Джон Толкиен - Английский язык с Дж. Р. Р. Толкиеном. Хоббит
yourselves [jǝˈselvz] permanent [ˈpǝ: mǝnǝnt] precious [ˈpreʃǝs]
It was just at this moment that Bilbo suddenly discovered the weak point in his plan. Most likely you saw it some time ago and have been laughing at him; but I don’t suppose you would have done half as well yourselves in his place. Of course he was not in a barrel himself, nor was there anyone to pack him in, even if there had been a chance! It looked as if he would certainly lose his friends this time (nearly all of them had already disappeared through the dark trap-door), and get utterly left behind and have to stay lurking as a permanent burglar in the elf-caves for ever. For even if he could have escaped through the upper gates at once, he had precious small chance of ever finding the dwarves again.
He did not know the way by land (он не знал путь по земле) to the place where the barrels were collected (к тому самому месту, где бочки собирались). He wondered (он задумался) what on earth would happen to them without him (что же, черт побери, случится с ними без него; earth — земля, мир); for he had not had time (так как у него не было времени) to tell the dwarves (рассказать гномам) all that he had learned (всего того, что он успел выяснить), or what he had meant to do (или о том, что он намеревался предпринять), once they were out of the wood (когда они выберутся из леса). While all these thoughts (пока все эти мысли) were passing through his mind (проносились в его мозгу; to pass — идти, проходить мимо, обгонять), the elves being very merry (эльфы, так как им было очень весело) began to sing a song (начали петь песню) round the river-door (/стоя/ вокруг двери /ведущей/ к реке). Some had already gone (некоторые из них уже ушли) to haul on the ropes (чтобы тянуть за веревки; to haul — тянуть, тащить, волочить) which pulled up the portcullis (что поднимали: «тянули наверх» решетку; to pull — тянуть, тащить) at the water-gate (на шлюзе) so as to let out the barrels (для того, чтобы выпустить бочки) as soon as they were all afloat below (как только они все оказались на плаву внизу; afloat — на воде, на поверхности воды).
through [Ɵru: ] rope [rǝʋp] afloat [ǝˈflǝʋt]
He did not know the way by land to the place where the barrels were collected. He wondered what on earth would happen to them without him; for he had not had time to tell the dwarves all that he had learned, or what he had meant to do, once they were out of the wood. While all these thoughts were passing through his mind, the elves being very merry began to sing a song round the river-door. Some had already gone to haul on the ropes which pulled up the portcullis at the water-gate so as to let out the barrels as soon as they were all afloat below.
Down the swift dark stream you go (вниз по быстротечному темному потоку вы движетесь)
Back to lands you once did know (назад, в те земли, что вы уже однажды знали)!
Leave the halls and caverns deep (покидаете глубокие залы и пещеры),
Leave the northern mountains steep (оставляете кручи северных гор; steep — крутой),
Where the forest wide and dim (там, где лес широк и темен)
Stoops in shadow grey and grim (склонился во мраке, серый и мрачный; to stoop — сутулить (ся), наклонять (ся) )!
Float beyond the world of trees (плывите за мир деревьев)
Out into the whispering breeze (наружу, к шепчущему ветерку),
Past the rushes, past the reeds (мимо тростника, мимо камыша),
Past the marsh’s waving weeds (мимо качающихся /сорных/ трав болот),
Through the mist that riseth white (сквозь туман, что поднимается белым)
Up from mere and pool at night (прочь: «наверх» от озера и пруда в ночи)!
Follow, follow stars that leap (следуйте, следуйте за звездами, что появляются; to leap (up) — прыгать, скакать, внезапно появляться)
Up the heavens cold and steep (внезапно на небесах, холодных и очень высоких: «крутых»);
Turn when dawn comes over land (поверните, когда придет на землю рассвет),
Over rapid, over sand (над речным порогом, над песком; rapid — речной порог, быстрина),
South away! and South away (на Юг, на Юг)!
Seek the sunlight and the day (ищите солнечный свет, и день),
Back to pasture, back to mead (возвращайтесь на пастбища, назад к лугам),
Where the kine and oxen feed (где пасутся коровы и быки; kine — /арх. / мн. ч. от cow — корова; to feed — кормить, давать пищу)!
