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Коллектив авторов - Королевский двор в Англии XV–XVII веков

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Willson D.H. The Earl of Salsbury… P. 294.


Кузнецов К. А. Английская палата общин при Тюдорах и Стюартах. Одесса, 1915. С. 170–171.


Цит. по: Thomson A. John Holles… P. 152.


Cuddy N. Anglo-Scottish Union and Court of James I, 1603–1625 // Transaction of the Royal Historical Society. 1989. Ser. 5. Vol. 39. P. 107–124.


Butler P. M. The Invention of Britain and the Early Stuart Masque // The Stuarts Court and Europe. Essays in Politics and Political Culture / Ed. by M. Smuts. Cambridge, 1996. P. 65–85.


Akrigg G.P. Jacobean Pageant… Р. 49–54; CSPDom. 1603–1610. Р. 165, 188.


The Progresses… Vol. 1. P. 194.


Stuart Royal Proclamation… Vol. 1 P. 38–40.


A Jacobean Journal… Vol. 1 (15 октября 1605 г.)


Birch Т. The Court and Times of James the First / Ed. R. F. Williams: In 2 vols. London, 1849. Vol. 1. P. 81–83.


Letters and Life of Francis Bacon: In 7 vols. / Ed. by J. Spedding. London, 1861–1874. Vol. 3. P. 311.


Memorials of the Holles Family… P. 250.


Thomson A. John Holles… P. 153.


Ibid. P. 171–172.


CSPDom. 1611–1618. Р. 244; Letters of King James VI and I/Ed. by G. P. V. Akrigg. Berkeley, 1984. P. 339–340.


Именно на этот период приходится новый резкий рост государственного долга: с 300 000 до 688 000 фунтов (Constitutional Documents of the Reign of James I / Ed. by J. R Tanner. Cambridge, 1952. P. 356).


Cuddy N. Anglo-Scottish Union… Р. 116.


PeckL. L. Northampton: Patronage and Policy at the Court of James I. London, 1982. P. 30.


CSPDom. 1611–1618. P. 127, 135; The Letters of John Chamberlain… P. 346, 357–361. – Подробнее о королевской семье и ее отношении с фаворитами см.: Bergeron D. М. Royal Family, Royal Lovers, King James of England and Scotland. Columbia; London, 1989.


Gebauer A. Von Macht und Ma


CSPDom. 1611–1618. P. 220, 226.


Д. Финет, один из церемониймейстеров двора, в конце 1613 г. пишет о нем в своих дневниках как о «most favored Servant» (Finetti Philoxenis… P. 13)


Cuddy №Anglo-Scottish Union… Р. 119–121.


Holies G. Memorials of the Holies Family… P. 250.


Proceedings in Parliament 1610… Vol. 2. P. 23.


Хейг К. Елизавета I Английская. Ростов-на Дону, 1997. С. 21.


The Orations of the Commons-House, by the Speaker, Thomas Williams to the Queen’s Majesty // Nuqae Antiquae: being a miscellaneous collection of original papers/Ed. by Sir Harington. London, 1804. Vol. 1. P. 123.


Jones N. L. Elizabeth’s First Year: The conception and Birth of the Elizabethan Political word//The Reign of Elizabeth I/Ed. by Ch. Haigh. London, 1985. P. 27–28, 37, 49; Дмитриева О.В. Елизавета I. Семь портретов королевы. М., 1996. С. 45–62; Лоудз Д. Генрих VIII и его королевы. М.; Ростов-на-Дону, 1997. С. 16–17; Хейг К. Елизавета I Английская… С. 15–45.


Schleiner W. Divina Virago: Queen Elizabeth as an Amazon // Studies in Phililogy. 1975. N 2. P. 163–180; Дмитриева О.В. Елизавета I. С. 148–157; Хейг К. Елизавета I Английская… С. 297–298.


Кондратьев С. В. Политика и политические элиты в предреволюционной Англии // Англия XVII века: Социальные группы и общество / Под ред. С. Е. Федорова. СПб., 1994. С. 19–20; Хейг К. Елизавета I Английская… С. 151–187; Федоров С. Е. Стюартовские придворные (Некоторые аспекты самосознания и поведения общности) // Федоров С. Е., Кондратьев С. В., Питулько Г. Н. Англия XVII века: Социопрофессиональные группы и общество. СПб., 1997. С. 9–10, 26–28.


Loades D. The Tudor Court. London, 1986. P. 147–166; Williams N. All the queen’s men: Elizabeth I and her courtiers. London, 1974. P. 11–15; Хейг К. Елизавета I Английская… С. 176–181.


Adams S. Faction, Clientage and Party English Politics, 1550–1603 //History Today. 1982. Vol. 32. P. 33–39; Starkey D. From feud to faction. English Politics circa, 1450–1550//Ibid. P. 16–17.


