» » » » Тео Компернолле - Мозг освобожденный. Как предотвратить перегрузки и использовать свой потенциал на полную мощь

Тео Компернолле - Мозг освобожденный. Как предотвратить перегрузки и использовать свой потенциал на полную мощь

Читать бесплатно Тео Компернолле - Мозг освобожденный. Как предотвратить перегрузки и использовать свой потенциал на полную мощь. Жанр: Самосовершенствование издательство -, год 2004. Так же читаем полные версии (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте или прочесть краткое содержание, предисловие (аннотацию), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами (комментариями) о произведении.
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California Office of Traffic Safety: asp High Visibility Enforcement Demonstration Programs in Connecticut and New York Reduce Hand-Held Phone Use. Linda Cosgrove, Neil Chaudhary, and Scott Roberts. NHTSA’S Office of Behavioral Safety Research 2010.

Use of Thumbs Confounds Use of Sense. Clyde Haberman. New York Times. 1 Sen 2009.

Driving While Distracted. Nationwide. 2008. =survey+2008&NWOSSP os=1

U.S. Safety Board Urges Cellphone Ban for Drivers Matt Richtel. 14 Dec 2011, New York Times.

Hands-free tech still poses high risk for drivers. AAA wants tech companies to limit what their in-car, hands-free systems can do. Lucas Mearian. Computerworld. 12 June 2013.


Driven to distraction. Drivers and Legislators Dismiss Cellphone Risks. Matt Richtel. New York Times, 18 July 2009.

Driven to distraction. Drivers and Legislators Dismiss Cellphone Risks. Matt Richtel. New York Times, 18 July 2009.

Editorial. The Global Tobacco Threat. NYT. 19 февраля 2008. Tobacco Firms’ Strategy Limiths Poorer Nations’ Smoking Laws. Sabrina Tavernise. NYT. 13 Dec 2013.

Driven to distraction. Drivers and Legislators Dismiss Cellphone Risks. Matt Richtel. New York Times, 18 July 2009.

Часть III

A field test of the quiet hour as a time management technique, C.J. König, M. Kleinmann, W. Höhmann, Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée/European Review of Applied Psychology, Volume 63, Issue 3, May 2013, pp. 137–145.

Цитируется по: Ina Fried

A comparison of the influence of electronic books and paper books on reading comprehension, eye fatigue, and perception, Hanho Jeong, (2012) “Electronic Library”, Vol. 30 Iss: 3, pp. 390–408.

Reading from an LCD monitor versus paper: Teenagers’ reading performance. Hak Joon Kim, Joan Kim. Computers in Human Behavior. Volume 28, Issue 5, Sep 2012, pp. 1816–1828.

Taking readingcomprehension exams on screen or on paper? A metacognitive analysis of learning texts under time pressure Rakefet Ackerman, Tirza Lauterman. Computers in Human Behavior. Volume 28, Issue 5, Sep 2012, pp. 1816–1828.

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Digital Detox: Not as easy as it might weem. Matt Haber. New York Times, 9 July 2013.

E-mail training significantly reduces email defects, International Journal of Information Management, Anthony Burgess, Thomas Jackson, Janet Edwards, Volume 25, Issue 1, Feb 2005, pp. 71–83.

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Кстати говоря, это типичный пример необдуманного сокращения затрат. В результате руководители вынуждены сами печатать электронные письма и служебные записки — а делают они это зачастую лишь двумя пальцами и крайне медленно. При этом хороший секретарь мог бы сделать эту работу на порядок быстрее, качественнее, за меньшие деньги — и освободить руководителя для более важной умственной работы.

Personal communication Loren Frank at UCSF.

Stress: Friend and Foe. Theo Compernolle. Synergo 1999/Lannoo 2011.

The Effects of Recovery Sleep after One Workweek of Mild Sleep Restriction on Interleukin-6 and Cortisol Secretion and Daytime Sleepiness and Performance. Slobodanka Pejovic, Maria Basta, Alexandros N. Vgontzas, Ilia Kritikou, Michele L. Shaffer, Marina Tsaoussoglou, David Stiffler, Zacharias Stefanakis, Edward O Bixler, George P. Chrousos. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism. Опубликовано 13 Aug 2013.

Shut Eye: Encouraging Awareness of Healthy Sleep Recommendations with a Mobile, Peripheral Display. Jared S. Bauer, Sunny Consolvo, Ben Greenstein, Jonathan O. Schooler, Eric Wu, Nathaniel F. Watson and Julie A. Kientz. Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 2012. Full Paper at or

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Jet lag: trends and coping strategies, Jim Waterhouse, Thomas Reilly, Greg Atkinson, Ben Edwards, The Lancet, Volume 369, Issue 9567, 31 March — 6 April 2007, pp. 1117–1129.

Advancing circadian rhythms before eastward flight: a strategy to prevent or reduce Jet lag. Eastman C.I., Gazda C.J., Burgess H.J., Crowley S.J., Fogg L.F., Sleep 2005; 28: pp. 33–44.

