Начало Века Разума. История европейской цивилизации во времена Шекспира, Бэкона, Монтеня, Рембрандта, Галилея и Декарта: 1558—1648 гг. - Уильям Джеймс Дюрант
68. Johnson, S., Lives of the Poets, I, 176.
69. Guarini, The Faithful Shepherd, p. 64.
70. Ibid., 177.
71. Hallam, Literature, II, 181.
72. Symonds, Italian Literature, II, 243.
73. Tr. by Leigh Hunt, in Van Doren, Anthology, 590.
74. Symonds, Catholic Reaction, I, 367.
75. Boulting, Tasso, 172–3.
76. Ibid., 183, 174.
77. Symonds, Catholic Reaction, II, 35; Encycl. Brit., XXI, 831a.
78. Symonds, I, 369.
79. Boulting, 212.
80. Smith, History of Culture, I, 552.
81. Boulting, 259.
82. Tasso, Gerusalemme liberata, xx, 1087.
83. Galileo, Opere, ed. nazionale, IX, 69, in Smith, P., History of Culture, I, 552.
84. Disraeli, Isaac, Curiosities of Literature, II, 444.
85. Burckhardt, J., Recollections of Rubens, 8.
86. Pastor, XXII, 309.
87. Justi, Velazquez, 350.
88. Wittkower, Gian Lorenzo Bernini, 197.
89. Ibid., 2.
1. El Greco, Phaidon ed., 7.
2. Weisbach, Spanish Baroque Art, 35.
3. Robertson, Freethought, II, 38; Hume, M., Spanish People, 416.
4. Lea, Inquisition in Spain, III, 441.
5. Prescott, Philip II, II, 498.
6. Lea, Inquisition, IV, 253.
7. Cf. Cervantes, Don Quixote, Part I, ch. 28; Vol. I, 223.
8. Stirling-Maxwell, I, 45.
9. Lang, P. H., Music in Western Civilization, 267.
10. Calvert, A. F., The Escorial, 7.
11. Ibid., 65; Calvert, Royal Palaces of Spain, 4–6; El Greco, Phaidon ed., II.
12. Stirling-Maxwell, I, 209.
13. Davies, Golden Age of Spain, 120.
14. Froude, Elizabeth, I, 375.
15. Motley, Rise of the Dutch Republic, I, 125.
16. Encycl. Brit., XVII, 722c.
17. Motley, I, 125.
18. Hume, M., The Spanish People, 382; Motley, II, 12.
19. Trend, The Civilization of Spain, 128.
20. Motley, I, 125.
21. Voltaire, Works, XlVb, 278.
22. Mariana, General History of Spain, Supplement, p. 30.
23. Blok, History of the People of the Netherlands, II, 289, 119; cf. En. Br., XVII, 722.
24. Cf. Robinson, Readings, 321; Armstrong, Emperor Charles V, II, 376; Hume, M., Spain: Its Greatness and Decay, 150.
25. Prescott, Philip II, II, 431.
26. Davies, Golden Age of Spain, 150.
27. Prescott, Philip II, II, 451.
28. Altamira, History of Spain, 384.
29. Madariaga, Spain, 36; Davies, Golden Age, 194.
30. Ibid., 198; History Today, June 1954, p. 427.
31. Ibid.; Lea, Inquisition in Spain, IV, 254–272.
32. Trevor-Roper, Historical Essays, 269; Altamira, History of Spanish Civilization, 133.
33. Davies, Golden Age, 121.
34. En. Br., XXI, 132.
35. Prescott, Philip II, I, 68, 210; II, 26.
36. Ogg, 170.
37. Davies, 230.
38. Ibid., 233.
39. Hume, M., Court of Philip IV, 24; Spain, 211; Camb. Mod. History, III, 542.
40. Don Quixote, Part II, ch. 54.
41. Ximencs, Juan, Life and Virtues of … Juan de Ribera, in Buckle, History of Civilization, II, 46.
42. Lea, Inquisition, III, 397, 407–8; Ogg, 364; Hume, M., Spain, 212.
43. Lea, III, 410.
44. Camb. Mod. History, IV, 634.
45. Justi, Velázquez, 105.
46. Portrait in Hispanic Society of America, New York.
47. Rooses, Rubens, 486.
