The poet is a hero - Альбина Ренатовна Мусукеева
Related literature
"The ragged song", L.I. Futoryansky, in the book "History of Orenburg region", Textbook. Orenburg: Orenburg Book Publishing House, 1996
The history of the native land. A textbook for grades 7-10 of secondary schools in the Orenburg region. South Ural Book Publishing House, authors: S.A. Popov, P.E. Matviyevsky, Y.S. Zobov and others, Chelyabinsk, 1976
Abstracts of the reports "Tatars in the Orenburg region", Scientific and practical conference, DiMur Publishing House, Orenburg, 1996
Tikhomirov A.E., The hero-shagyr. LitRes, Moscow, 2023
Tikhomirov A.E., Chkalovskaya (Orenburg) region during the Great Patriotic War, "Ridero", Yekaterinburg, 2022