Полимат. История универсальных людей от Леонардо да Винчи до Сьюзен Сонтаг - Питер Бёрк
Robert A. Nye, The Origins of Crowd Psychology: Gustave Le Bon and the Crisis of Mass Democracy in the Third Republic (Beverly Hills, CA, 1975); Benoît Marpeau, Gustave Le Bon: parcours d'un intellectuel, 1841–1931 (Paris, 2000).
Peter Amacher, 'Freud, Sigmund', DSB 5, 171–83, at 173; Oliver Sachs, 'The Other Road: Freud as Neurologist', The River of Consciousness (London, 2017), 79–100, at 79.
Frank J. Sulloway, Freud, Biologist of the Mind (1979, 2nd edn, Cambridge, MA 1992); Joel Whitebook, Freud: An Intellectual Biography (Cambridge, 2017).
Marcel Fournier, Marcel Mauss (1994: English translation, Princeton, NJ, 2006), 92.
Douglas Cole, Franz Boas: The Early Years, 1858–1906 (Seattle, WA, 1999); Ned Blackhawk and Isaiah L. Wilner (eds.), Indigenous Visions: Rediscovering the World of Franz Boas (New Haven, CT, 2018).
Herbert J. Fleure, 'Haddon, Alfred', ODNB 24, 411–12.
Michael Bevan and Jeremy MacClancy, 'Rivers, William Halse Rivers', ODNB 47, 48–9.
Robert Ackerman, J. G. Frazer: His Life and Work (Cambridge, 1987); он же, 'Frazer, Sir James George', ODNB 20, 892–3.
George Gordon, Andrew Lang (Oxford, 1928), 11.
George Gordon, 'Lang, Andrew', DNB 1912–21, 319–23; A. De Cocq, Andrew Lang (Tilburg, 1968); William Donaldson, 'Lang, Andrew', ODNB 32, 453–6.
Bernhard Maier, William Robertson Smith (Tübingen, 2009), 5, 243.
Thomas O. Beidelman, W. Robertson Smith and the Sociological Study of Religion (Chicago, IL, 1974); Henry R. Sefton, 'Smith, William Robertson', ODNB 51, 385–6.
Norbert Wiener, Ex-Prodigy (1953: new edn, Cambridge, MA 1964), и I Am a Mathematician (1956: new edn, Cambridge, MA, 1964); Leone Montagnini, Le armonie del disordine: Norbert Wiener matematico-filosofo del '900 (Venice, 2005).
Леон Хармон, цит. по: Pamela McCorduck, Machines Who Think: A Personal Enquiry into the History and Prospects of Artificial Intelligence (Natick, MA, 2004), 67.
William Aspray, John von Neumann and the Origins of Modern Computing (Cambridge, MA, 1990), 1.
Norman Macrae, John von Neumann: The Scientific Genius who Pioneered the Modern Computer, Game Theory, Nuclear Deterrence and Much More (New York, 1992); Giorgio Israel and Ana Millán Gasca, The World as a Mathematical Game: John von Neumann and 20th-Century Science (Basel, 2000).
Jimmy Soni and Rob Goodman, A Mind at Play: How Claude Shannon Invented the Information Age (New York, 2017).
Andrew Hodges, Alan Turing: The Enigma (London, 1983); David Leavitt, The Man Who Knew Too Much: Alan Turing and the Invention of the Computer (London, 2006); George Dyson, Turing's Cathedral: The Origins of the Digital Universe (London, 2012).
Полная биография этого замечательного человека не написана до сих пор. Краткую справку см. в: John Parascandola, 'Henderson, Lawrence Joseph', DSB 6, 260–2.
Mark Davidson, Uncommon Sense: The Life and Thought of Ludwig Von Bertalanffy (Los Angeles, CA, 1983); См. также: Hammond, The Science of Synthesis.
Цит. по: Hammond, The Science of Synthesis, 157.
Цит. по: Davidson, Uncommon Sense, 18.
Beverley Kent, Charles S. Peirce: Logic and the Classification of the Sciences (Montreal, 1987); Paul J. Croce, 'Peirce, Charles Sanders', ANB 17, 252–4; Christopher Hookway, 'Peirce, Charles Sanders', in Edward Craig (ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy, 7, 269–84.
Daniel Armstrong and C. H. van Schooneveld (eds.), Roman Jakobson: Echoes of his Scholarship (Lisse, 1977), v, 1.
Roman Jakobson, 'Preface' to Selected Writings, vol. 4 (The Hague, 1966).
Roman Jakobson and Petr Bogatyrev, 'Folklore as a Special Form of Creation' (1929: repr. in Selected Writings, vol. 4, 1–15).
Elmar Holenstein, 'Jakobson's Philosophical Background', in Krystina Pomorska et al. (eds.), Language, Poetry and Politics (Amsterdam, 1987), 15–31.
José Marcos-Ortega, 'Roman Jakobson precursor de la neuropsicología cognitiva', in Mónica Mansour and Julieta Haidar (eds.), La imaginación y la inteligencia en el lenguaje: Homenaje a Roman Jakobson (Mexico City, 1996), 161–76.
Roman Jakobson, 'Two Aspects of Language and Two Aspects of Aphasic Disturbances' (1956: repr. in Roman Jakobson, Selected Writings, vol. 2 (The Hague, 1971), 239–59.
Richard Bradford, Roman Jakobson: Life, Language, Art (London, 1994), 129–42.
Edmund Leach, 'Roman Jakobson and Social Anthropology', в коллективной работе: A Tribute to Roman Jakobson (Berlin, 1983), 10–16; Holenstein, 'Philosophical Background', 17.
Roland Barthes, Système de la Mode (Paris, 1967); он же, L'empire des signes (Paris, 1970). О нем: Louis-Jean Calvet, Roland Barthes: A Biography (1990: English translation, Bloomington, IN, 1994).
Цит. по: Sandro Montalto (ed.), Umberto Eco: l'uomo che sapeva troppo (Pisa, 2005), 215. В сущности, Эко не был сторонником получения информации ради нее самой, но ему, несомненно, нравилась аллюзия на «Человека, который слишком много знал» Хичкока в названии этого сборника.
Афробразильская политеистическая религия.
Peter Bondanella, Umberto Eco and the Open Text (Cambridge, 1997); Michael Caesar, Umberto Eco: Philosophy, Semiotics and the Work of Fiction (Cambridge, 1999).
Avril Pyman, Pavel Florensky, a Quiet Genius: The Tragic and Extraordinary Life of Russia's Leonardo da Vinci (New York, 2010). Я хотел бы поблагодарить Робина Милнер-Галланда за то, что он много лет назад обратил мое внимание на труды Флоренского.
William T. Scott and Martin X. Moleski, Michael Polanyi: Scientist and Philosopher (Oxford, 2005); Mary Jo Nye, Michael Polanyi and his Generation (Chicago, IL, 2011).
Maurice Goldsmith, Joseph Needham: 20th-Century Renaissance Man (Paris, 1995).
Соавтор Нидема, Ван Лин, цит. по: Goldsmith, Joseph Needham, 136. См. также: Simon Winchester, Bomb, Book and Compass: Joseph Needham and the Great Secrets of China (London, 2008).
Интервью Голдсмита с Нидемом, цит. по: Goldsmith, Joseph Needham, 55, 45. О «вопросе Нидема» см.: Nathan Sivin, 'Why the Scientific Revolution