Джеймс Голдгейер - Цель и средства. Политика США в отношении России после «холодной войны»
Bush G.H.W. Remarks to the Supreme Soviet of the Republic of the Ukraine in Kiev, Soviet Union. — August 1, 1991.
For an overview, see Cook L., Labor and Liberalization: Trade Unions In the New Russia (Twentieth Century Fund Press, 1997), chap. 5.
NDI (National Democratic Institute), Report of the Survey Mission in the Soviet Union: July 29 — August 3, 1990. — Washington, 1990. — P. 22. For a description of NDI programs in the Soviet Union, see NDI, The Com monwealth of Independent States, Issues and Opinions. — Washington, January 1992.
Его участие отражено в книге: Matlock, Autopsy on an Empire.
Об этом ланче с Рейганом см.: Shultz G. Turmoil and Triumph: Diplomacy, Power and the Victory of the American Ideal (Simon and Shuster, 1993). — P. 1102-1103.
Указ Президента Российской Советской Федеративной Социалистической Республики // Россия. Экстренный выпуск. — 19 августа 1991 г.
Interview with Scowcroft.
Interview with James Collins.
Excerpts from Bush News Conference on Soviet Coup: Hope and Warning // New York Times. — August 20, 1991. — P. 15; Remarks and Exchan ge with Reporters in Kenebunkport, Maine, on Attempted Coup in the Soviet Union. — August 19, 1991 (http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu.papers [June 25, 2003]).
Excerpts from Bush News Conference on Soviet Coup: Hope and Warning // New York Times. — August 20, 1991. — P. 15.
Bush. Remarks and an Exchange with Reporters in Kenebunkport, Maine, on the Attempted Coup in the Soviet Union.
О последующем разочаровании Горбачева нерешительностью, проявлен ной Бушем и другими западными лидерами, см.: Gorbachev M., Memoirs. — Р. 663.
Описание подробностей противостояния см.: Russia's Unfinished Revolution. — Chap. 3.
Interview with Scowcroft.
Bush. The President's News Conference in Kennebunkport, Main, on the Attempted Coup in the Soviet Union. — August 20, 1991 (http://bushlibrary.tamu.edu/ papers [June 25, 2003]).
Bush. Exchange with Reporters in Kennebunkport, Main, on the Attempted Coup in the Soviet Union. — August 21, 1991.
Boris Yeltsin. The Struggle for Russia. — Random House, 1994. — P. 132.
Chaney D. Address to the American Political Science Association. — August 29, 1991.
Qates, From the Shadows. — P. 530.
Baker, as quoted in Gates, From the Shadows. — P. 530.
Memorandum of Conversation, NATO Summit. — Rome. — P. 3. Declas sified by the Bush Library in Response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request from authors.
Bush and Scowcroft, A World transformed. — P. 552-553.
Smith R.J. U.S. Officials Split over Response to an Independent Ukraine II Washington Post. — November 25, 1991. — P. A18.
Smith. U.S. Officials Split over Response to an Independent Ukraine.
Baker. The Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 560-561.
Baker. The Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 561; Bechloss and Talbott, At The Highest Levels. — P. 449; and interview with Scowcroft.
Interview with Baker; and Baker, The Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 562.
McFaul. Russia's Unfinished Revolution. — Chap. 4.
See Anders Aslund. How Russia became a Market Economy. — Brookings, 1995. — Chap. 2.
For details see McFaul, Russia's Unfinished Revolution. — Chap. 5.
Interview with Robert Zoellick; and George Kolt quotation is from the manuscript review session at Brookings. — May 23, 2003.
Interview with Zoellick.
See Lundberg, CIA and the Fall of the Soviet Empire. — P. 44.
Interview with Baker.
См.: Sigal L.V. Hang Separately: Cooperative Security between the United States and Russia, 1984-1985. — New York: Century Foundation, 2000. — P. 232.
Simes D. Russia Reborn // Foreign Ajfairs. — Vol. 85. — Winter 1991-1992. — P. 41-62. Concerns about Russian Imperialism lingered well beyond the collapse. Brzezinski Z. The Premature Partnership // Foreign Affairs. — Vol. 73. — March-April 1994. — P. 67-82; Odom W. and Dujarric R. Commonwealth or Empire? Russia, Central Asia, and the Transcaucasus // Hudson Institute Press. — 1995; Uri Ra'anan and Kate Martin eds., Russia: A Return to Imperialism? — St. Martin's Press, 1995.
Stanglin D. and Corwin J. The Old Face of Russia // U.S. News and World Report. — November 11, 1991. — P. 48; and Boris the Great, or the Terrible! // Economist. — October 5, 1991. — P. 51-52.
Bush G. and Scowcroft B. A World Transformed (Alfred A. Knopf, 1998). — P. 543-544.
