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Эндрю Кин - Ничего личного: Как социальные сети, поисковые системы и спецслужбы используют наши персональные данные

Читать бесплатно Эндрю Кин - Ничего личного: Как социальные сети, поисковые системы и спецслужбы используют наши персональные данные. Жанр: Прочее издательство неизвестно, год 2004. Так же читаем полные версии (весь текст) онлайн без регистрации и SMS на сайте или прочесть краткое содержание, предисловие (аннотацию), описание и ознакомиться с отзывами (комментариями) о произведении.
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63 Jason Farago, "Our Kodak Moments — and Creativity — Are Gone," Guardian, August 23, 2013,

64 George Packer, "Celebrating Inequality," New York Times, May 19, 2013.

65 Там же.

66 "The Onrushing Wave," Economist, January 18, 2014, p. 25.

67 Josh Constine, "The Data Factory — How Your Free Labor Lets Tech Giants Grow the Wealth Gap," TechCrunch, September 9, 2013.

68 David Brooks, "Capitalism for the Masses," New York Times, February 20, 2014.

69 Там же.

70 George Packer, "No Death, No Taxes: The Libertarian Futurism of a Silicon Valley Billionaire," New Yorker, November 28, 2011.

71 Там же.

72 Там же.

73 Robert M. Solow, "We'd Better Watch Out," New York Times Book Review, July 12, 1987.

74 Timothy Noah, The Great Divergence: America's Growing Inequality Crisis and What We Can Do About It (New York: Bloomsbury, 2012), p. 7.

75 Eduardo Porter, "Tech Leaps, Job Losses and Rising Inequality," New York Times, April 15, 2014.

76 Loukas Karabarbounis and Brent Neiman, "The Global Decline of Labor Share," Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2014.

77 Thomas B. Edsall, "The Downward Ramp," New York Times, June 10, 2014.

78 Tyler Cowen, Average Is Over: Powering America Beyond the Age of the Great Stagnation (New York: Dutton, 2013), p. 53.

79 Там же, с. 229.

80 Там же, с. 198–200.

81 Joel Kotkin, "California's New Feudalism Benefits a Few at the Expense of the Multitude," Daily Beast, October 5, 2013.

82 Paul Krugman, "Sympathy for the Luddites," New York Times, June 13, 2013,

Глава 4

1 Kara Swisher, "The Money Shot," Vanity Fair, June 2013.

2 Steve Bertoni, "The Stanford Billionaire Machine Strikes Again," Forbes, August 1, 2013.

3 Там же.

4 Swisher, "The Money Shot."

5 Систром отрицает тот факт, что между Facebook и Twitter состоялась «война предложений». Но Ник Билтон, автор бестселлера «Инкубатор Twitter» (Hatching Twitter), изданного Portfolio в 2013 г. в Нью-Йорке, утверждает обратное. См.: Nick Bilton, "Instagram Testimony Doesn't Add Up," New York Times, 16 декабря 2012 г.,

6 Emil Protalinski, "Thanksgiving Breaks Instagram Records: Over 10M Photos Shared at a Rate of Up to 226 per Second," Next Web, November 23, 2012,

7 Emil Protalinski, "Instagram Says Thanksgiving 2013 Was Its Busiest Day So Far, but Fails to Share Exact Figures," Next Web, November 29, 2013.

8 Ingrid Lunden, "73% of U. S. Adults Use Social Networks, Pinterest Passes Twitter in Popularity, Facebook Stays on Top," TechCrunch, December 31, 2013.

9 Sarah Perez, "An App 'Middle Class' Continues to Grow: Independently Owned Apps with a Million-Plus Users Up 121% Over Past 18 Months," TechCrunch, November 8, 2013.

10 Ingrid Lunden, "Instagram Is the Fastest-Growing Social Site Globally, Mobile Devices Rule Over PCs for Access," TechCrunch, January 21, 2014,

11 См., например: Ellis Hamburger, "Instagram Announces Instagram Direct for Private Photo, Video and Text Messaging," Verge, December 12, 2013.

