboa: EMCDDA, 1997 (ч. III: 251).

565. Afanasyev V. Views on Social Problems among Influential Groups in St. Petersburg // Journalists, Administrators and Business People on Social Problems. Helsinki: NAD Publication, 1998 (ч. I: 50).

566. Afanasyev V., Gilinskij Y. Alcohol, Drugs and Crime in the St. Petersburg Press // Social Problems in Newspapers. Studies around the Baltic Sea. Helsinki: NAD Publication, 1994 (ч. I: 54).

567. Afanasyev V., Gilinskij Y, Golbert V. Social Changes and Crime in St. Petersburg // Ewald U. (Ed.) Social Transformation and Crime in Metropolises of Former Eastern Bloc Countries. Bonn: Forum Verlag Godesberg, 1997 (ч. I: 98).

568. Baird R., Rosenbaum S. (Eds.) Punishment and the Death Penalty: The Current Debate. Prometheus Book, 1995 (ч. IV: 65).

569. Barak G. Integrating Criminologies. Allyn and Bacon, 1998 (ч. I: 10,17,57, ч. II: 123).

570. Barclay G, Tavares C, Siddique A. International Comparisons of Criminal Justice Statistics 1999 // Home Office Statistical Bulletin. May 2001. Issue 6/01 (ч. IV 73).

571. Barclay G., Tavares С International comparisons of criminal justice statistics 2000 // Home Office Statistical Bulletin. 2002. Issue 05/02(ч. I: 117).

572. Barclay G., Tavares С International comparisons of criminal justice statistics 2001 // Home Office Statistical Bulletin. Issue 12/03. 2003 (ч. I: 94, 107, табл. 3.2, 114, 117, ч. IV 73).

573. Barkan S. Criminology: A Sociological Understanding. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River. 1997 (ч. I: 65, 90, ч. III: 115, 129,ч. IV: 55, 112).

574. Bauman Z. Intimations of Postmodernity L.: Routledge, 1992 (ч. II: 109).

575. Becker H. The Outsiders. The Free Press of Glencoe, 1963 (ч. II: 68).

576. Becker G Crime and Punishment: an Economic Approach // Journal of Political Economy. 1968. Vol. 76. № 2 (ч. III: 108).

577. Becker G Economic Analysis and Human Behavior // Advances in Behavioural Sciences. Vol. 1. NY Ablex, Norwood, 1987 (ч. III: 134).

578. Berger P., Luckmann T. The Social Construction of Reality. NY: Doubleday, 1966 (ч. I: 63).

579. Black D. The Behavior of Law. NY: Academic Press, 1976 (ч. IV: 15).

580. Bloor M., Wood F. (Eds.) Addictions and Problem Drug Use: Issues in Behavior, Policy and Practice. L.: Jessica Kingsley Publishers, 1998 (ч. III: 239).

581. Bohm R. A Primer on Crime and Delinquency. Belmont: Wadsworth, 1997 (ч. II: 102).

582. Bondeson U. (Eds.) Crime and Justice in Scandinavia. Copenhagen: Forlaget Thomson A/S, 2005 (ч. I: 111).

583. Bonger W. Criminality and Economic Conditions. Little, Brown, Boston, 1916(ч. II:36).

584. Braithwaite J. Crime, Shame, and Reintegration. Cambridge University Press, 1989 (ч. II: 127).

585. Brown S., Esbensen F-A., Geis G. Criminolgy: Explaining Crime and its Context. Third Edition. Anderson Publishing Co., 1998 (ч. I: 55, 90).

586. Bryant С (Editor-in-Chief.) Encyclopedia of Criminology and Deviant Behavior. Vol. IV Self-Destructive Behavior and Disvalued Identity. Brunner Routledge, Taylor and Francies Group, 2001 (ч. III: 242).

587. Caffrey S., Mundy С (Eds.) The Sociology of Crime and Deviance. Greenwich University Press, 1995 (ч. I: 65).

588. Cassesse A. Terrorism, Politics and Law. Cambridge: Polity Press, 1989(ч. III: 201).

589. Celebrating Prevention: European Crime Prevention Award 1997. Information and PR Office Prevention, 1997 (ч. IV 108).

590. Champion D. J. Corrections in the United States. A Contemporary Perspective. Fourth Edition. NJ.: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2005 (ч. IV: 51).

591. Christie N. Limits to Pain. Oxford: Martin Robertson, 1981 (ч. I: 4).

592. Christie N. A Suitable Amount of Crime. NY – L.: Routledge, 2004 (ч. I: 4, 32, 69, 70).

593. Clay W. To Kill or Not to Kill: Thoughts on Capital Punishment. San Bernardino (Calif), 1990 (ч. IV 56).

594. Clear Т., Terry К. Correction Beyond Prison Walls // Sheley J. Criminology (ч. IV: 47).

595. Cloward R., Ohlin L. Delinquency and Opportunity. NY: Free Press, 1960 (ч. II: 58).

596. Cohen A. K. Delinquent Boys. The Culture of the Gang. NY: Free Press, 1955 (ч. II: 57, ч. IV: 11).

597. Cohen S. Folk Devils and Moral Panics. St. Albans: Paladin, 1973 (ч. I: 1).

598. Cohen S. Human Rights and Crimes of the State: the Cultural of Denial // Criminological Perspectives. A Reader. SAGE, 1996 (ч.

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