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“Арика” – лишь облачко в огромном небе. Но с ростом психотронного арсенала Пентагона увеличивается и число жертв незаконных экспериментов и насильственных воздействий.

А тем временем в СССР Георгий Георгиевич Рогозин, бывший офицер советских спецслужб и оккультист, получет генеральское звание -в мае 1995 года Борис Ельцин дает ему важное задание. Рогозину поручено “вселить страх” в кремлевские власти. Ему предоставили полную свободу действий для проведения оккультных мероприятий, куда входило “чтение мыслей на расстоянии и получение информации путем анализа био-электрического поля человека”. За российскими разработками пристально следило ЦРУ…[152]


1. Interview, Art Bell radio program, December 7, 1995.

2. “Ed Dames Challenges Government on Remote Viewing,” CNI News, vol. 13, part 1, ISCNI News Center, December 7,1995. Also, ABC Nightline, November 28,1995.

3. Psi-Tech literature and Bell interview.

4. CNI Report.

5. Leonard Buchanon, “Who is Dave Morehouse, Ph.D.?” a hand-out from ProblemsSolutions-Innovations (PSI), a “psychic viewing” firm in Mechanicsville, Maryland run by Buchanon.

6. Debby Stark, “Talking to Ed Dames,” Mufon News, nos. 6 7, June-July 1993.

7. Counterspy, Spring 1980, p. 46. Listed in Ralph McGeehee’s CIA-Base.

8. Counterspy, Spring 1980, pp. 45-46.

9. Michael H. Shapiro, ” Legislating the Control of Behavior Control,” Southern California Lam Review, vol. 47, February 1974, no. 2, p. 240.

10. Barton Ingraham and Gerald Smith, “The Use of Electronics in the Observation and Control of Human Behavior and its Possible Use in Rehabilitation and Parole,” Issues in Criminology, vol. 7: no. 2, Fall 1972.

11. Science, Sept. 21, 1917, p. 173.

12.Townsend T. Brown, “How I Control Gravity,* Science and Invention, August 1929, and New York Times, February 18, 1929. Also of note: “The Townsend Brown Electro-Gravity Device – A Comprehensive Evaluation by the Office of Naval Research,* September 15,1952, and Gaston Burridge, “Another Step Toward And-Gravity,” American Mercury, June 1958, p. 77. “С середины 50-х годов никакой другой информации, касавшейся электродинамики и ее гравитационного эффекта, в рассекреченных документах не появлялось”, – James Hartman file, Future Science Administration.

13. Hartman file.

14. Paul Arthur Schilpp, Albert Einstein; Philosopher-Scientist [3rd ed.], LaSalle, 111., Open Court, 1979, pp. 522-23.

15. See, for example, Marco Cavaglia, “Quantum Electromagnetic Wormholes and Geometrical Description of the Electric Charge,” Plain Tex, Report no. SISSA 92 – 94 – A, 13 pp., and Racz Istvan, “Maxwell Fields in Spacetimes Admitting Non-Null Killing Vectors,” PACS nos. 04.20.Cv, 04.20.Me, 04.40+c.

16. Dennis L. Cravens, “Electric Propulsion Study,” AL-TR-89-040, Scientific Applications International Corporation (SAIC) for the former Astronautic Lab, Air Force Space Technology Center, Edwards AFB, August 1990.

17. R.L Talley, “Twenty-First Century Propulsion Concept,* PL-TR-91-3009, Air Force Systems Command, Phillips Laboratory, Propulsion Directorate, Edwards AFB, May 1991.

18. Orvotron Newsletter, March – April, 1994.

19. Ken Lawrence, “FIim-Flam,” Covert Action Information Bulletin, no. 21, Spring 1984, p. 44. Also, Targ and Harary’s Mind Race.

20.Tom Agoston, Blunder! How the U.S. Gave Away Nazi Super-Secrets to Russia, New York: Dodd, Mead Co., 1985, p. 4.

