Большая книга по истории Ближнего Востока. Комплект из 5 книг - Мария Вячеславовна Кича
Bailey, C. Jordan’s Palestinian Challenge, 1948–1983: A Political History. – Boulder, 1984.
Baker, R. King Husain and the Kingdom of Hejaz. – Cambridge, 1979.
Barr, J. A Line in the Sand: The Anglo-French Struggle for the Middle East, 1914–1948. – London, 2013.
Belgrave, C. The Pirate Coast. – Beirut, 1972.
Bell, G. The Desert and the Sown: Travels in Palestine and Syria. – New York, 2008.
Black, E. The Farhud: Roots of the Arab-Nazi Alliance in the Holocaust. – Washington, 2010.
Bolitho, H. The Angry Neighbours: A Diary of Palestine and Transjordan. – London: Arthur Barker Limited, 1957.
Casey, M.C. History of Kuwait. – Westport, 2007.
Cleveland, W.L., Bunton, M. A History of the Modern Middle East. – Boulder, 2016.
Dalin, D.G., Rothmann, J. F. Icon of Evil: Hitler’s Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam. – New York, 2008.
Dann, U. Studies in The History of Transjordan, 1920–1949: The Making of a State. – Boulder, 1984.
Darwin, J. Britain, Egypt, and the Middle East: Imperial Policy in the Aftermath of War, 1918–1922. – New York, 1981.
Donabed, S. G. Reforging a Forgotten History: Iraq and the Assyrians in the Twentieth Century. – Edinburgh, 2016.
Faleh A. Jabar. Ayatollahs, Sufis and Ideologues: State, Religion and Social Movements in Iraq. – London: Saqi Books, 2002.
Farah Al-Nakib. Kuwait Transformed: A History of Oil and Urban Life. – New York, 2016.
Freeth, Z.A New Look at Kuwait. – New York, 2018.
Friedman, I. British Pan-Arab Policy 1915–1922. – London, 2017.
Fromkln, D.A Peace to End All Peace: Creating the Modern Middle East, 1914–1922. – New York, 1989.
Funsch, L.P, Oman Reborn: Balancing Tradition and Modernization. – London, 2015.
Gardner, A.M. City of Strangers: Gulf Migration and the Indian Community in Bahrain. – New York, 2010.
Gaury, G. Three Kings in Baghdad: The Tragedy of Iraq’s Monarchy. – London, 2008.
George, A. Jordan: Living in the Crossfire. – London, 2005.
Glubb, J.B. The Changing Scenes of Life: An Autobiography. – London, 1984.
Glubb, J.B. The Story of the Arab Legion. – Boston, 1948.
Graves, R. Lawrence and the Arabs. – Boston, 1994.
Hardy, R. The Poisoned Well: Empire and Its Legacy in the Middle East – Oxford, 2016.
Husseln I. Uneasy Lies the Head that Wears Crown. The Autobiography of His Majesty King Hussein I of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan. – New York, 2012.
Jones, J., Rldout, N. A History of Modern Oman. – New York, 2016.
Johnson, R. The Great War and the Middle East. – Oxford, 2016.
Kamal Suleiman Sallbl. The Modern History of Jordan. – London, 1998.
Karsh, E. Islamic Imperialism: A History – New Haven, 2013.
Karsh, E., Karsh, I. Empires of the Sand: The Struggle for Mastery in the Middle East, 1789–1923. – Cambridge. 2001.
Kedourl, E. England and the Middle East: The Destruction of the Ottoman Empire, 1914–1921. – London, 1987.
Kedourl, E. In the Anglo-Arab Labyrinth: The McMahon-Husayn Correspondence and Its Interpretations 1914–1939. – London, 2000.
Khaddurl, M. Independent Iraq (1932–1958): A Study in Iraqi Politics. – Oxford, 1960.
Khoury, P.S. Syria and the French Mandate: The Politics of Arab Nationalism, 1920–1945. – Prlnceton, 2014.
Klng Abdullah II of Jordan. Our Last Best Chance: The Pursuit of Peace in a Time of Peril. – London, 2012.
Koop, V, Hitlers Muslime. Die Geschichte einer unheiligen Allianz. – Ber-lln, 2012.
Lawrence, T.E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom. – London, 1999.
Lawrence, T.E. The Selected Letters. – London, 1989.
Madawl al-Rasheed. A History of Saudi Arabia. – Cambridge, 2010.
