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Король Яков II Стюарт и становление движения якобитов (1685–1701) - Кирилл Николаевич Станков

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to the Extinction of the Last Jacobite Insurrection: in 8 v./John Hill Burton. — Edinburgh; L.: Blackwood, 1876. — Vol. 7. — 469 p.

71. Callow, J. King in Exile. James II: Warrior, King and Saint/John Callow. — Thrupp: Sutton, 2004. — 454 p.

72. Callow, J. The Making of King James II: The Formative Years of a Fallen King/John Callow. — Stroud: Sutton, 2000. — 373 p.

73. Cassavetti, E. The Lion and the Lilies: The Stuarts and France/Eileen Cassavetti. — L.: Macdonald, 1977. — 332 p.

74. Chaussinand-Nogaret, G. Une elite insulaire au service de l'Europe: les Jacobites au XVIIIe siecle//Annales. Histoire, Sciences Sociales. — 28e Annee. 1973. — № 5. — P. 1097–1122.

75. Chambers, R. History of the Rebellions in Scotland, under the Viscount of Dundee, and the Earl of Mar, in 1689 and 1715/Robert Chambers. — Edinburgh: Constable; L.: Hurts: Chance, 1829. — 332 p.

76. Cherry, G.L. The Legal and Philosophical Positions of the Jacobites, 1688–1689//The Journal of Modern History. — 1950. — Vol. 22. — № 4. — P. 309–321.

77. Childs, J. The Army, James II and the Glorious Revolution/John Childs. — Manchester: Manchester univ. press, 1980. — 226 p.

78. Churchill, W.S. Marlborough: His Life and Times: in 4 v./Winston S. Churchill. — L.: George G. Harrap, 1933–1938. — Vol. 1. — 1933. — 612 p.

79. Clark, G.N. The Later Stuarts, 1660–1714/G.N. Clark. — Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1947. — 461 p.

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81. Clozier, M. The Earl of Melfort, the Court Catholic Party and the Foundation of the Order of Thistle, 1687//The Scottish Historical Review. — Vol. 79. — 2000. — № 208. — P. 233–238.

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83. A Court in Exile: The Stuarts in France, 1689–1718/Edward Corp, Edward Gregg, Howard Erskine-Hill, Geoffrey Scott. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2004. — 386 p.

84. Cowan, I.B. Church and State Reformed? The Revolution of 1688–9 in Scotland//The Anglo-Dutch Moment: Essays on the Glorious Revolution and its World Impact/ed. by J.I. Israel. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1991. — P. 163–183.

85. Cruickshanks, E. Religion and Royal Succession: The Rage of Party//Britain in the First Age of Party, 1680–1750: Essays presented to G. Holmes/ed. by C. Jones. — L.; Ronceverte: Hambledon Press, 1987. — P. 19–43.

86. Cunnigham, A. The Revolution Government in Highlands//The Scottish Historical Review. — 1919. — Vol. 16. — P. 29–51.

87. Dalrymple, J. Memoirs of Great Britain and Ireland; from the Dissolution of the last Parliament of Charles II till the Capture of French and Spanish Fleets at Vigo. With the Appendixes Complete: Consisting Chiefly of Letters from the French Ambassadors in England to their Court; and from Charles II, James II, King William, and Queen Mary, And Ministers and Generals of those Princes. Taken from the Depot des Affaires etrangeres at Versailles, and King William Private Cabinet at Kensington. Interspersed with Historical Relations, necessary to connect the Papers together: in 3 v./John Dalrymple. — L.: Strahan, 1790. — Vol. 1. — 630 p.;Vol. 2.–649 p.

88. Davies, G. Macpherson and the Nairne Papers//The English Historical Review. — 1920. — Vol. 35. — № 139. — P. 367–376.

89. Dickinson, H.T. Liberty and Property: Political Ideology in Eighteenth-Century Britain/H.T. Dickinson. — Colchester; L.: Methuen, 1977. — 369 p.

90. Donaldson, G. Scotland: James V — James VII/Gordon Donaldson. — Edinburgh: Oliver & Boyd, 1978. — 449 p.

91. Douglas, H. Jacobite Spy Wars: Moles, Rogues and Treachery/Hugh Douglas. — Thrupp: Sutton, 1999. — 269 p.

92. Dukes, P. Scottish Soldiers in Muscovy//The Caledonian Phalanx in Russia/ed. by P. Dukes. — Edinburgh: National Library of Scotland, 1987. — P. 9–23.

93. Dunthorne, H. Britain and Dutch Revolt, 1560–1700/Hugh Dunthorne. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 2012. — 330 p.

94. Earle, P. The Life and Times of James II/Peter Earl. — L.: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1972. — 224 p.

95. Edie, C.A. Succession and Monarchy: The Controversy of 1679–1681//The American Historical Review. — 1965. — Vol. 70. — № 2. — P. 350–370.

96. Eekman, T. Muscovy's International Relations in the Late Seventeenth Century: Johan van Kellers's Observation//California Slavic Studies. — 1992. — Vol. 14. — P. 44–67.

97. Ellis, P.B. The Boyne Water: The Battle of Boyne, 1690/Peter Berresford Ellis. — Belfast; St. Paul: Blackstaff Press, 1989. — 163 p.

98. Farmer, D.L. Britain and the Stuarts/D.L. Farmer. — L.: Bell, 1965. — 436 p.

99. Fea, A. James II and His Wives/Allan Fea. — L.: Methuen, 1908. — 320 p.

100. Ferguson, W. Religion and the Massacre of Glencoe//The Scottish Historical Review. — 1967. — Vol. 46. — № 141. — P. 82–87.

101. Ferguson, W. Scotland: 1689 to the Present/W. Ferguson. — Edinburgh; L.: Oliver & Boyde, 1968. — 464 p.

102. Ferguson, W. Scotland's Relations with England: a Survey to 1707/W. Ferguson. — Edinburgh: Donald, 1977. — 319 p.

103. Feiling, K. A History of the Tory Party, 1640–1714/Keith Feiling. — Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924. — 525 p.

104. Fox, C.J. A History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second; with an Introduction Chapter. To which is added, An Appendix/C.J. Fox. — Philadelphia: Abraham Small, 1808. — 201 p.

105. From Persecution to Toleration: The Glorious Revolution and Religion in England/ed. by O.P. Grell, J.I. Israel, N. Tyacke. — Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1991. — 443 p.

106. Garrett, J. The Triumphs of Providence: the Assassination Plot, 1696/Jane Garrett. — Cambridge: Cambridge univ. press, 1980. — 289 p.

107. Geiter M.K. William Penn and Jacobitism: a Smoking Gun?//Historical Research. — 2000. — Vol. 73. — № 181. — P. 213–218.

108. Genet-Rouffiac, N. The Irish Jacobite Exile in France 1692–1715//The Dukes of Ormonde, 1610–1745/ed. by T.C. Barnard, J. Felon. — Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2000. — P. 195–209.

109. Genet-Rouffiac, N. Jacobites in Paris and Saint-Germain-en-Laye//The Stuart Court in Exile and the Jacobites/ed. by E. Cruickshanks, E. Corp. — L.: Hambledon Press, 1995. — P. 15–38.

110. Genet-Rouffiac, N. Le Grand Exil: les Jacobites en France, 1688–1715/Nathalie Genet-Rouffiac. — Vincennes: Service Historique de la Defence, 2008. — 701 p.

111. George, J.W.H. A History of the English and Scotch Rebellions of 1685. Describing the Struggles of the English and Scotch

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