21. Ibid., p. 9.

22. Ibid., p. 8.

23.Renato Vesco David Hatcher Childress, Man-Made UFOs, 1944-1994, Stelle, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Publishers, 1994, p. 110.

24. Ibid., p. 134.

25. Ibid., pp. 85-86.

26. Mae Brussell, “The Nazi Connection со the John F. Kennedy Assassination,” (1983) in A Mae Brussell Anthology, Prevailing Winds Research, Santa Barbara, California.

27. Vescoe Childress., p. 162. For Colonel Putt’s promotion of the Nazi scientists to higher-ups, see Tom Bower, The Paperclip Conspiracy: The Hunt for the Nazi Scientists, Boston: Little, Brown Co., 1987.

28. Bower, pp. 89 155.

29. Mike Davis, City of Quartz, London, Verso, 1990, pp. 59-62.

30. “Eight Inducted into AIA’s Hall of Honor,” Air Force Intelligence Association Headquarters, Kelly Air Force Base, Texas, a publicity release concerning ceremonies held on September 30,1995, highlighting the reunion of the Freedom Through Vigilance Association.

31. Agoston, pp. 58-59.

32. Milton Goldin, “Speer Carrier,” The Intelligent Guide to Jewish Affairs (a biweekly newsletter), no. 54, January 3, 1996. Шпеер упорно твердил, что ничего не знал о Холокосте. Однако он ежедневно получал полную информацию от своих сотрудников, вместе с Гиммлером и другими главарями СС принимал участие в массовых убийствах, грабеже и порабощении. Шпеер постоянно требовал больше рабов для своих заводов и контактировал с СС, чтобы получить их. Он посещал лагеря. По его словам, там он замечал только то, что заключенным приходилось интенсивно работать.

33. Anthony L. Kimory, “The Secret Life of Fred L. Crisman,” UFO Magazine, vol. 8: no. 5, 1993, pp. 34-38.

34. SKBI (организация, состоящая из людей, которых против их воли использовали в электромагнитных экспериментах по контролю над сознанием, а также людей, которых преследовали спецслужбы.) Report, Intelligence Community’s Use of Mind-Control and Thought-Manipulation, pp. 44-45.

35. Alvin Moscow, The Rockefeller Inheritance, New York: Doublcday, 1977, p. 178.

36. Ibid., p. 126.

37. Ferdinand Lundberg, The Rockefeller Syndrome, Secaucus, New Jersey: Lyle Stuart, 1975, pp. 266-68.

38. Moscow, p. 178.

39. Moscow, pp. 126-27. Среди самолетостроительных фирм, значительная доля акций которых принадлежит Laurance Rockefeller, числятся Airborne Instruments Laboratory, Wallace Aviation, Marquardt Aircraft, Flight Refueling, Airborne Instruments Laboratory, New York Airways, Eastern Airlines, Piasecki Helicopter and so on. Lundberg, p. 267.

40. Richard F. Kaufman, The War Profiteers, New York, Bobbs-Merrill, 1970, p. 27.

41. Ibid., p. 89.

42. Richard S. Broughton, communications specialist for the Institute for Parapsychology, Rhine Research Center, Duke University, personal correspondence, January 29, 1996.

43. “History of the Rhine Research Center,” Duke University Parapsychology Lab public release.

44. Bruce Oudes, From: The President-Richard Nixon’s Secret Files, New York: HarperRow, 1989, p. 142.

45. Dorothy Burdick, Things Are Known, New York: Vantage Press, 1982.

46. Michael Rossman, “On Some Matters of Concern in Psychic Research,” in Psychic Warfare: Fact or Fiction, Guildford, Surrey, Aquarian Press.

47. Martin Cannon, “Selections from a DIA Report on Soviet Parapsychology Research,* Mind Control: A Reader Compiled by the Editors of Prevailing Winds Research, Santa Barbara, Prevailing Winds, 1994, p. 69.