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IN-DEPTH REVIEW: SHIFT WORK. Preventive and compensatory measures for shift workers., Peter Knauth and Sonia Hornberger. Occupational Medicine 2003; 53: pp. 109–116.

Information and tips for employers from the New Zealand Government at:

Shift Work Disorder: Clinical Assessment and Treatment Strategies Richard D. Simon, Jr. Brief report. J. Clin. Psychiatry 2012; 73.

Shift work: health, performance and safety problems, traditional countermeasures, and innovative management strategies to reduce circadian misalignment. Mark R. Smith, Charmane I. Eastman. Nature and Science of Sleep 2012: 4, pp. 111–132.

Posture, muscle activity and muscle fatigue in prolonged VDT work at different screen height settings. Jan Seghers, Arnaud Jochem & Arthur Spaepen. Ergonomics. Volume 46, Issue 7, 2000, pp. 714–730.

Development and evaluation of an office ergonomic risk checklist: ROSA — Rapid office strain assessment, Michael Sonne, Dino L. Villalta, David M. Andrews, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 43, Issue 1, Jan 2012, pp. 98–108.

Development and evaluation of an office ergonomic risk checklist: ROSA — Rapid office strain assessment, Michael Sonne, Dino L. Villalta, David M. Andrews, Applied Ergonomics, Volume 43, Issue 1, Jan 2012, pp. 98–108.

Более подробно о методике ROSA смотрите на сайте: Пример опросника ROSA смотрите:

Assessing Posture While Typing on Portable Computing Devices in Traditional Work Environments and at Home. Abigail J. Werth Kari Babski-Reeves, Ph.D., CPEProceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting, Sep 2012, vol. 56, no. 1, pp. 1258–1262.

An ergonomics training program for student notebook computer users: Preliminary outcomes of a six-year cohort study. Karen Jacobs and others. Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation. Volume 44, Issue 2, pp. 221–230.

Wrist and shoulder posture and muscle activity during touch-screen tablet use: Effects of usage configuration, tablet type, and interacting hand. Justin G. Young , Matthieu B. Trudeau, Dan Odell, Kim Marinelli, Jack T. Dennerlein Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation (pre-press:

Subjects with chronic neck pain demonstrated a reduced ability to maintain an upright neutral posture when distracted by a computer task. Effect of Neck Exercise on Sitting Posture in Patients With Chronic Neck Pain. Deborah Falla, Gwendolen Jull, Trevor Russell, Bill Vicenzino and Paul Hodges. Physical Therapy, апрель 2007, vol. 87, no. 4, pp. 408–417.

Effects of Computer Monitor Viewing Angle and Related Factors on Strain, Carolyn M. Sommerich, Sharon M. B. Joines and Jennie P. Psihogios 2001 43: 39 Human Factors: The Journal of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Effects Of Five Speech Masking Sounds On Performance And Acoustic Satisfaction. Implications For Open-Plan Offices. Haapakangas, A.; Kankkunen, E.; Hongisto, V.; Virjonen, P.; Oliva, D.; Keskinen, E. Acta Acustica United With Acustica, Volume 97, Number 4, July/Aug 2011, pp. 641–655(15).

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Mental Performance In Noise: The Role Of Introversion, G. Belojevic, V. Slepcevic, B. Jakovljevic, Journal Of Environmental Psychology, Volume 21, Issue 2, June 2001, pp. 209–213.

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The Aha! Moment. The Cognitive Neuroscience of Insight. John Kounios and Mark Beeman. Current Directions in Psychological Science 2009 18: 210.

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Innovative Approaches to Reducing Nurses’ Distractions During Medication Administration. Tess M. Pape, PhD, MSN, BSN, RN, Denise M. Guerra, BSN, RN, Marguerite Muzquiz, MSN, RN, BC, John 6. Bryant, RN, BSN, Michelle Ingram, BSN, RN, Bonnie Schranner, MSN, RN , Armando Alcala, RN, Johanna Sharp, MSN, RN, Dawn Bishop, MSN, RN, Estella Carreno, RN, and Jesusita Welker, RN The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, May/June 2005; Vol. 36, No 3.

Stop “knowledge creep”. Pape, Tera (Theresa) PhD, RN, CNOR; Richards, Becky MA, BSN, RN. Nursing Management (Springhouse). Issue: Volume 41(2), Feb 2010, pp. 8–11.




“Quiet Time” on track “No E-mail Day” is next!” “Quiet Time” pilot has launched! Zeldes, Nathan, [email protected] Blog, 2007. Quoted by Uliana Popova Makarov in Networking or Not Working: A Model of Social Procrastination from Communication.

State of the Nation of cell phone distracted driving. The National Safety Council

Employees told to stay off phone while driving. Tanya Mohn. International Herald Tribune, 29 May 2012, p. 16.

Podcast with Mike Watson. Global road safety manager at Shell:

_society/safety/safety_podcast/ #subtitle_

Цитируется по статье “Risk Management Monitor”, Morgan O’Rourke on May 14, 2012, New York Times November 209=09.

High-Tech Devices Help Drivers Put Down Phone. Sam Grobart. New York Times, 21 Nov 2009.

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