Ожегов С. И. Словарь русского языка / Под ред. Н. Ю. Шведовой. 19-е изд., М., 1987. С. 700.


Adams S. Faction, Clientage and Party… P. 35.


«Leicester’s Commonwealth: The Copy of a Letter written by a Master of Art of Art of Cambridge» (1584) and Related Documents/Ed. by D. C. Peck. Athens; Ohio; London, 1985.


Naunton R. Fragmenta Regalia Regalia: Or Observation on the late Queen Elizabeth, her Times and Favourites // The Harleian Miscellany. London, 1744. Vol. 2. P. 72–73.


MacCaffrey W Place and Patronage in Elizabethan Politics // Elizabethan Government and Society: Essays Presented to Sir John Neale/Ed. by S. T. Bindoff, J. Hurstfield, C. Williams. London; Toronto, 1961. P. 95–126; Neal J.The Elizabethan Political Scene // Essays in Elizabethan History. London, 1958. P. 59–84.


Adams S. 1) Faction, Clientage and Party… 36–37; 2) Favourites and Factions at the Elizabethan Court // Princes, Patronage and the Nobility: The Court at the Beginning of the Modem Age, с. 1450–1650/ Ed. by R. G. Asch, A. M. Birke. Oxford, 1991. P. 265–282; 3) The Patronage of the crowning Elizabethan politics: the 1590s in perspective//The Reign of Elizabeth I. Court and culture in the last decade / Ed. by J. Guy. Cambridge, 1995. P. 41–45; Wernham R. The Making of Elizabethan Foreign Policy, 1558–1603. Berkeley; Los Angele, 1980.


A Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland / Ed. by G. E. Cockein. London, 1895. Vol. 6. Р. 53–54; Aikin L. Memoirs of court of Queen Elizabeth. London, 1823. Vol. 1. P. 454–468, 477–480; Creighton M. Howard Thomas//Dictionary of National Biography (далее – DNB). London, 1896. Vol. 28. P. 67–61.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1895. Vol. 6. Р. 70–71; Calendar of State Papers (далее – CSP) of the Reign of Elizabeth, 1581–1590. Domestic Series. London, 1865. P. 23, 29, 38–40, 129, 137–138, 499, 456; Lee S. Howard Henry//DNB. London, 1896. Vol. 28. P. 28–32; PeckL.L. Northampton: Patronage and Policy at the Court of James I. Boston; London; Sidney, 1982. P. 7–13.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1887. Vol. 1. Р. 153–154; CSP. P. 58, 117, 151, 238, 249, 327, 341, 466, 590, 611, 702; Creighton M. Howard Philip//DNB. Vol. 47. P. 52–54; Howard H. G. Fitzalan. The lives of Philip Howard, earl of Arundel and of Anne Dacres, his Wife. London, 1857.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1896. Vol. 7. Р. 335–336; CSP of the Reigns of Edward VI, Mary, Elizabeth, 1547–1580. Domestic series. London, 1856. P. 104, 151–152, 200, 279, 291, 351–354, 496, 613; CSP. 1581–1590. Domestic Series.P. 2, 14, 28, 70, 142, 243; Dunlop R. Radcliffe Thomas//DNB. London, 1896. Vol. 47. P. 136–140; Naunton R. Fragmenta Regalia. Or Observation on the late Queen Elizabeth, her Times and Favourites // The Harleian Miscellany. London, 1744. Vol. 2. P. 79–80; Strype J. Annals of the reformation and Establishment of Religion, and other various occurrences in the Church of England; During the First Twelwe Years of Queen Elizabeth’s Happy Reign. With Additions and Appendix. London, 1725. Vol. 2. P. 26.


Aikin L. Memoirs of court of Queen Elizabeth… Vol. 1. P. 476; Vol. 2. P. 121; Archbold W. A. /.Radcliffe Egremont//DNB. London, 1893. Vol. 47. P. 123; Strype J. Annals of the reformation… Vol. 2. P. 494–499.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1893. Vol. 5. Р. 177–178; Aikin L. Memoirs of court of Queen Elizabeth… Vol. 1. P. 459; CSP. 1547–1580. Domestic series. P. 396, 432, 488, 640; CSP. 1581–1590. Domestic Series. P. 63, 187, 252, 376; Gordon G. Lumley J. //DNB. London, 1893. Vol. 34. P. 272–274.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1895. Vol. 6. Р. 170–171; CSP. 1547–1580. Domestic series. P. 215, 224–226, 261, 318, 466, 484, 685; CSP. 1581–1590. Domestic Series. P. 20, 38–40, 70, 226, 409, 515; Lee S. Vere, Edvard de//DNB. London, 1899. Vol. 58. P. 225–229; Naunton R. Fragmenta Regalia… P. 94–95; Strype J. Annals of the reformation… Vol. 2. P. 26; Rowse A.L. Eminent Elizabethans. London, 1983. P. 75–106.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1895. Vol. 6. Р. 183–84; CSP. 1547–1580. Domestic series. P. 465, 487, 661, 668; CSP. 1581–1590. Domestic Series. P. 99, 125–128, 136–139, 182, 213, 270, 458, 642, 684; Seccombe Th. Paget Thomas // DNB. London, 1895. Vol. 43. P. 59–60.


