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Нина Пусенкова - Английский язык. Практический курс для решения бизнес-задач

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Rent is paid for the use of equipment or an apartment. A commission is remitted to an agent for the sale of real estate. Dues are paid for membership in a club or group. A deposit is made to hold or lay away merchandise. A tip helps pay waitresses or waiters for their services. Interest is charged for the loan that you obtain, and taxes are paid for government services. Scientists are paid honorariums for research papers they write, and authors of bestsellers are paid royalties by their publishers. The value of many products is called price. Although price may be expressed in many different ways, it is important to remember that the purpose of this concept is to quantify and express the value of the items in the market exchange.

Source: Marketing. Concepts and Strategies. 6th edition.

William M. Pride and O.C. Ferrell,

Houghton Mifflin Company, 1989, p. 562.

Exercise 3*. Find in the text 8 English equivalents of the Russian words «цель», «задача» and make sentences of your own using them.

Exercise 4*. Fill in the blanks using terms given below.

The Product Life Cycle

A new product……… through a sequence of stages from introduction to growth, maturity, and decline. This sequence is known as the product life cycle and is associated with changes in the marketing situation, thus impacting the……….. and the…………

Introduction Stage

The firm seeks to build………. and develop a market for the product. The impact on the marketing mix is as follows:

– Product………. and quality level is established, and intellectual property protection such as……… and……….. are obtained.

– Pricing may be………… to build………. rapidly, or………… to recover…………..

– Place (distribution) is………. until consumers show acceptance of the product.

– Promotion is aimed at……… and………. Marketing………… seek to build product awareness and to educate potential consumers about the product.

Growth Stage

The firm seeks to build………….. and increase market share.

– Product quality is maintained and additional……….. and support services may be added.

– Pricing is maintained as the firm enjoys increasing……… with little competition.

– Place (distribution channels) are added as demand increases and customers accept the product.

– Promotion is aimed at broader………

Maturity Stage

The strong growth in sales……… Competition may appear with similar products. The primary………. at this point is to defend market share while……… profit.

– Product features may be enhanced to……… the product from that of competitors.

– Pricing may be lower because of new competition.

– Place (distribution) becomes more intensive and………. may be offered to encourage preference over competing products.

– Promotion ……… on product differentiation.

Decline Stage

As sales decline, the firm has several options:

–……… the product, possibly rejuvenating it by adding new features and finding new uses.

–Harvest the product —………. and continue to offer it, possibly to a…………

–……… the product, liquidating remaining……….. or selling it to another firm that is willing to continue the product.

The marketing mix decisions in the decline phase will depend on the selected strategy. For example, the price may be maintained if the product is harvested, or reduced drastically if liquidated.



inventory, discontinue, market share, loyal niche segment, low penetration pricing, objective, incentives, diminishes, differentiate, trademarks, marketing mix, product awareness, branding, patents, high «skimming» pricing, selective, early adopters, brand preference, demand, maximizing, reduce costs, progresses, marketing strategy, development costs, audience, features, maintain, focuses, сommunications

Exercise 5. Translate into English.

Маркетинговая стратегия компании Soutec

Мобильные телефоны Soutec завоевали признание во многих странах Юго-Восточной Азии, Европы, Южной Америки и Африки. Политика компании характеризуется партнерскими и доверительными отношениями с зарубежными представительствами, поэтому специфике рынка страны и потребностям общества уделяется повышенное внимание.

В отношении российского рынка компания Soutec поставила перед собой цель до конца 2005 года достичь уровня продаж в 250 000 трубок и вывести на рынок 8—10 моделей телефонов разного ценового уровня. Таким образом, компания стремится наиболее полным образом удовлетворять потребности большинства потенциальных покупателей мобильных телефонов и соответствовать быстрым темпам развития рынка как в столице, так и в регионах.

Объективно оценивая ситуацию на российском рынке мобильных телефонов, компания приняла решение начать свою деятельность в крупнейших региональных городах России, параллельно подготавливая почву для выхода бренда Soutec в Питере и Москве. Маркетинговая активность компании Soutec будет направлена на такие города, как Нижний Новгород, Самара, Казань, Екатеринбург, Пермь, Челябинск, Новосибирск и Омск. В качестве рекламной поддержки планируется использовать наружную рекламу и активный промоушен в салонах сотовой связи.

