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Codex Theodosianus: text Mommsen and Kreuger (1905); trans. Pharr (1952).

Const. Omnem: see Corpus Iuris Civilis.

Const. Tanta: see Corpus Iuris Civilis.

Corpus Iuris Civilis:

1. Institutiones (Institutes) and Digesta (Digest): text Kruger and Mommsen (1928); trans. Birks and MacLeod (1987), Watson et al. (1998).

2. Codex Justinianus (Justinian’s Code): text Kruger (1929); trans. Scott (1932).

3. Novellae (Novels): text Scholl and Kroll (1928); trans. Scott (1932).

Corripus, Iohannis: text Diggle and Goodyear (1970); trans. Shea (1998).

De litteris colendis: text Boretius (1883), no. 29; trans. King (1987), 232-3.

Deo Auctore: see Corpus Iuris Civilis.

Divisio Regnorum: text Boretius (1883), no. 45; trans. King (1987), 251-6.

Donation of Constantine: text and trans. Fried (2007).

Einhard, Life of Charlemagne: text Waitz (1911); trans. Dutton (1998).

Engelbert: text Dummler (1884), 138–139; trans. Dutton (2004).

Ennodius: text Hartel (1882).

Life of Epiphanius: trans. Deferrari (1952).

Epistolae Austrasiacae: text Gundlach (1902).

Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History: text Heinichen (1868–1870); trans. McGiffert (1905). Fredegar: text Krusch (1888).

Gregory of Tours, Histories: text Krusch and Levison (1951); trans. Thorpe (1974). Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae: Dessau (1974).

John of Antioch: text Muller (1868/1870); trans. Gordon (1966).

John of Ephesus, Ecclesiastical History: trans. Smith (1860).

Jordanes, Getica: text Mommsen (1882); trans. Mierow (1915).

Justinian, Novellae: see Corpus Iuris Civilis.

Karolus Magnus et Leo Papa: text Beumann et al. (1966); trans. Godman (1985). Liber Historiae Francorum: text and trans. Bachrach (1973).

Liber Pontificalis (Book of the Pontiffs): text Duchesne (1886-72); trans. Davies (1992) 1995, Davies (2000).

Liutprand, Antapodosis: text Dümmler (1877); trans. Wright (1993).

Malchus: text and trans. Blockley (1983).

Marcellinus Comes, Chronicle: text Mommsen (1894b).

Menander Protector: text and trans. Blockley (1985).

Ordinatio Imperii: text Boretius (1883), no. 136; trans. Dutton (2004),

Orosius, Against the Pagans: text Arnaud-Lindet (1990–1991); trans. Deferrari (1964).

Parastaseis: text and trans. Cameron and Herrin (1984).

Paul the Deacon, History of the Lombards: text Bethmann and Waitz (1878); trans. Foulke (2003).

Priscus: text and trans. Blockley (1983).

Procopius, Works: text and trans. Dewing (1914–1940).

Regino of Prum, Chronicle: text Kurze (1890); trans. Dutton (2004), 541.

Ruricius of Limoges: text Engelbrecht (1891); trans. Mathisen (1999).

Themistius, Orations: text Schenkl et al. (1965–1974); trans. Heather and Moncur (2001).

Theodosian Code: see Codex Theodosianus.

Theophanes, Chronographia: text Niebuhr (1839–1841); trans. Mango and Scott (1997).

Theophylact Simocatta, History: text de Boor and Wirth (1992); trans. Whitby and Whitby (1986).

Venantius Fortunatus, Poems: text Leo (1881); selected trans. George (1995).


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