Back to gardens on the hills (назад, к садам на холмах)
Where the berry swells and fills (где ягоды наполняются и наливаются; toswell — надуваться, опухать; to fill — наполнять, заполнять)
Under sunlight, under day (под солнечным светом и днем)!
South away! and South away! (на Юг, на Юг)!
Down the swift dark stream you go (вниз по быстротечному темному потоку вы движетесь)
Back to lands you once did know! (назад, в те земли, что вы уже однажды знали)!
cavern [ˈkævǝn] pasture [ˈpɑ: stʃǝ] kine [kaɪn]
Down the swift dark stream you goBack to lands you once did know!Leave the halls and caverns deep,Leave the northern mountains steep,
Where the forest wide and dimStoops in shadow grey and grim!Float beyond the world of treesOut into the whispering breeze,
Past the rushes, past the reeds,Past the marsh’s waving weeds,Through the mist that riseth whiteUp from mere and pool at night!
Follow, follow stars that leapUp the heavens cold and steep;Turn when dawn comes over land,Over rapid, over sand,
South away! and South away!Seek the sunlight and the day,Back to pasture, back to mead,Where the kine and oxen feed!
Back to gardens on the hillsWhere the berry swells and fillsUnder sunlight, under day!South away! and South away!
Down the swift dark stream you goBack to lands you once did know!
Now the very last barrel (теперь уже самая последняя бочка) was being rolled to the doors (была подкачена к люкам)! In despair (в отчаянии) and not knowing what else to do (и не зная, что бы еще сделать), poor little Bilbo caught hold of it (бедный маленький Бильбо ухватился за нее; to catch (caught) hold of smth. — ухватиться за что-либо) and was pushed over the edge with it (и был столкнут через край вместе с ней). Down into the water he fell (он упал вниз, в воду), splash (плюх)! into the cold dark water (в холодную темную воду) with the barrel on top of him (и бочка сверху него). He came up again (он снова вынырнул: «поднялся наверх») spluttering and clinging to the wood (брызгаясь и цепляясь за деревянную /бочку/) like a rat (словно крыса), but for all his efforts (но, несмотря на все его усилия) he could not scramble on top (он не мог вскарабкаться на ее верхушку). Every time he tried (каждый раз, когда он пытался), the barrel rolled round (бочка вращалась) and ducked him under again (и /заставляла его/ снова нырять; to duck — нырнуть, окунуть). It was really empty (она действительно была пустой), and floated light as a cork (и плыла с легкостью: «легкая как» пробки). Though his ears were full of water (хотя его уши и были полны воды), he could hear the elves still singing (он мог слышать, как эльфы все еще пели) in the cellar above (в погребе наверху). Then suddenly the trapdoors fell to (затем внезапно люки захлопнулись; to fall (fell, fallen) to — зд. захлопываться) with a boom (с шумом; boom — гул, рокот, гудение) and their voices faded away (и их голоса угасли). He was in the dark tunnel (он оказался в темном туннеле), floating in icy water (плывущим в ледяной воде), all alone (совершенно один) — for you cannot count friends (так как нельзя учитывать друзей; to count — считать, подсчитывать, принимать в расчет) that are all packed up in barrels (которые полностью упакованы в бочках).
effort [ˈefǝt] empty [ˈemptɪ] cork [kɔ: k] icy [ˈaɪsɪ]
Now the very last barrel was being rolled to the doors! In despair and not knowing what else to do, poor little Bilbo caught hold of it and was pushed over the edge with it. Down into the water he fell, splash! into the cold dark water with the barrel on top of him. He came up again spluttering and clinging to the wood like a rat, but for all his efforts he could not scramble on top. Every time he tried, the barrel rolled round and ducked him under again. It was really empty, and floated light as a cork. Though his ears were full of water, he could hear the elves still singing in the cellar above. Then suddenly the trapdoors fell to with a boom and their voices faded away. He was in the dark tunnel, floating in icy water, all alone — for you cannot count friends that are all packed up in barrels.
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