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Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков

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People to Rid Themselves of a Popish King, James the Second. The Duke of Monmouth heading the Rebellion in England. And the Earl of Argyle that of Scotland. Their Adventurous Career, Melancholy Defeature, and Sad Consequences/Julia W.H. George. — N.Y.: Cady & Burgess, 1851. — 283 p.

112. George, R.H. The Charters Granted to English Parliamentary Corporations in 1688//The English Historical Review. — 1940. — Vol. 55. — № 217. — P. 47–56.

113. George, R.H. The Financial Relations of Louis XIV and James II//The Journal of Modern History. — 1931. — Vol. 3. — № 3. — P. 392–413.

114. Gibson, W. James II and the Trial of the Seven Bishops/William Gibson. — L.: Palgrave: Macmillan, 2009. — 251 p.

115. Goldie, M. John Locke's Circle and James II//The Historical Journal. — 1992.—Vol. 35. — P. 557–586.

116. Goldie, M. Williamite Tyranny and the Whig Jacobites/Mark Goldie, Clare Jackson//Redefining William III: The Impact of the King-Stadholder in International Context/ed. by E. Mijers, D. Onnekink. — Burlington: Ashgate, 2007. — P. 177–199.

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118. Gregg, E. The Politics of Paranoia//The Jacobite Challenge/ed. by E. Cruickshanks, J. Black. — Edinburgh: Donald, 1988. — P. 42–56.

119. Grew, E. The English Court in Exile: James II at Saint-Germain/E. Grew, M.S. Grew. — L.: Mills & Boon, 1911. — 436 p.

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121. Haile, M. Queen Mary of Modena: Her Life and Letters/Martin Haile. — L.: J.M. Dent; N.Y.: E.P. Dutton, 1905. — 532 p.

122. Hale, Е. The Fall of the Stuarts and Western Europe: from 1678 to 1697/E. Hale. — Boston: Estes & Lauriat, 1876. — 240 p.

123. Harris, T. Reluctant Revolutionaries? The Scots and the Glorious Revolution of 1688–89//Politics and Political Imagination in Later Stuart Britain: Essays Presented to Louis Green Schwoever/ed. by H. Nenner. — Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 1997. P. 97–117.

124. Haswell, J. James II: Soldier and Sailor/J. Haswell. — N.Y.: St. Martin's press, 1972. — 323 p.

125. Hayes-McCoy, G.A. Irish Battles/G.A. Hays-McCoy. — L.; Harlow: Longman, 1969. — 326 p.

126. Hayton, D.W. The Williamite Revolution in Ireland, 1688–91//Anglo-Dutch Moment: Essays on the Glorious Revolution and its World Impact/ed. by J.I. Israel. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1991. — P. 185–213.

127. Head, F.W. The Fallen Stuarts/F.W. Head. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1901. — 356 p.

128. Heywood, S.A. Vindication of Mr. Fox's History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second/Samuel A. Heywood. — L.: J. Johnson & J. Ridgeway, 1811. — 424 p.

129. Higham, F.M.G. King James the Second/F.M.G. Higham. — L.: Hamilton, 1934. — 366 p.

130. Hodges, G. William Penn/George Hodges. — Cambridge: the Riverside Press, 1901. — 140 p.

131. Hoppitt, J. A Land of Liberty? England, 1689–1727/Julian Hoppitt. — Oxford: Oxford univ. press, 2000. — 580 p.

132. Horn, D.B. The British Diplomatic Service, 1689–1789/D.B. Horn. — Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1961. — 324 p.

133. Horwitz, H. Parliament, Policy and Politics in the Reign of William III/H. Horwitz. — Newark: University of Delaware press, 1977. — 385 p.

134. Huges, L.V.T. Postnikov's 1687 Mission to London: Anglo-Russian Relations in the 1680s in British Sources//The Slavonic and East European Review. — 1990. — Vol. 68. — № 3. — P. 447–460.

