Шесть капиталов. Капитализм, изменение климата и бухгалтерская революция, которая может спасти планету - Jane Gleeson-White
‘maintain, enhance, and. . .’ UN Environment Programme definition of green economy, Green Economy Portal, unep.org/ greeneconomy.
‘At Rio+20 we have seen . . .’ People’s Summit, ‘Final Declaration: People’s Summit “at Rio+20” for Social and Environmental Justice in defence of the commons, against the commodification of life’, 15-22 June 2012.
‘This dwarfs the entire third-world debt . . .’ Raj Patel, The Value of Nothing, p. 50.
‘Native people . . .’ Warantan in Jonathan Watts, ‘Rio+20 People’s summit gathers pace’, The Guardian, 19 June 2012.
‘Humanity finds itself . . .’ Pablo Solón, ‘It’s the time of the Rights of Mother Earth’, pablosolon.wordpress.com, 4 April 2012.
‘nature is being valued and commodified . . .’ George Monbiot, ‘Putting a price on the rivers and rain diminishes us all’, The Guardian, 7 August 2012.
‘commodification, economic growth, financial abstractions . . .’, ibid.
‘economic, health and social benefits . . .’ UK National Ecosystem Assessment, uknea.unep_wcmc.org.
‘theoretically challenging’ ibid.
‘that the tendency . . .’ ibid.
‘green goods, services, products, investment vehicles . . .’ UK Ecosystems Markets Task Force, gov.uk.
‘new ways for business to profit . . .’ Ian Cheshire, ibid.
‘Business currently treats the natural world . . .’ Monbiot, The Guardian, August 2012.
For Monbiot, these phrases are a sure sign . . . ibid.
He rejects ecosystem offsetting in principle . . . ibid.
‘of the right sort, of the right quality . . .’ Environment Bank Ltd, The, ‘Biodiversity Offsetting to compensate for nightingale habitat loss at Lodge Hill, Kent’, November 2012.
‘offsetting could work in principle for nightingales . . .’ Environment Bank Ltd, The, ‘Biodiversity Offsetting to compensate for nightingale habitat loss at Lodge Hill, Kent’, November 2012.
‘Accept the principle of biodiversity offsetting . . .’ George Monbiot, ‘Biodiversity offsetting will unleash a new spirit of destruction in the land’, The Guardian, 8 December 2012.
‘For local people, Smithy Wood . . .’ George Monbiot, ‘Can you put a price on the beauty of the natural world?’, The Guardian, 22 April 2014.
‘Costing nature tells us that it . . .’ – ‘Can you put a price on the beauty of the natural world?’, The Guardian, 22 April 2014.
Calling Monbiot’sarguments a ‘one-sided picture . . .’ Tony Juniper, Juniper, Tony, ‘We must put a price on nature if we are going to save it’, The Guardian, 10 August 2012.
‘an economically costly distraction . . .’ ibid.
‘I have spent the past 25 years . . .’ ibid.
‘more forests are cleared, oceans polluted . . .’ ibid.
he argues that the only alternative is to ‘open a new discourse . . .’ ibid.
‘Where there is no alternative . . .’ Tony Juniper in John Vidal, ‘Conservationists split over “biodiversity offsetting” plans’, The Guardian, 4 June 2014.
‘embedded in virtually . . .’ Robert Costanza, Simone Quatrini and Siv Øystese, ‘Response to George Monbiot: The valuation of nature and ecosystem services is not privatization’, 15 August 2012.
‘this certainly does not mean . . .’ ibid.
‘Many natural capital assets are, and should remain . . .’ ibid.
‘propertise our common assets . . .’ ibid.
‘by the laws of nature . . .’ David Bollier, ‘The Vermont Common Assets Trust’, bollier.org, 3 October 2011.
Everard, Mark, ‘Nature is worth a lot more than nothing!’, Institute of Environmental Sciences, April 2014.
‘the current dominant political mantra . . .’ ibid.
‘The most generous thing that can . . .’ – ‘Can you put a price on the beauty of the natural world?’, The Guardian, 22 April 2014.
‘unresponsive to anyone . . .’ – ‘Can you put a price on the beauty of the natural world?’, The Guardian, 22 April 2014.
‘those messy, subjective . . .’ ibid.
‘All systems of government are flawed . . .’ George Monbiot, ‘The Self-Hating State’, The Permaculture Research Institute, permaculturenews.org, 24 April 2013.
‘markets don’t only allocate goods . . .’ Michael Sandel, What Money Can’t Buy: The moral limits of markets, Penguin Books, London, 2012.
‘To them, the fine . . .’ ibid, p. 65.
‘says in effect . . .’ ibid, p. 72.
‘though not for the . . .’ ibid, p. 73.
‘the spirit of shared sacrifice . . .’ ibid, p. 75.
‘buy their way out of . . .’ ibid, p.
‘may make it harder to . . .’, ibid, p.
‘Global action on climate change . . .’ ibid, p. 76.
‘a painless mechanism . . .’ ibid, p. 77.
‘Markets leave their mark . . .’ ibid, p. 9.
‘worrying undertones hanging heavy . . .’ Pavan Sukhdev, Sukhdev, Pavan, Corporation 2020: Transforming Business for Tomorrow’s World, Island Press, Washington, 2012.
‘Was there something pathological . . .’ ibid.
‘I can think of no entity . . .’ George Monbiot, ‘How have these corporations colonised our public life?, The Guardian, 8 April 2014.
‘Reading Hewes account, I learned that the Boston Tea . . .’ Thom Hartmann, Unequal Protection: The rise of corporate dominance and the theft of human rights, Mythical Research Inc., and Thom Hartmann, United States of America, 2002, p. 75.
‘a fair and competitive local marketplace’ ibid, p. 83.
‘ nation was founded . . .’ ibid, p. 3.
‘a corporation is an artificial being . . .’ ibid, p. 19.
‘looming up a new and dark power . . .’ ibid, p. 94.
‘British common law dating from . . .’ ibid, p. 7.
‘legally it did not, because the judge’s . . .’ ibid, p. 11.
President Grover Cleveland warned of . . . ibid, p. 25.
‘of the cases in this court . . .’ ibid, p. 54.
‘an instrument of service . . .’ Henry Ford, Gibbons, Chris and Tanya Barman, ‘Sustainability in emerging markets: Lessons from South Africa’, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 2010.
‘My ambition is to . .