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Сборник - Золотой стандарт: теория, история, политика

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Cannan, Edwin, Editor. The Paper Pound of 1797—1821, a reprint of the Bullion Committee Report, P. S. King & Son, Ltd., London, 1919.

Carlile, William Warrand. The Evolution of Modern Money, Macmillan & Company Ltd., London, 1901.

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Andrew, A. Piatt. Statistics for the United States 1867—1909, National Monetary Commission, Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C., 1910.

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Crawford, Arthur Whipple. Monetary Management under the New Deal, American Council on Public Affairs, Washington, D.C., 1940.

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К главе 5

Arndt, E. H. D. Banking and Currency Developments in South Africa (1652—1927), Juta & Co., Ltd., Cape Town, 1928.

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