48. Rossman, p. 142.

49. D. C. Hammond,” “Hypnosis in MPD: Ritual Abuse,” delivered at the Fourth Annual Eastern Regional conference on Abuse and Multiple Personality, Radisson Plaza Hotel, Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia, June 25, 1992,.

50. Martin Cannon, неопубликованная глава из книги The Controllers, February, 1996. “Связь с ESP очень вероятна, – утверждает Cannon, -документы MK-ULTRA выявляют огромный интерес спецслужб к вопросам парапсихологии”.

51. С. Р., “А Victim of CIA Mind Control: Political Asylum,” MindNet Journal, vol. 1, no. 33, December 4, 1995.

52. Ralph Losey, “The Problem of the Subtle Sybil Effect,” ms.

53. Keeler essay.

54. James and Joyce Frazer, “How Radio frequency Waves Interact with Living Systems,” 21s: Century, March-April, 1988, p. 51.

55. Resume of Robert G. Jahn, professor and dean, Princeton University Engineering Quadrangle.

56. Eliot Handelman, “Biophysics of Infrasound,” request for information posting, WWW, McGill University, January 27,1994.

57. S. V. Alekseev,, “Myocardial Ischemia in Rats During Exposure to Infrasound,” Zabolevaniia, August 1983, pp. 34-38. Abstract on file at the NASA Life Sciences Division.

58. Gerald Frost and Dalvin Shipbaugh, GPS Targeting Methods for Non-Lethal Systems, Rand Publication, RP-262, 2-1-94, p. 3.

59. J. Weberman, “Mind Control: The Story of Mankind Research Unlimited, Inc., Covert Action Information Bulletin, no. 9 Qune 1980), p. 16.

60. Bower, p. 160.

61. James Bamford, The Puzzle Palace: Inside the National Security Agency: America’s Most Secret Intelligence Organization, Middlesex, UK: Penguin, 1982, p. 98.

62. News item, “DELUSIONS: Flying Saucers Again,” Nezesweek April 17,1950, p. 29.

63. Bower, p. 86. Also see, Val Germann, “Know Your UFO Players!* UFO, vol. 10: no. 1, February 1995, p. 24.

64. Bamford, p. 427.

65. Germann, p 24

66. Vesco, p. 18.

67. Timothy Good, Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-Up, New York: William Morrow, I98S, pp. 336-38.

68. Davis, pp. 59-62.

69. Michael Howard, The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies-Their Influence: and Power in World History, Rochester, Vermont: Destiny, 1989, p. 112.

70. Ibid., p. 133-34.

71. Frater Cernunnos, “The ОТО After Crowley"s Death,” from the secretary’s office, OTO’s Albion Lodge, London, England.

72. Anonymous., ^Intelligence Services are Not So Intelligent, or The ОТО Since Crowley’s Death,” undated pages from The Oriflame, c. 1987.

73. Maury Terry, The Ultimate Evil: An Investigation into America’s Most Dangerous Satanic Cult, New York: Dolphin, 1987.

74. Lucian K. Truscott IV, “Even in Arcadia” Vague, London, England, no. 18-19, Spring 1989, p. 128. Truscott пишет, что садо-мазохистский секс был характерной особенностью “практики извращенных жертвоприношений, которым “семья” Мэнсона придавала большое значение. В доме Шэрон Тейт, Сьюзан Аткинс слизывала кровь Тейт с ее пальцев.

75. Terry

76. Информация, использованная в этом разделе, выбрана из статей о James Bulger, которые были напечатаны в газете Boston Globe for September 20,1988; January 1,1994; March 5,1995; August 1,1995; August 15, 1995; January 5, 1996; January 27, 1996.

