Джон Толкиен - Английский язык с Дж. Р. Р. Толкиеном. Хоббит
burst [bǝ: st] watercourse [ˈwɔ: tǝkɔ: s] water-gate [ˈwɔ: tǝɡeɪt]
But that was no use: probably all the dark distance of Mirkwood lay between them. He sat and thought and thought, until his head nearly burst, but no bright idea would come. One invisible ring was a very fine thing, but it was not much good among fourteen. But of course, as you have guessed, he did rescue his friends in the end, and this is how it happened. One day, nosing and wandering about. Bilbo discovered a very interesting thing: the great gates were not the only entrance to the caves. A stream flowed under part of the lowest regions of the palace, and joined the Forest River some way further to the east, beyond the steep slope out of which the main mouth opened. Where this underground watercourse came forth from the hillside there was a water-gate.
There the rocky roof (там скалистый свод; roof — крыша, кровля; rock — скала, утес) came down close to the surface of the stream (спускался близко к поверхности потока), and from it a portcullis could be dropped (и с него опускалась решетка: «решетка могла быть опущена»; portcullis — опускная решетка) right to the bed of the river (прямо до русла реки) to prevent anyone coming in or out that way (что бы не позволить никому войти или уйти: «прийти внутрь или наружу» этим путем; to prevent — предотвратить, не допускать). But the portcullis was often open (но опускная решетка часто были поднята: «открыта»), for a good deal of traffic went out and in (так как довольно интенсивное движение как наружу, так и внутрь осуществлялось: «шло наружу и внутрь»; traffic — движение, грузооборот, торговля) by the water — gate (сквозь шлюз; gate — ворота; шлюз). If anyone had come in that way (если кто-то зашел бы по этому пути), he would have found himself (он оказался бы) in a dark rough tunnel (в темном труднопроходимом туннеле; rough — неровный, грубый; труднопроходимый) leading deep into the heart of the hill (ведущем глубоко в самое сердце холма); but at one point (но в одном месте) where it passed under the caves (где он проходил под пещерами) the roof had been cut away (свод был срезан) and covered with great oaken trapdoors (и покрыт огромными деревянными вентиляционными дверьми; trap-door — люк, опускная дверь; горн. вентиляционная дверь). These opened upwards into the king’s cellars (они: «эти» открывались вверх, в погреба короля). There stood barrels, and barrels, and barrels (там стояли бочки, и бочки и бочки; barrel
— бочка, бочонок); for the Wood-elves (так как Лесные Эльфы), and especially their king (и в особенности их король), were very fond of wine (очень любили вино), though no vines grew in those parts (хотя в тех краях не росла виноградная лоза; vine — виноградная лоза). The wine, and other goods (вино и другие товары), were brought from far away (привозились: «были привозимы» издалека), from their kinsfolk in the South (от их родни с Юга), or from the vineyards of Men (или с виноградников Людей) in distant lands (из далеких земель).
surface [ˈsǝ: fɪs] portcullis [pɔ: tˈkʌlɪs] trap-door [ˈtræpdɔ: ] kinsfolk [ˈkɪnzfǝʋk]
There the rocky roof came down close to the surface of the stream, and from it a portcullis could be dropped right to the bed of the river to prevent anyone coming in or out that way. But the portcullis was often open, for a good deal of traffic went out and in by the water-gate. If anyone had come in that way, he would have found himself in a dark rough tunnel leading deep into the heart of the hill; but at one point where it passed under the caves the roof had been cut away and covered with great oaken trapdoors. These opened upwards into the king’s cellars. There stood barrels, and barrels, and barrels; for the Wood-elves, and especially their king, were very fond of wine, though no vines grew in those parts. The wine, and other goods, were brought from far away, from their kinsfolk in the South, or from the vineyards of Men in distant lands.