Первостепенной задачей компания Soutec считает для себя построение сети обслуживания телефонов своего бренда. В рамках региональной стратегии данный вопрос приобретает особое значение. И пристальное внимание к данному вопросу лишний раз подтверждает серьезность намерений компании. В настоящее время компания Soutec ведет активную работу по организации сервисной поддержки с покрытием всей территории России. Компания налаживает сотрудничество с крупнейшими сервисными центрами, обслуживающими не менее 50 городов. Помимо широты охвата компания ставит своей задачей сокращение сроков ремонта и улучшение гарантийных условий для покупателей. Для решения данных вопросов в Москве был организован централизованный склад запчастей, поставки которых будут осуществляться не менее 2 раз в месяц.

На втором месте по значимости – разработка продуманной дистрибуторской политики. Планируется привлечь 3—4 крупнейшие компании, владеющие широкой розничной сетью и всеми необходимыми ресурсами для оптовых продаж с целью увеличения зоны покрытия. Дистрибьюторская политика компании основана на предоставлении максимально выгодных условий. Российским представительством была создана целая концепция защиты и поощрения дистрибуторов. Помимо высокой прибыльности бренда прежде всего для дистрибьюторов, особое место в этой программе отводится системе предоставления бонусов по таким категориям, как volume rebate, price protection, stock protection. Также компания Soutec предлагает широкий спектр возможностей по оплате и доставке, осуществляет ежеминутный контроль над розничными ценами и уделяет значительное внимание совместным маркетинговым акциям, направленным на увеличение продаж и привлечение внимания потребителей к мобильным телефонам Soutec.


Lesson 8

The Past, Present and Future of Marketing

Read and translate the text and learn terms from the Essential Vocabulary.

According to Kotler: The World’s Foremost Authority on Marketing Answers Your Questions

– In your books, you have pointed out that globalization, hypercompetition, and the Internet are reshaping markets and businesses. What effect are these dynamics having on marketing?

All three forces act to increase downward pressure on prices. Globalization means that companies will move their production to cheaper sites and bring products into a country at prices lower than those charged by the domestic sellers. Hypercompetition means that there are more suppliers competing for the same customer, leading to price cuts. And the Internet means that people can compare prices more quickly and move to the lowest-cost offer. The marketing challenge, then, is to find ways to maintain prices and profitability in the face of these macro trends. No country’s industry is going to hold on to its customers if it can’t continue to lead in offering the most value.

At the same time, various world regions are becoming more integrated and more protective. The members of a region are seeking preferential terms from the other members of the region. But artificial trade preferences cannot last long against a substantial deterioration in value.

– What are the main new trends in marketing?

My list would include:

– From make-and-sell marketing to sense-and-respond marketing

– From owning assets to owning brands

– From vertical integration to virtual integration (outsourcing)

– From mass marketing to customized marketing

– From operating only in the marketplace to also operating in cyberspace

– From pursuing market share to pursuing customer share

– From focusing on customer attraction to focusing on customer retention

– From transaction marketing to relationship marketing

– From customer acquisition to customer retention and satisfaction

– From mediated marketing to direct marketing

– From marketer monologue to customer dialogue

– From separated planning of communications to integrated marketing communications

– From single-channel marketing to multichannel marketing

– From product-centric marketing to customer-centric marketing

– From the marketing department doing the marketing to everyone in the company doing the marketing

– From exploiting suppliers and distributors to partnering with them

– How will organizations be affected by the substantial increase in the velocity of change?

Successful companies must practice trend watching and scenario planning. It never hurts to identify trends and speculate about their implications for the company. Companies can also benefit from imagining different future scenarios and planning responses to them. Royal Dutch/Shell attributes some of its profitability to the use of scenario planning.

– What are the major changes within the field of marketing since the famous 4Ps?

There have been countless changes. We have been shifting from mass marketing to segment marketing to niche marketing to one-to-one marketing. We have recognized the growing importance of service. We have improved our skills at brand building and brand asset management. We are making better use of Web marketing. We are developing new metrics for measuring the impact of marketing expenditures.

– What are the newest skills needed in marketing?

Marketing traditionally has relied on four marketing skills and tools: the sales force, advertising, sales promotion, and marketing research. Every company needs to master these tools. But marketing departments also need a whole new set of skills. Among them are brand building, customer relationship management, database marketing, telemarketing, experiential marketing, and profitability analysis by product, segment, channel, and customer.

– What is experiential marketing?

Marketers need to think more about delivering a positive experience for the customer than about simply selling a product or a service. Starbucks markets a «coffee experience» as customers sit in its attractive shops and escape from the hustle and bustle of the busy world. The famous Barnes & Noble chain of bookstores delivers an experience that includes chairs and tables for sitting and reading, evening lectures and performances, and a great coffee shop. REI, a retailer selling climbing equipment, includes a climbing wall and a simulated rainfall in its stores so that customers can test and experience the performance of its products. This suggests that marketers should think through the experience that customers have when they obtain a product or service and see how they can provide a simulation of this experience.

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