Interview with Scowcroft.
Interviews with Stephen Hadley and Scooter Libby.
Interview with James Baker.
Powell C. My American Journey: An Autobiography (Random House, 1995). — P. 540-541.
Address to the Nation on Reducing United States and Soviet Nuclear Weapons. — September 27, 1991 (www.fas.org [June 25, 2003]). See also Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed. — P. 546-547; Baker III J. with DeFrank T.M. The Politics of Diplomacy: Revolution, War and Peace 1989-1992 (G.P. Putman's Sons, 1995). — P. 526.
Bush and Scowcroft. A World Transformed. — P. 546-547; Baker. The Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 526; Sigal, Hang Separately. — P. 245; interview with Stephen Hadley.
Baker. The Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 525; Bush and Scowcroft, A World Transformed. — P. 543-544, Dereck H. Chollet in «Absent at the Creation? Decision-Making in the Bush Administration and the Transformation of the Soviet Union, August-December 1991», Cornell University, honors thesis, April 1993, дает описание дискуссий, основанных на интервью с ведущими официальными лицами. See. — Р. 30-31.
Baker. The Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 560. The leak of the U.S. debates appeared in R. Jeffrey Smith. U.S. Officials Split over Response to an Independent Ukraine // Washington Post. — November 25, 1981. — P. A18.
Interview with Nicholas Burns.
Interview with Hadley.
Цит. по: Chollet, Absent at the Creation? — P. 74. Chollet’s chapter 3 remains the best discussion of the origins of Baker's speech in Princeton in December 1991.
Baker. Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 563; Hoffman D. Baker: U.S. Must Resist Temptation to Move toward Isolationism // Washington Post. — December 8, 1991. — P. A41.
Baker III J. America and the Collapse of the Soviet Union: What Has to Be Done // US. Department of State Dispatch. — Vol. 2. — December 2, 1991. — P. 887-93.
Baker, Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 566-567; see also U.S. Department of State (Moscow). Press Availability by Secretary of State James Baker III and Russian Republic President Boris Yeltsin. Kremlin. — December 16, 1991. — P. 5.
Baker, Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 572.
Neumann J. Baker ‘Reassured’ on the Soviet Nukes // USA Today. — December 17, 1991. — P. Al.
Press Availability by Secretary of State James Baker III and Russian Republic President Boris Yeltsin. — P. 3.
Interview with Carpendale.
Baker, Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 583.
Hoffman D. Ukraine's Leader Pledges to Destroy Nuclear Arms; Baker Says U.S. Recognition is Closer // Washington Post. — December 19, 1991. — P. Al; Friedman T.L. Soviet Disarray // The New York Times. — December 19, 1991. — P. Al; Neuman J. Republics Vow to Deeper Arms Cuts // USA Today. — P. A4; Hoffman D. Kazakhstan Keeping Nuclear Arms, Republic's President Tells Baker // Washington Post. — December 18, 1991. — P. A30; Feduschak N.A. Former Soviet Union Republics reassure Baker on Nuclear Arms // Wall Street Journal. — December 17, 1991. — P. A17.
Carter A. and Perry W. Preventive Defense: A New Security Strategy for America. — Brookings, 1999. — P. 71-72.
Sigal. Hang Separately. — P. 238; Combs R. U.S. Domestic Politics and the Nunn-Lugar Program // Dismantling the Cold War: U.S. and NIS Perspectives on the Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction Program, edited by Shields J.M. and Porter W.C. — MIT Press, 1997. — P. 42-44.
Interview with Dennis Ross. On December 12 signing of legislature, see Combs. U.S. Domestic Politics. — P. 44.
Interview with Brent Scowcroft; see also Raymond Garthoff // The United States and the New Russia: The First Five Years, Current History. — Vol. 96. — October 1997. — P. 305-12.
Nunn S. Changing Threats in the Post-Cold War World // Shields and Plotter, Dismantling the Cold War. — P. xi.
Baker, Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 620.
On 1989, see: Cholett D.H. and Goldgeier J.M. Once Burned, Twice Shy? The Pause of 1989 // Wohlforth W. ed. Cold War Endgame. — Pennsylvania State University Press, 2003. — P. 141-173.
Baker. Politics of Diplomacy. — P. 620.
Address before a Joint Session of the Congress on the State of the Union. — January 28, 1992; Segal, Hang Separately. — P. 250; and Yeltsin-Bush Letter. — January 27, 1992. Moscow 02449, American Embassy Moscow to Secretary of State, рассекречено по запросу авторов на основе Закона о свободе информации.
Parks M. and McManus D. Yeltsin Asks 805 Cut in Warheads for U.S., Russia // Los Angeles Times. — January 30, 1992. — P. Al.