Hiding behind one of the largest barrels (прячась за одной из самых огромных бочек) Bilbo discovered the trapdoors (Бильбо обнаружил эти люки) and their use (и их предназначение), and lurking there (и, притаившись там в засаде; to lurk — скрываться, притаиться), listening to the talk of the king’s servants (и слушая разговоры королевских слуг), he learned how the wine and other goods (он узнал, как вино и другие товары) came up the rivers (поступают по рекам), or over land (или по земле), to the Long Lake (к Длинному Озеру). It seemed a town of Men still throve there (казалось = видимо, что какой-то город Людей все еще процветал там; tothrive (throve, thriven) — процветать, преуспевать), built out on bridges far into the water (построенный на сваях: «мостах» далеко на воде) as a protection against enemies of all sorts (в качестве защиты от врагов любого рода), and especially against the dragon of the Mountain (и в особенности против дракона с Горы). From Lake-town (с Города-на-Озере) the barrels were brought up the Forest River (бочки привозились вверх по Лесной Реке). Often they were just tied together (зачастую они были просто связаны вместе) like big rafts (подобно большим плотам) and poled or rowed up the stream (и передвигались с помощью багров или весел вверх по течению; to pole — зд. отталкивать, передвигать судно шестами, баграми или веслами; to row — грести, перевозить на лодке); sometimes they were loaded (иногда они нагружались) on to flat boats (на плоские лодки).
lurking [ˈlǝ: kɪŋ] servant [ˈsǝ: v (ǝ) nt] throve [Ɵrǝʋv]
Hiding behind one of the largest barrels Bilbo discovered the trapdoors and their use, and lurking there, listening to the talk of the king’s servants, he learned how the wine and other goods came up the rivers, or over land, to the Long Lake. It seemed a town of Men still throve there, built out on bridges far into the water as a protection against enemies of all sorts, and especially against the dragon of the Mountain. From Lake-town the barrels were brought up the Forest River. Often they were just tied together like big rafts and poled or rowed up the stream; sometimes they were loaded on to flat boats.
When the barrels were empty (когда бочки пустели: «были пустыми») the elves cast them through the trapdoors (эльфы бросали их сквозь люки), opened the water-gate (открывали шлюз), and out the barrels floated on the stream (и бочки уплывали по потоку), bobbing along (подпрыгивая), until they were carried by the current (пока их не приносило течением) to a place far down the river (к месту далеко вниз по реке) where the bank jutted out (где берег выступал; to jut — выдаваться, выступать), near to the very eastern edge of Mirkwood (близко к самому восточному краю Мрачного Леса). There they were collected (там их собирали) and tied together (и связывали вместе) and floated back to Lake-town (и переплавляли назад в Город-на-Озере), which stood close to the point (который стоял близко к тому самому месту) where the Forest River flowed into the Long Lake (где Лесная Речка впадала в Длинное Озеро). For some time Bilbo sat (некоторое время Бильбо сидел) and thought about this water-gate (и думал об этом шлюзе), and wondered (и размышлял) if it could be used (можно ли его использовать: «может ли он быть использованным») for the escape of his friends (для побега его друзей), and at last he had the desperate beginnings of a plan (и наконец у него появились отчаянные наметки плана; beginning — начало, исходная точка).
float [flǝʋt] jut [dʒʌt] desperate [ˈdesp (ǝ) rɪt]
When the barrels were empty the elves cast them through the trapdoors, opened the water-gate, and out the barrels floated on the stream, bobbing along, until they were carried by the current to a place far down the river where the bank jutted out, near to the very eastern edge of Mirkwood. There they were collected and tied together and floated back to Lake-town, which stood close to the point where the Forest River flowed into the Long Lake. For some time Bilbo sat and thought about this water-gate, and wondered if it could be used for the escape of his friends, and at last he had the desperate beginnings of a plan.
The evening meal (ужин: «вечерняя еда») had been taken to the prisoners (был доставлен пленникам). The guards were tramping away (стражники, громко топая, удалились) down the passages (по проходам) taking the torch-light with them (унося: «забирая» с собой факелы) and leaving everything in darkness (и оставляя все в темноте). Then Bilbo heard the king’s butler (и затем Бильбо услышал, как дворецкий короля; butler — дворецкий; /ист. / виночерпий, старший слуга) bidding the chief of the guards good-night (желал главе стражников спокойной ночи; to bid — выражать ритуальные пожелания при встрече, прощании и т. п. ).
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