Развитие западного интеллектуализма - Владимир Юльевич Голяховский
82 Crystal, David (Ed) – The Cambridge Biographical Encyclopedia, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
83 Cunliffe, Barry – The Ancient Celts, Oxford, 2000.
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85 D.Johanson, D. & Shreeve, J. Lucy’s Child, New Discovery of a Human Ancestor, W.Morrow,1989.
86 D’Ancona, Jacob – The City of Light;(A Jewish Merchant Travel China in 1270 – four years before Marco Polo) Little Brown, 2002.
87 Davaras,Costis – Knossos and the Herakleion Museum, Athens Editions Hannibal, 1986.
88 Davis, Norman – Europe, a History; Oxford, 1996.
89 Dawkins, Richard – A Devil’s Chaplain; Houghton Mifflin, 2002.
90 De Beler, Gros – Egyptian Mythology; Grande, 2004.
91 De Bourgoing, Jacquelin – The Calendar: Discoveries; Abrams, 2004.
92 Delogu, Paolo – Introduction to Medieval History, Duckworth, 2003.
93 Delouche, Frederic, at al (Ed) – Illustrated History of Europe, Henry Holt and Co. 1992.
94 Dersin, Denise (ed) – What Life was like – Byzantium Empire, AD 330-1453, Time-Life, Books, 1998.
95 Deth on the Nile, a Royal Cemetery reveals New Clues to Murder, and Intrigue in Ancient Egypt, National Geographic, October 2002.
96 Diamond, Jared – Guns, Germs and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies, Norton, 1997.
97 Dickie, Matthew W. – Magic and Magicians in the Greco-Roman World, Routlesge, 2003.
98 Donadio, Rachel – A Grand Survivor in a Timeless City (Panteon), NYTimes, nov.20/2005.
99 Donald, Merlin – A Mind so Rare (Tne Evolution of Human Concious-ness), Morton, 2001.
100 Doren van, Charles – A History of Knowledge, A Birch Lane Press Book, 1991.
101 Downs, Robert – Books That Changed The World, New American Library, 1983.
102 Duncan, David E. – Calendar: The 5,000 Year Struggle to Align the Clock and the Heavens and What Happened to the Missing Ten Days, The Economist, 1996.
103 Dunkel, Tom. Puzzle Master (an American scholar in Britain oversees the world’s largest cache of papyrus rolls, keys to antiquity), Smithsonian, September 2002.
104 Durant Will – Caesar and Christ, Simon and Schuster, 1944.
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108 Durant, Will. The Renaissance, The Story of Civilization, 1970.
109 Durant, Will and Ariel. The Age of Reason Begins (The Story of Civilization), Simon and Schuster, NewYork, 1961.
110 Durgess, Colin. The Age of Stonehenge, Castle Books, 2003.
111 E.R.Castello, E.R.& Capon U.M. The Jews and Europe: 2000 Years of History, Chartwell, 2001.
112 Easton, Stewart C. The Western Heritage; Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1961.
113 Edelman, R. – Wider Than the Sky: The Phenomenal Gift of Consciousness; Yale University Press, 2003.
114 Edwards, Paul, Editor – The Encyclopedia of Philosophy; The Macmillan Co & Free Press, London, 1967.
115 Ehrman, Bart D. – Lost Christianity: The Battles for Scripture and Faiths We Never Knew; Oxford, 2005.
116 Einstein, Albert (Introduced by Lighman, A.)– Ideas and Opinions; Modern Library, 1944.
117 Ellis, Ralph – Thoth: Architect of the Universe; EDFU, 1997.
118 Eluere, Christiane – The Celts, Conqueors of Ancient Europe, Abrams, Discoveries, 1993.
119 Emrereur, Jean-Yves – Alexandria Jewel of Egypt, Abrams, 2001.
120 Erlande-Brandenbyrg, Alain – Cathedrals and Castles: building in the Middle Ages; Discoveries, Abrams, 1995.
121 Esposito, John (ed) – The Oxford History of Islam; Oxford, 1999.
122 Evans, Richard J. – In Defense of History, W.W.Norton, 1999.
123 Everitt, Anthony – Cicero: The Life and Time of Rome’s Greatest Politician, Random House, 2003.
124 Fagan, Brian – The Long Summer: How Climat Changed Civilization, Basic Books, 2004.
125 Fagan, Brian (ed) – The Seventy Great Civilizations of the Ancient World;Thames& Hudson, 2003.
126 Farington, K. – The History of Religion, Barnes & Noble, 2001.
127 Faulkner, Neil – Apocalypse: The Great Jewish Revolt Against Rome, AD 66–73, Tempus, 2002.
128 Feiler, Bruce – Abraham; Morrow, 2002.
129 Feiler, Bruce – Walking the Bible; Morrow, 2001.
130 Feiler, Bruce – Where God Was Born; A Journey by Land to the Roots of Religeon; Morrow, 2005.
131 Feiler, Brus – Abrahsm: A Journey to The Heart of Three Faiths, Morrow, 2001.
132 Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe – Civilization – Culture, Ambition and the Transformation of Nature; A Touchstone Book, published by Simon and Schuster, 2001.
133 Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe – Civilizations, Macmillan, 2000.
134 Fernandez-Armesto, Felipe – Civilizations: Culture, Ambition, and the Transformation of Nature; Free Press, 2001.
135 Fides, Alan and Fletcher, Joann – Alexander the Great; Son of the Gods; Getty, 2002.
136 Finds in Egypt Date Alphabet In Earlier Era, by John Noble Wilford, The New York, 14 November 1999.
137 Finkelstein, I. And Silberman, N.A. – The Bible Unearthed: Archeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origins of Sacred Texts, Touchstone, 2002.
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141 Flaherly,Julie – О Profligate Youth of Rome, New York Times, 28.9.2000.
142 Flavius, Josephus – Antiquities of the Jews; Cambridge, Mass, Harvard Press, 1926 (Book XVIII, chap. Iii, Sect. 3).
143 Fleming, Fergus, at al.– The Way to Eternity, Egyptian Myth, Time-Life Books, 1997.
144 Fogelin, Robert – Walking the Tightrope of Reason, Oxford University Press, 2003.
145 Forests of the Vampire, Slavic Myth, Time-Life Books, 1999.
146 Forte, M. and Siliotti, A (Editors) – Virtual Archaeology: Re-Creating Ancient Worlds, Abrams, 1997.
147 Fortey, Richard – Earth, An Intimate History; Knopf, 2004.
148 Fowler, Brenda – For 5.300-Year-Old Iceman, Extra Autopsy Tells the Tale, The New York Times, 7,8,2001.
149 France, Peter & Hermits, Peter:-: The Insight of Solitudes, St. Martin’s, 2001.
150 Frankfurter, David – Religion in Roman Egypt: Assimilation and Resistance, Princeton University Press, 1998.
151 Fraser, P.M. – Ptolemaic Alexandria, in three volumes, Oxford, 1999.
152 Frassetto, Michael – Encyclopedia of Barbarian Europe: Society in Transition, ABC–CLIO, 2003.
153 Freeman, Charles –