Полимат. История универсальных людей от Леонардо да Винчи до Сьюзен Сонтаг - Питер Бёрк
Denis Pernot, 'Brunetière', in Dominique Kalifa et al. (eds.), La civilisation du journal: histoire culturelle et littéraire de la presse française au XIXe siècle (Paris, 2011), 1, 261–5.
Lorraine Daston, 'The Academies and the Unity of Knowledge', Differences 10 (1998), 67–86, at 73.
C. P. Snow, The Two Cultures (1959: ed. Stefan Collini, Cambridge, 2001), 2, 14–15.
Helmut Kreuzer (ed.), Die zwei Kulturen (Munich, 1987); W. W. Mijnhardt and B. Theunissen (eds.) De Twee Culturen (Amsterdam, 1988); Giorgio Olcese (ed.), Cultura scien tifica e cultura umanistica: contrasto o integrazione? (Genoa, 2004); Emma Eldelin, «De två kulturerna» flyttar hemifrån: C. P. Snows begrepp i svensk idédebatt, 1959–2005 (Stockholm, 2006); Jost Halfmann and Johannes Rohbeck (eds.), Zwei Kulturen Der Wissenschaft, Revisited (Göttingen, 2007).
Benedict Anderson, Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (1983: revised edn, London, 1991).
Frank Horner, The French Reconnaissance: Baudin in Australia, 1801–1803 (Melbourne, 1987), 72.
Peter E. Carels and Dan Flory, 'J. H. Zedler's Universal Lexicon', in Frank A. Kafker (ed.), Notable Encyclopaedias of the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries (Oxford, 1981), 165–95; Frank A. Kafker, The Encyclopaedists as Individuals (Oxford, 2006).
Herman Kogan, The Great EB: The Story of the Encyclopaedia Britannica (Chicago, IL, 1958), 168; Gabriele Turi, Il mecenate, il filosofo e il gesuita: l' Enciclopedia Italiana, specchio della nazione (Bologna, 2002), 50, 57.
Steven Shapin, The Scientific Life: A Moral History of a Late Modern Vocation (Chicago, IL, 2008), 169–78; Jeffrey A. Johnson, The Kaiser's Chemists: Science and Modernization in Imperial Germany (Chapel Hill, NC, 1990), 34; Daniel P. Todes, Pavlov's Physiological Factory (Baltimore, MD, 2002), 88.
Laurent Mucchielli, La découverte du social: naissance de la sociologie en France, 1870–1914 (Paris, 1998), 213; Marcel Fournier, Émile Durkheim (2007: English translation, Cambridge, 2013), 66.
Джон Рашио, см. в: Becher and Trowler, Academic Tribes and Territories, 66.
Rudolf Stichweh, 'Differenzierung der Wissenschaft', in Wissenschaft, Universitä t, Professionen (Frankfurt, 1994).
Ian McNeely with Lisa Wolverton, Reinventing Knowledge from Alexandria to the Internet (New York, 2008), xix, 163. См. также: Immanuel Wallerstein et al., Open the Social Sciences (Stanford, CA, 1996).
George Weisz, The Emergence of Modern Universities in France, 1863–1914 (Princeton, NJ, 1983), 225–69.
Bernhard vom Brocke, 'Friedrich Althoff: A Great Figure in Higher Education Policy in Germany', Minerva 29 (1991), 269–93, at 272.
Axtell, Wisdom's Workshop, 263.
Fournier, Émile Durkheim, 91, 411.
Wallerstein, Open the Social Sciences, 34.
Pierre Bourdieu, Distinction (1979: English translation, London 1984); он же, Homo Academicus (1984: English translation, Cambridge 1988).
P. Boardman, The Worlds of Patrick Geddes: Biologist, Town Planner, Re-Educator, Peace-Warrior (London, 1978), 1; Israel Zangwill, 'Introduction' to Amelia Defries, The Interpreter: Geddes, the Man and his Gospel (London, 1927), 10.
Этим приятелем был Патрик Аберкромби, градостроитель. Paddy Kitchen, A Most Unsettling Person: An Introduction to the Ideas and Life of Patrick Geddes (London, 1975), 237.
Lewis Mumford, Sketches from Life: The Autobiography of Lewis Mumford (New York, 1982), 153.
Цит. по: The Democratic Intellect, IX.
Helen Meller, Patrick Geddes: Social Evolutionist and City Planner (London, 1990); она же, 'Geddes, Patrick', ODNB 21, 701–6.
Françoise Levie, L'homme qui veut classer le monde (Brussels, 2006); Alex Wright, Cataloguing the World: Paul Otlet and the Birth of the Information Age (Oxford, 2014).
Marie Neurath and Robert S. Cohen (eds.), Otto Neurath: Empiricism and Sociology (Dordrecht, 1973), 14, 46.
Цит. по: Neurath and Cohen, Otto Neurath, 4. По его оценкам, 13 000 книг. Слова его жены Марии процитированы там же, 59.
Jordi Cat, Nancy Cartwright and Hasok Chang, 'Otto Neurath: Politics and the Unity of Science', in Peter Galison and David J. Stump (eds.), The Disunity of Science (Stanford, CA, 1996), 347–69. Парадоксально, но потребовалось три исследователя, чтобы рассказать о взглядах одного человека на единство науки, однако статья служит примером международного сотрудничества, столь дорогого сердцу ее главного героя.
Nader Vossoughian, 'The Language of the World Museum: Otto Neurath, Paul Otlet, Le Corbusier', Associations Transnationales (2003), 82–93.
Otto Neurath, 'Unified Science as Encyclopaedic Integration', in Otto Neurath, Rudolf Carnap and Charles Morris (eds.), International Encyclopaedia of Unified Science, vol. 1 (Chicago, IL, 1955), 1–27.
Guy V. Beckwith, 'The Generalist and the Disciplines: The Case of Lewis Mumford', Issues in Integrative Studies 14 (1996), 7–28. Со временем отношение Мамфорда к Геддесу становилось все более критическим, что видно из его статьи 'The Disciple's Rebellion', Encounter (September, 1966), 11–20.
Цит. по: Donald L. Miller, Lewis Mumford: A Life (New York, 1989), 163.
Там же, 427, с цитатой из самого Мамфорда; Lewis Mumford, The Myth of the Machine (1966), 16–17.
Там же, 16.
Allen Davis, 'Lewis Mumford: Man of Letters and Urban Historian', Journal of Urban History 19 (1993), 123–31, at 123. См. также: Thomas P. Hughes and Agatha Hughes (eds.), Lewis Mumford: Public Intellectual (New York, 1990).
Norman and Jean Mackenzie, The Time Traveller: The Life of H. G. Wells (London, 1973), 41, 402–403.
Nicholas Murray, Aldous Huxley: A Biography (London, 2003), 171.
Там же, 127, 161.
Stefan Collini, Absent Minds: Intellectuals in Britain (Oxford, 2008), 458.
Интервью с Борхесом цит. по: Jaime Alazraki, Borges and the Kabbalah (Cambridge, 1988), 5.
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