Mansfield, P. History of the Middle East. – London, 2013.
Mansfield, P. The Arab World: A Comprehensive History. – New York, 1976.
McHugo, J. Syria: A Recent History. – London, 2015.
McMeekin, S. The Ottoman Endgame: War, Revolution, and the Making of the Modern Middle East, 1908–1923. – London, 2016.
McNamara, R. The Hashemites: The Dream of Arabia. – London, 2010.
Miller, R. Desert Kingdoms to Global Powers: The Rise of the Arab Gulf. – New Haven, 2016.
Morris, J. The Hashemite Kings. – London, 1959.
Morton, M.K. Keepers of the Golden Shore: A History of the United Arab Emirates. – London, 2020.
Morton, M.K. Masters of the Pearl: A History of Qatar. – London, 2020.
Nakash, Y. The Shi'is of Iraq. – Princeton, 2003.
O’Connell, J. King’s Counsel: A Memoir of War, Espionage, and Diplomacy in the Middle East. – New York, 2011.
Paris, T.J. Britain, the Hashemites and Arab Rule: The Sherifian Solution. – London, 2003.
Peterson, M. Both Sides of the Curtain: An Autobiography – New York, 1951.
Phillips, W. Oman: A Short History. – London, 1967.
Queen Noor. Leap of Faith: Memoirs of an Unexpected Life. – London, 2004.
Rabi, U. The Emergence of States in a Tribal Society: Oman under Sa 'id bin Taymur, 1932–1970. – Eastbourne, 2006.
Robins, P. A History of Jordan. – Cambridge, 2004.
Rogan, E. The Fall of the Ottomans: The Great War in the Middle East. – New York, 2016.
Ruete, E. Memoirs of an Arabian Princess from Zanzibar. – New York, 2016.
Russell, M.B. The First Modern Arab State: Syria under Faysal, 1918–1920. – Minneapolis, 1985.
Salil-Ibn-Razik. The History of the Imams and Seyyids of Oman. – Whitefish, 2010.
Sander, N. Ibn Saud: King by Conquest. – Vista, 2008.
Shlaim, A. Lion of Jordan: The Life of King Hussein in War and Peace. – New York, 2009.
Storrs, R.H. Orientations. – London, 1937.
Tauber, E. The Formation of Modern Syria and Iraq. – London, 1994.
Teitelbaum, J. The Rise and Fall of the Hashimite Kingdom of Arabia. – New York, 2001.
The Hashemites in the Modern Arab World: Essays in Honour of the late Professor Uriel Dann. – London, 1996.
Trigg, J. Hitler’s Jihadis: Muslim Volunteers of the Waffen-SS. – London, 2012.
Tripp, C. A History of Iraq. – Cambridge, 2007.
Valery, M. Oman: Politics and Society in the Qaboos State. – London, 2014.
Westrate, B. The Arab Bureau: British Policy in the Middle East, 19161920. – University Park, 2003.
Wilson, M.C. King Abdullah, Britain and the Making of Jordan. – Cambridge, 1990.
Yapp, M.E. The Making of the Modern Near East, 1792–1923. – London, 1988.
В тексте * обозначает[144]
Флаги многих современных арабских государств и политических организаций созданы на основе флага Великого арабского восстания, который придумал британский дипломат Марк Сайкс в 1916 году. Он пытался передать ощущение единого арабского народа, выступающего против Османской империи. Знамя символизировало четыре этапа арабской истории и ее ключевые династии:
• черный цвет – Аббасиды;
• белый цвет – Омейяды;
• зеленый цвет – Фатимиды;
• красный цвет – Хашимиты, под руководством которых проходило восстание.
Хашимитский красный треугольник визуально объединял арабский мир и арабскую историю
Флаг Великого арабского восстания
Флаг Ирака
Флаг ОАЭ
Флаг Иордании
Флаг Египта
Флаг Судана
Флаг Палестины
Флаг Кувейта
Флаг Йемена
Флаг Сирии
Флаг Королевства Хиджаз (1916–1926)
Флаг Арабского королевства Сирия (1920)
Флаг Хашимитского королевства Ирак (1921–1958)
Флаг современного Иорданского Хашимитского королевства (флаг используется с 1939 года)
Флаг эмирата Трансиордания (1921–1939)
Флаг Арабской федерации Ирака и Иордании (1958)