Джон Толкиен - Английский язык с Дж. Р. Р. Толкиеном. Хоббит
dungeon [ˈdʌndʒǝn] accused [ǝˈkju: zd] due [dju: ] bargain [ˈbɑ: ɡɪn] hoard [hɔ: d] tilling [ˈtɪlɪŋ] consequently [ˈkɔnsɪkwǝntlɪ]
It was also the dungeon of his prisoners. So to the cave they dragged Thorin — not too gently, for they did not love dwarves, and thought he was an enemy. In ancient days they had had wars with some of the dwarves, whom they accused of stealing their treasure. It is only fair to say that the dwarves gave a different account, and said that they only took what was their due, for the elf — king had bargained with them to shape his raw gold and silver, and had afterwards refused to give them their pay. If the elf-king had a weakness it was for treasure, especially for silver and white gems; and though his hoard was rich, he was ever eager for more, since he had not yet as great a treasure as other elf-lords of old. His people neither mined nor worked metals or jewels, nor did they bother much with trade or with tilling the earth. All this was well known to every dwarf, though Thorin’s family had had nothing to do with the old quarrel I have spoken of. Consequently Thorin was angry at their treatment of him, when they took their spell off him and he came to his senses; and also he was determined that no word of gold or jewels should be dragged out of him.
The king looked sternly on Thorin (король сурово посмотрел на Торина), when he was brought before him (когда тот предстал перед ним: «когда его привели пред него»), and asked him many questions (и задал ему много вопросов). But Thorin would only say (но Торин говорил только) that he was starving (что он умирает с голоду).
“Why did you and your folk (почему вы и ваши люди) three times try to attack my people (три раза пытались напасть на моих людей) at their merrymaking (когда они веселились; to merrymake — веселиться, пировать)?” asked the king (спросил король).
“We did not attack them (мы не нападали на них), ” answered Thorin (ответил Торин); “we came to beg (мы пришли, чтобы просить /еды/), because we were starving (потому, что мы умирали с голода). ”
“Where are your friends now (где же сейчас ваши друзья), and what are they doing (и что они делают)?”
“I don’t know (я не знаю), but I expect starving in the forest (но думаю, что они умирают с голоду в лесу). ”
“What were you doing in the forest (что вы делали в лесу)?”
“Looking for food and drink (искали еду и питье), because we were starving (потому что мы умирали с голоду). ”
“But what brought you into the forest at all (ну а что вообще привело вас в этот лес)?” asked the king angrily (спросил король рассерженно).
merry-making [ˈmerɪˌ meɪkɪŋ] starve [stɑ: v] angrily [ˈæŋɡrɪlɪ]
The king looked sternly on Thorin, when he was brought before him, and asked him many questions. But Thorin would only say that he was starving. “Why did you and your folk three times try to attack my people at their merrymaking?” asked the king.
“We did not attack them, ” answered Thorin; “we came to beg, because we were starving. ”
“Where are your friends now, and what are they doing?” “I don’t know, but I expect starving in the forest. ”
“What were you doing in the forest?”
“Looking for food and drink, because we were starving. ”
“But what brought you into the forest at all?” asked the king angrily.
At that Thorin shut his mouth (на этом Торин закрыл рот) and would not say another word (и не захотел больше говорить ни слова).
“Very well (очень хорошо)!” said the king. “Take him away (уведите его) and keep him safe (и надежно заприте его; to keep — держать, хранить), until he feels inclined to tell the truth (пока он не почувствует потребность сказать правду; inclined — наклонный; проявляющий склонность), even if he waits a hundred years (даже если он будет ждать сто лет). ”
Then the elves put thongs on him (затем эльфы связали его ремнями: «наложили ремни на него»; thong — ремень, плеть), and shut him in one of the inmost caves (и закрыли его в одной из самых отдаленных пещер; inmost — глубочайший, находящийся глубоко внутри) with strong wooden doors (с крепкими деревянными дверями), and left him (и оставили его). They gave him food and drink (они дали ему еды и питья), plenty of both (большое количество и того и другого), if not very fine (если и не очень изысканных); for Wood — elves were not goblins (так как Лесные эльфы — это вам не гоблины), and were reasonably well-behaved (и разумно благонравные: «хорошо ведущие себя»; to behave — вести себя, поступать) even to their worst enemies (даже и с собственными наихудшими врагами), when they captured them (когда они их брали в плен; to capture — взять в плен, поймать, захватить). The giant spiders (гигантские пауки) were the only living things (были единственными живыми существами) that they had no mercy upon (к которым они не имели жалости; mercy — милосердие, сострадание).