CSP. 1581–1590. Domestic Series. P. 53, 73, 125, 182, 251, 268, 317, 460, 587, 690; Lee S. Paget Charles // DNB. London, 1895. Vol. 43. P. 46–49.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1895. Vol. 6. Р. 151–152; Aikin L. Memoirs of court of Queen Elizabeth… Vol. 1. P. 72–73, 107–108; CSP. 1547–1580. Domestic series. P. 19, 36, 56–57, 102, 135, 206, 289, 432, 504, 639; Strype /.Annals of the reformation… Appendix. Vol. 2. P. 626.


CSP. 1581–1590. Domestic Series. P. 48, 101–103, 200, 408, 462, 503, 713; Pollard A. F. Stafford, sir Edward// DNB. London, 1898. Vol. 43. P. 447–448; Read C. The Fame of Sir Edward Stafford // The American Historical Review. 1915. Vol. 20. P. 292–313.


CSP. 1581–1590. Domestic Series. P. 15–16, 38, 90, 137–139, 182, 251, 317, 418, 563; Peck D.C. 1) Introductkm//«L’C»-1. P. 15; 2) Raleigh, Sidney, Oxford and others catholics, 1579 //Notes and Queries. 1978. N 5. P. 431.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1895. Vol. 6. Р. 90–91; CSP. 1547–1580. Domestic series. P. 193, 321, 381, 431, 437, 688; CSP. 1581–1590. Domestic Series. P. 113, 137–141, 156, 187, 221, 244, 252, 256.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1898. Vol. 8. Р. 186; Strype /.Annals of the reformation… Vol. 2. P. 618.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1889. Vol. 2. P. 340–341; CSP. 1581–1590. Domestic Series. P. 376, 384.


A Complete Peerage… London, 1889. Vol. 2. P. 12–31, 429; Proceeding against earl of Nortumberlend // Calendar of the Manuscripts of the Most Honorable The Marquis of Salisbury. Hereford, 1910. Vol. 11. P 270–281.


См.: Read С. Mr. Secretary Walsingham and the policy of Queen Elizabeth. Oxford, 1925.Vol. 2. P. 75.


«L’C»-1. Р. 68, 184; «Leicesters Commonwealth: conceived, spoken and published with most Ernest Protestation…» Job the 20, verse the 27. London, 1641 (далее – «L’C»-2). P. 4–5, 164.


Aveling J.C. H. The Handle and the Axe. The Catholic Recusants in England from Reformation to Emancipation. London, 1976. P. 24–25; Bossy J.The English Catholic Community, 1570–1850. London, 1975; Holmes P. Resistance and compromise. The Political Thought of the Elizabethan Catholics. Cambridge, N.Y., New Rochelle, Melbourne, Sidney, 1982; Leslie John, Bishop of Ross. A Treatise to touching the Right, Title, and interest of the most exellent Princesse Marie, Queene of Scotland, and of the most noble King James, her Graces sonne, to the succession of the Croune of England. Reims, 1584.


Adams S. Faction, Clientage and Party English Politics, 1550–1603 //History Today. 1982. Vol. 32. P. 36; Pritchard A. Catholic Loyalism in Elizabethan England. Chapell Hill, 1979. P. 38–72; Pulman M. B. The Elizabethan Privy Council in the Fifteen-Seventies. Berkeley; Los Angeles; London, 1971. P. 23–24.


Rivals in Power. Lives and Letters of the Great Tudor Dynasties /Ed. by D. Starkey. Highbury, London, 1990. P. 192–193.


CSP. 1581–1590. Domestic Series. P. 109, 343, 372, 674; The Case of the Bishop of Ross // Harleian Misscellany. Vol. 2. P. 460–462; Rowse A. L. Eminent Elizabethans. P. 84–894; Calendar of State Papers, Domestic series. 1580–1588. P. 38–40.


The Case of the Bishop of Ross; Calendar of State Papers. Scotland and Mary, Queen of Scots, 1547–1603: In 2 vols. Edinburg, 1898–1913.


D’Ewes S. A compleet Journal of the notes… both of the house of Lords and house of Commons throughout the whole reign of Queen Elizabeth // Strype /.Annals of the reformation and Establishment of Religion, and other various occurrences in the Church of England; During the First Twelwe Years of Queen Elizabeth’s Happy Reign. With Additions and Appendix. Vol. 1. London, 1725. P. 532.

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