77. West’s New York Legal Supplement, second series, 176 A.D. 2d 362, People v. Savona case file, N.Y.S.2d 595 (A.D. 2 Dept. 1991), pp. 595-596. Also, Dr. Adolph Goldman, M.D., New York Supreme Court-ordered psychiatric evaluation, March 10, 1988.

78. Thomas Savona, letter to Maitefa Angaza do the City Sun, New York, January 19, 1994.

79. Thomas Savona, letter to Cardinal O’Connor, April 15, 1992.

80. Goldman.

81. Student transcript of Thomas Savona, Sullivan County Community College, January 3, 1994.

82. Burton H. Wolfe, The Devil’s Avenger: A Biography of Anton Szandor La Vey, New York: Pyramid Books, pp. 66-67.

83. Blanche Barton, Secret Life of a Satanist: the Authorized Biography of Anton LaVey, Los Angeles: Feral House, 1990. p. 23.

84. “Leary Gave prisoners Drugs, Newspaper Says,” Orange County Register, January 2, 1994, p. 24, after a story that appeared in the Boston Globe a day or two before.

85. “Leary Admits He was CIA Agent,” Freedom, May, 1975 (the interviewer was Walter Bowart).

86. “ЕРА Joins Probe of Odd Signals,” Chico Enterprise-Record, March 28, 1978, p. 1.87.

87. Steven Levy, The Unicorn’s Secret: Murder in the Age of Aquarius, New York: Prentice Hall, 1988, pp. 128-29.

88. John L. Whelm, “Psychic Spying? – The CIA, the Penta-gon and the Russians Probe the Military Potential of Parapsy-chology,” Washington Post, August 7, 1977.

89. Levy, pp. 166-67.

90. Russell Targ and Keith Harary, Mind Race: Understanding and Using Psychic Abilities, New York: Ballantine, 1984, p. 121.

91. Ibid., p. 124.

92. Michael Meiers, WisJonestown a CIA Medical Experiment?: A Review of the Evidence, Lampeter, Dyfed, Wales, Mellen House, UK, 1988, p. 468.

93. Ibid., p. 468-69. 94.Ibid.

95. Targ and Harary, p. 127.

96. Meiers, p. 470.

97. Weberman.

98. Ibid.

99. R.F. Haines, Advanced Aerial Devices Reported Du-ring The Korean War, Los Altos, California, LDA Press, 1990, p. 54.

100. Deborah Lutterbeck, “White House Alien Policy,” Common Cause, October-December, 1995.

101. Robert J. Durant, “Will the Real Scott Jones Please Stand Up?” Paranet Information Service, Denver, Colorado, September 5, 1993.

102. “Admiral Hardisty Elected President of Kaman Aerospace International,” Kaman Corp. press release, September 18, 1995.

103. Kaman SEC report, March, 1996.

104. Howard Watson Ambruster, Treason’s Peace: German Dyes and American Dupes, New York; Beechhurst Press, 1947. p. 386.

105. Kenneth Timmerman, Death Lobby: How the West Armed Iraq, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1991, pp. 359-61.

106. Richard Lacayo, “Did Bush Create this Monster?” Time, June 8, 1992, p. 41.

107. James Mills, interviewed by Ray Briehm, KABC-AM, Los Angeles, October 19, 1990.

108. Jack Sarfatti, “In the Thick of It!” Internet posting by Jack Sarfatti, p.3.

109. Durant.

110. Andrew Giarelli, “The Last Prince,” World Press Review, January 1, 1994, p. 28. Информацию о 200000 долларах, которые Джон Мак получил от Лоуренса Рокфеллера, смотри у Deborah Letterbeck, October, 1995 number of Common Cause.

111. Paul McLaughlin, “ET: The Extraterrestrial Therapist,” Saturday Night, vol. 110; June 1,1995, p. 44.

112. “The Harvard Professor and the UFOs,” Psychology Today, March -April 1994.,

113. Durant.

114. Armen Victorian, correspondence with Gilbert Ortiz, Los Alamos, NM, February 14, 1994.

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