There in the king’s dungeon poor Thorin lay (в подземной тюрьме короля бедный Торин лежал); and after he had got over his thankfulness (когда он покончил со своей благодарностью; to get over — закончить, разделаться) for bread and meat and water (за хлеб, и мясо, и воду), he began to wonder (он начал размышлять/задаваться вопросом) what had become of his unfortunate friends (о том, что же случилось с его неудачливыми друзьями). It was not very long before he discovered (прошло не очень много времени, прежде чем он это узнал; to discover — обнаруживать); but that belongs to the next chapter (но это уже относится к следующей главе; to belong — принадлежать, быть частью) and the beginning of another adventure (и началу другого приключения) in which the hobbit again showed his usefulness (в котором хоббит снова показал свою полезность).
inclined [ɪnˈklaɪnd] well-behaved [ˌwelbɪˈheɪvd] capture [ˈkæptʃǝ]
At that Thorin shut his mouth and would not say another word.
“Very well!” said the king. “Take him away and keep him safe, until he feels inclined to tell the truth, even if he waits a hundred years. ”
Then the elves put thongs on him, and shut him in one of the inmost caves with strong wooden doors, and left him. They gave him food and drink, plenty of both, if not very fine; for Wood-elves were not goblins, and were reasonably well-behaved even to their worst enemies, when they captured them. The giant spiders were the only living things that they had no mercy upon. There in the king’s dungeon poor Thorin lay; and after he had got over his thankfulness for bread and meat and water, he began to wonder what had become of his unfortunate friends. It was not very long before he discovered; but that belongs to the next chapter and the beginning of another adventure in which the hobbit again showed his usefulness.
Chapter 9. Barrels Out of Bonds
(Глава 9. В бочках из тюрьмы)
bonds — зд. оковы, цепи, неволя
The day after the battle with the spiders (на следующий день, после с битвы с пауками) Bilbo and the dwarves made one last despairing effort (Бильбо и гномы предприняли одно последнее отчаянное усилие; despair—отчаяние, безысходность) to find a way out (найти выход) before they died of hunger and thirst (до того, как они умрут от голода и жажды). They got up and staggered on (они поднялись и, шатаясь, отправились; to stagger — идти шатаясь, покачиваться) in the direction (в том направлении) which eight out of the thirteen of them (которое восемь из тринадцати /их = гномов/) guessed to be the one (предполагали, что это было то самое /направление/) in which the path lay (в котором лежала тропа); but they never found out (но им так никогда и не удалось узнать) if they were right (были ли они правы). Such day as there ever was in the forest (день, какой бы от там вообще ни был в этом лесу; such — таковой, тот; such as it is — какое бы оно там ни было) was fading once more into the blackness of night (снова: «еще раз» начал постепенно переходить в темноту ночи; tofade—вянуть, выгорать, выцветать, постепенно исчезать), when suddenly out sprang the light (когда внезапно появился огонь; to spring (sprang, sprung) out — неожиданно выскочить) of many torches (от большого количества факелов) all round them (со всех сторон вокруг них), like hundreds of red stars (подобно сотням красных звезд). Out leaped Wood-elves (повыскакивали Лесные эльфы) with their bows and spears (со своим луками и копьями) and called the dwarves to halt (и призвали гномов остановиться). There was no thought of a fight (не возникло: «не было» даже и мысли о драке/битве). Even if the dwarves had not been in such a state (даже если бы гномы и не были в таком состоянии) that they were actually glad to be captured (когда они на самом деле были рады быть схваченными/плененными), their small knives (их небольшие ножи), the only weapons they had (единственное оружие, которое у них было /с собой/), would have been of no use (было бы бесполезным) against the arrows of the elves (против стрел эльфов) that could hit a bird’s eye in the dark (которые могут попасть в птичий глаз в темноте; to hit (hit) — ударять (ся), попадать в цель). So they simply stopped dead (тогда они просто остановились как вкопанные; dead (adv.) — до смерти, точно, не двигаясь) and sat down (и присели) and waited (и стали ждать: «и ждали») — all except Bilbo (все, за исключением Бильбо), who popped on his ring (который мгновенно натянул свое кольцо; to pop — хлопать, щелкать; /разг. / быстро или неожиданно сунуть, появиться, подняться и т. п.) and slipped quickly to one side (и быстро скользнул в сторону).
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