48. Stephens, H. M., Story of Portugal, 249.
49. Camõcs, Lusiads, Introd., xvii.
50. Penrose, Travel and Discovery, 72.
51. Camões, Lusiads, ix, 83.
52. Ibid., 89.
53. Bell, Aubrey, Portuguese Literature, 183.
54. Camões, Introd. xxix.
1. Preface to Galatea.
2. Hallam, Literature, I, 53.
3. Schevill, R., Cervantes, 7.
4. Altamira, History of Spanish Civilization, 143.
5. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, History of Spanish Literature, 338.
6. Gracian, Art of Worldly Wisdom, 20.
7. Ibid., 29.
8. 32.
9. 36.
10. 49.
11. 71.
12. 144.
13. 150.
14. In Davies, Golden Age, 282.
15. Ticknor, History of Spanish Literature, III, 150; cf. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, History, 274.
16. In Smith, P., History of Modern Culture, I, 552.
17. Bell, Aubrey, Cervantes, 54; Ticknor, II, 58.
18. Ellis, H., Soul of Spain, 233.
19. Schevill, Cervantes, 134.
20. Lockhart, J. G., Introd. to Everyman’s Library ed. of Don Quixote, p. xx.
21. Don Quixote, Part I, ch. xii.
22. I, xi.
23. I, xiii.
24. II, xxxii.
25. I, iv.
26. II, xxxii.
27. II, xix; I, xx; II, iv.
28. I, xxxix.
29. I, xxxvi.
30. Cervantes, Exemplary Novels, 5.
31. Ibid., 3.
32. Don Quixote, II, xlv.
33. Schevill, Cervantes, 353.
34. Powys, J. C, Enjoyment of Literature, 174.
35. Ticknor, II, 42.
36. Don Quixote, I, xxi; Bell, Cervantes, 27.
37. Tr. by E. Churton in Fitzmaurice-Kelly, History of Spanish Literature, 281.
38. Quevedo, The Dog and the Fever, 52.
39. Tr. by John Masefield in Van Doren, Anthology, 645.
40. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, History, 254.
41. Id., Some Masters of Spanish Verse, 98.
42. Id., History, 249–50.
43. Ford, J. D., Main Currents of Spanish Literature, 129.
44. Fitzmaurice-Kelly, Some Masters, 43.
45. Lope de Vega, The Star of Seville, in Matthews, B., Chief European Dramatists, 171.
46. Lewes, G. N., Lope de Vega, in Clark, Great Short Biographies, 596; Fitzmaurice-Kelly, Some Masters, 25.
47. Shelley, Poetical Works, 645.
48. Calderón, Life Is a Dream, II, ii, tr. D. F. McCarthy, in Matthews, 219.
1. Stirling-Maxwell, Annals of the Artists of Spain, I, 349.
2. Dieulafoy, Art in Spain and Portugal, 243.
3. Mâle, Emile, Religious Art from the Twelfth to the Eighteenth Century, 170.
4. In the Escorial.
5. In Calvert, Seville, 108.
6. Lassaigne, J., Spanish Painting from the Catalan Frescoes to El Greco, 131.
7. En. Br., XXII, 69.
8. Naples.
9. Lassaigne, 106; Guinard, El Greco, 54.
10. Goldscheider, El Greco, 10.
11. Caffin, C. H., Story of Spanish Painting,
12. Guinard, 121.
13. Meier-Graefc, The Spanish Journey, 145.
14. Pacheco, in Guinard, 22.
15. Johnson in Prologue to Addison’s Cato.
16. Soria, M. S., The Paintings of Zurbarán, 30.
17. In Justi, Vel á zquez, 83.
18. Duke of Wellington Collection, London.
19. Boston Museum of Fine Arts.
20. National Gallery, London.
21. Justi, 445.
22. Rouen.
23. New York; Frankfurt.
24. Dresden Gallery.
25. Modena.
26. Earl of Radnor Collection.
27. Stirling-Maxwell, III, 847.
28. Justi, 360.
29. Cheney, World History