Столетняя война. Том II. Испытание огнем - Джонатан Сампшен
Соглашения: Arch. admin. Reims, iii, 169–74; Guigue, 40–1; Arbois de J., Voy. pal., 137–9; 'Doc. Maçon', 170. Заложники: Timbal, Reg. Parl., 428–30. Лондон, чума: Foed., iii, 618; Chaplais, 'Doc. Brétigny', 11.
Foed., iii, 538.
Foed., iii, 651, 654; Chaplais, 'Doc. Brétigny', 48–50; AN J641/9; Broome, 'Ransom', 13, 16–8. 'Beau parleur': la Tour Landry, Livre, 51.
Foed., iii, 681–2, 685, 694, 699, 700–1.
Дриффилд: Foed., iii, 701–2; PRO E101/29/3. Анжу: Chronographia, ii, 298–9; Noyal, 'Chron.', 262; Venette, Chron., 332.
Venette, Chron., 331, 333; Lescot, Chron., 159–60, 162; Gr. chron., i, 339–41; Anon. Cant, 215–6. Оплата: Broome, 'Ransom', 11–12; Comptes Louppy, 50–1. Соглашение: *Perroy (1928), 265; Recits d'un b. de Valenciennes, 318.
Anon. Cant., 216–7; Venette, Chron., 339; *Lescot, Chron., 244–5; *Perroy (1928), 264–5.
Ormrod, 37, 39; Harriss, 479, 477–8, 483–7, 492, 494–5; Rot. Parl., ii, 273.
*Broome and Tout, 'Balance sheet'; *Harriss, 527–30; Rot.Parl., ii, 285.
Doc. Brétigny, 15.
Brown, Colvin & Taylor, 662–6, 793–802.
AGN Comptos, iii, nos. 625 (неправильно датировано), 752, 1100, 1106–7, 1136‚ iv‚ nos. 22–3; Secousse, Preuves, 200–2. Филипп: *Plancher, ii, nos. 313–4, Foed., iii, 708–9.
Secousse, Preuves, 202–3, 205–6; Doc. Ch. Comptes Navarre, 85; AGN Comptos, iv, no. 244.
Secousse, Preuves, 202–3, 203–4, 206–7; AGN Comptos, iv, nos. 1703, 1708, v, 365, 547, 576, 804; 'Anglo-French negotiations', 83. Обручение: Chron. premiers Valois, 144–5; Агенты влияния: Pamplona, AGN Comptos, Reg. 111, fol. 90.
Secousse, Preuves, 203, 204; Mandements, no. 1. Рольбуаз: Chron. premiers Valois, 137–8; Chron. norm., 170–1; *Luce (1876), 592.
Chron. premiers Valois, 139–42, 143–4; Lescot, Chron., 163–5; Chron. norm., 169; Venette, Chron., 336–7; Chron. R. Charles V, i, 342; *Luce (1876), 593–7; Mandements, no. 2; *Delachenal (1909–31), iii, 543–5.
Chron. premiers Valois, 144; Lescot, Chron., 167; Venette, Chron., 341; Compte R. Navarre, 228; Chronographia, ii, 306; Froissart, Chron., xii, 100–1. Бретань: BN Fr. 26006/12.
Lescot, Chron., 168; Froissart, Chron., vi, 106–7, 111–2, 124–5, 292, 296, 306–7; 313; Recits d'un b. de Valenciennes, 321–2. Гасконь: Mandements, nos. 45, 480; AN J622/75.
Ранняя униформа: M. Prestwich, War, politics and finance under Edward I (1972), 101; J.E. Morris, The Welsh wars of Edward I (1901), 97; Morgan (1987), 104–5; Hewitt (1958), 15–6; J.F. Willard and W.A. Morris, The English Government at work, 1327–36, i (1940), 362–3; Avesbury, 428. G. Wrottesley, Crécy and Calais (1898), 148. 1355: Baker, 128; HGL, ix, 649. Оружие: Controversy, i, 110–11. Боевой клич: Froissart, Chron., vi, 117–9.
Chron. norm., 171–3; Lescot, Chron., 167–72; Chron. premiers Valois, 145–8; Chronographia, ii, 307–8; Froissart, Chron., xii, 101; Secousse, Preuves, 211. Порядок: The coronation book of Charles V of France, ed. R.S. Dewick (1899), 10.
Здоровье: Christine de Pisan, Livre des fais, i, 48–9,132; Froissart, Chron., ix, 280–1; Brachet, 527–60. Танкарвиль: *Perroy (1928)(2), 266. Готье: *Delachenal (1909–31), iii, 551–3.
*Plancher, ii, nos. 314–5; Chron. R. Charles V, ii, 4.
Chron. norm., 174–5; Chron. premiers Valois, 150–4; Itin. Phil. le Hardi, 11–2; Recits d'un b. de Valenciennes, 327–8; BN Fr. 26006/94 (Барфлер); BN Fr. 26006/72(3) (Зачистка).
Mandements, no. 562 (p. 277); Arch. admin. Reims, iii, 273–6; Cazelles (1982), 532–4.
Мулино: Chron. premiers Valois, 154–5; Mandements, 225A (pp. 106–7). Морская экспедиция: AGN Comptos, v, nos. 341, 348, 356, 358–9, 365, 367, 370, 383, 402, 404–5, 409, 413–20, 432, 434–9, 447–51‚ 463–9, 476, 480, 483, 958, 1101. Обресикур: ibid., nos. 313, 721; cf. CPR 1361–2, 312; CCR 1360–4, 450, 455; GEC, vii, 149.
Компании: AGN Comptos, v, 228, 269–71, 297–9, 327, 330, 340, 342, 368, 372, 374, 441, 499; Chron. R. Charles V, ii, 300–1; Secousse, Preuves, 203, 206. Март на севере: *Petit (1909), 115–7; 'Anglo-French negotiations', 83; AC Montferrand, i, 395. La Charité: Itin. Phil. le Hardi, 13; Chron. norm., 175; Chron. premiers Valois, 156–8; *Petit (1909), 122–3; Mandements, nos. 84, 93.
Morice, Preuves, i, 1565–6, 1567–8, 1581; 'Chron. Brioc.', col. 43; John IV, Actes, nos. 30, 32, 34; Borderie, iii, 578.
Chron. norm., 175; Anonimalle chron., 50–1; Chron. premiers Valois, 159; Recits d'un b. de Valenciennes, 334–5; Froissart, Chron., vi, 150 (Чандос). Карл V: BN Fr. 26006/62; Mandements, no. 117.
Chron. premiers Valois, 159–63; Chron. norm., 175–6; Venette, Chron., 350–2; Anonimalle Chron., 51; Recits d'un b. de Valenciennes, 335–8, 340; Froissart, Chron., vi, 162–3, xii, 105. Выкупы: Cart. Rays, i, 32–6.
Recits d'un b. de Valenciennes‚ 339–40; Chron. premiers Valois, 162–3; Chron. R. Charles V, ii, 6; Noyal, 'Chron.', 264; John IV, Actes, i, nos. 37–9, 41; Borderie, iv, 6–7.
Froissart, Chron., vi, 346.
Recits d'un b. de Valenciennes, 341–2; Morice, Preuves, i, 1584, 1588–9; Mandements, nos. 96–8, 114–5; Foed., iii, 753; John IV, Actes, i, nos. 43–4.
Petit Thalamus, 367;