135. Hume, D. The History of England from the Invasion of Julius Cassar to the Revolution in 1688: in 9 v./David Hume. — L.: J.F. Dove, 1822. — Vol. 8. — 460 p.

136. Ideology and Conspiracy: Aspects of Jacobitism, 1689–1759/ed. by E. Cruickshanks. — Edinburgh: Donald, 1982. — 231 p.

137. Ingram, T.D. Two Chapters of Irish History: the Irish Parliament of James II; the Alleged Violation of the Treaty of Limerick/T. Dunbar Ingram. — L.; N.Y.: Macmillan, 1888. — 154 p.

138. Jackson, C. Restoration Scotland, 1660–1690: Royalist Politics, Religion and Ideas/Clare Jackson. — Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2003. — 258 p.

139. Jesse, J.H. Memoirs of the Court of England During the Reigns of the Stuarts, including the Protectorate of Oliver Cromwell: in 6 v./John Heneage Jesse. — Boston: L.C. Page, 1901. — Vol. 5. — 332 p.; Vol. 6. — 346 p.

140. Jesse, J.H. Memoirs of the Court of England from the Revolution in 1688 to the death of George the Second: in 4 v./John Heneage Jesse. — Boston: Rice, 1856.— Vol. 4. — 405 p.

141. Jones, G.H. Convergent Forces: Immediate Cause of the Revolution of 1688 in England/G.H. Jones. — Ames: Iowa State University press, 1990. — 218 p.

142. Jones, G.H. The Main Stream of Jacobitism/G.H. Jones. — Cambridge: Harvard univ. press, 1954. — 257 p.

143. Jones, J.R. James IPs Revolution: Royal Policies, 1682–92//Anglo-Dutch Moment: Essays on the Glorious Revolution and its World Impact/ed. by J.I. Israel. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1991. — P. 47–71.

144. Jones, J.R. The Revolution of 1688 in England/J.R. Jones. — L.: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1972. — 345 p.

145. Keltie, J.S. History of the Scottish Highlands, Highland Clans and Highland Regiments: in 5 v./John S. Keltie — 1875. — Vol. 1. — Edinburgh; L.: Fullarton. — 776 p.

146. Kenyon, J.P. The Birth of the Old Pretender//History Today. — 1963. — Vol. 15. — № 6. — P. 418–426.

147. Kenyon, J.P. The Exclusion Crisis: in 2 parts//History Today. — 1964. — Vol. 14. — Part 1. — № 4. — P. 252–259; Part 2. — № 5. — P. 344–349.

148. Kenyon, J.P. The Revolution of 1688: Resistance and Contract//Historical Perspectives: Studies in English Thought and Society in Honour of J.H. Plumb/ed. by N. McKendrick. — L.: Europe, 1974. — P. 43–69.

149. Kenyon, J.P. Robert Spencer, Earl of Sunderland, 1641–1702/J.P. Kenyon. — L.: Longman: Green, 1958. — 396 p.

150. Kings in Conflict: The Revolutionary War in Ireland and its Aftermath, 1689–1750/ed. by W.A. Maguire. — Belfast: Blackstaff Press, 1990. — 203 p.

151. Knights, M. Politics and Opinion in Crisis, 1678–81/Mark Knights. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1994. — 426 p.

152. Laches, P.S. The Diplomatic Corps under Charles II and James II/P.S. Laches. — New Brunswick: Rutgers univ. press, 1965. — 269 p.

153. Lane, J. King James the Last/J. Lane. — L.: Dakers, 1943. — 336 p.

154. Lang, A. Sir George Mackenzie, King's Advocate, of Rosehaugh: His Life and Times, 1636(?)–1691/Andrew Lang. — L.: Longman, 1909. — 347 p.

155. Lathbury, T. A History of the Nonjurors: Their Controversies and Writings; with Remarks on Some of the Rubrics in the Book

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