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Оsborn F., 1949, La planete au pillage, Paris.

Parsons Т. Т., 1962, The Green Turtle and Man, Gainesville.

Patterson N. A., 1956, Changes caused by spray of chemicals in the fauna of apple orchards in Nova Scotia UICN, Rapport, 5е Reunion technique, Copenhague 1955, p. 123—126.

Pau1ian P., 1957, La peche autor des'iles Saint-Paul et Amsterdam et son avenir, «Terre et Vie», p. 267—282.

Penfold A. R., Willis J. L., 1961, The Eucalypts, Londres.

Petrides G. A., 1956, Big game densities and range carrying capacities in East Africa, «Trans. 21st North Amer. Wildlife Conf.», p. 525—537.

Petrides G. A., 1961, The management of wild hoofed animals in the United States in relation to land use, «Terre et Vie», p. 181—202.

Petrides G. A., Swank W. G., 1958, Management of the Big game resource in Uganda, East Africa, «Trans. 23rd North Amer. Wildlife Conf.», p. 461—477.

Phillips J., 1959, Agriculture and ecology in Africa, Londres.

Pickett A. D., 1960, The ecological effects of chemical control practices on Arthropod populations in apple orchards in Nova Scotia, Canada. UICN, Rapports 8e Reunion technique Varsovie-Cracovie, 1960, R.T. 8/II/6, 5 p.

Piel G. (ed.), 1964, Population growth in Man and its Consequences, Proc. XVI Hist. Congr. Zopl., vol. 9.

Ransоn G., 1962, Missions dans le Pacifique, Paris, см. также Preliminaires a un rapport sur 1'huitre perliere dans les EFO, Paris (не опубликовано).

Ranwe11 D. S., 1962, Conservation and management of estuarine marsh in relation to Spartina marsh in the British Isles, UICN, Rapport. Projet MAR.

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Rid1eу H. N., 1930, The dispersal of Plants throughout the world, Ashford, Kent.

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Rudd R. L., 1960, The ecological consequences of chemicals in pest control, particularly as regards their effects on mammals, UICN, Rapport 8е Reunion technique, Varsovie-Cracovie, 1960, RT 8/II/11, 8 p.

Rudd R. L., Gene11у R. E., 1956, Pesticides: their use and toxicity in relation to wildlife. State of Calif. Fish and Game, «Game Bull.», № 7, 209 p.

Russell R. S., 1959, The Biological consequences of the pollution of the environment with fission products, UICN, 7е Reunion technique, Athenes 1958, vol. 1, p. 236—254.

Schorger A. W., 1943, The Prairie Chicken and Sharp-tailed Grouse in early Wisconsin, «Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci. Arts. Lett.», 35, p. 1—59. .

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Sill an s R., 1958, Les savanes de 1'Afrique centrale, Paris.

Simon N., 1962, Between the Sunlight and the Thunder. The wild life of Kenya, London.

Simon N., 1963, The Galana River Game management scheme, UICN Cons. Nature Nat. Res. in modem Afr. States, «Publ. N.S.», № 1, p. 325—328.

Sоper F. L., Wi1sоn D. В., 1943, Anopheles gambiae in Brazil, 1930, to 1940, New York.

Stewart O. C., 1956, Fire as the first great force employed by Man, см. «Man's Role in changing the face of the earth», Chicago, p. 115—133.

Ta1bоt L. M., 1959—1960, A look at threatened species, «Oryx», 5, p. 153—293.

Tendrоn G., 1958, Les pollutions chimiques des mers, des estuaires et des cotes, «C. R. Acad. Agri. France», 44, p. 582—588.

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