12 Alex Williams, "The Agony of Instagram," New York Times, December 13, 2013.

13 Sarah Nicole Prickett, "Where the Grass Looks Greener," New York Times, November 17, 2013.

14 Там же.

15 Williams, "The Agony of Instagram."

16 Tim Wu, "Sign of the Times: The Intimacy of Anonymity," New York Times, June 3, 2014.

17 Teddy Wayne, "Of Myself I Sing," New York Times, August 24, 2014.

18 Time, December 25, 2006.

19 Packer, "Celebrating Inequality."

20 См., например: Jean Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, The Narcissism Epidemic: Living in the Age of Entitlement (New York: Free Press, 2009), and Elias Aboujaoude, Virtually You (New York: Norton, 2011).

21 David Brooks, "High-Five Nation," New York Times, September 15, 2009.

22 Parmy Olson, "Teenagers Say Goodbye to Facebook and Hello to Messenger Apps," Observer, November 9, 2013.

23 Keen, Digital Vertigo, p. 12.

24 Malkani, Financial Times, December 28, 2013.

25 Charles Blow, "The Self(ie) Generation," New York Times, March 7, 2014.

26 James Franco, "The Meanings of the Selfie," New York Times, December 26, 2013,

27 Sophie Heawood, "The Selfies at Funerals Tumblr Tells Us a Lot About Death,", November 1, 2013.

28 Stacy Lambe, "14 Grindr Profile Pics Taken at the Holocaust Memorial," Buzzfeed, January 31, 2013.

29 Craig Detweiler, "Auschwitz Selfies' and Crying into the Digital Wilderness," CNN, July 22, 2014.

30 Stuart Heritage, "Selfies of 2013—the Best, Worst and Most Revealing," Guardian, December 22, 2013.

31 Rachel Maresca, "James Franco Allegedly Attempts to Meet Up with 17-Year-Old Girl via Instagram: Report," New York Daily News, April 3, 2014.

32 Там же.

33 "Selfie Is Oxford Dictionaries' Word of the Year," Guardian, November 18, 2013,

34 Эта цифра взята из отчета исследовательской консалтинговой фирмы mobileYouth: Olson, "Teenagers Say Goodbye to Facebook and Hello to Messenger Apps". Интересно, что это же исследование показало: доля селфи в Snapchat даже превышает 50%.

35 Стивен Джонсон, вероятно, является самым упрямым оптимистом из всех уверовавших в Интернет. См., например, его последнюю книгу: Steven Johnson, Future Perfect: The Case for Progress in a Networked Age (New York: Riverhead, 2012).

36 Tom Standage, Writing on the Wall: Social Media — The First 2,000 Years (New York: Bloomsbury, 2013).

37 Там же, эпилог, с. 240–251.

38 Williams, "The Agony of Instagram."

39 Rhiannon Lucy Coslett and Holly Baxter, "Smug Shots and Selfies: The Rise of Internet Self-Obsession," Guardian, December 6, 2013.

40 Nicholas Carr, "Is Google Making Us Stupid?," Atlantic, July/August 2008. Also see Nicholas Carr, The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains (New York; Norton, 2011).

41 Eli Pariser, The Filter Bubble: What the Internet Is Hiding From You (Penguin, 2011). См. также мое интервью с Илайей Парайзером на TechCrunchTV в июне 2011 г.: Andrew Keen, "Keen On… Eli Pariser: Have Progressives Lost Faith in the Internet?," TechCrunch, June 15, 2011,

42 Claire Carter, "Global Village of Technology a Myth as Study Shows Most Online Communication Limited to 100-Mile Radius," BBC, December 18, 2013; Claire Cain Miller, "How Social Media Silences Debate," New York Times, August 26, 2014.

43 Josh Constine, "The Data Factory — How Your Free Labor Lets Tech Giants Grow the Wealth Gap."

44 Derek Thompson, "Google's CEO: 'The Laws Are Written by Lobbyists,'" Atlantic, October 1, 2010.

45 James Surowiecki, "Gross Domestic Freebie," New Yorker, November 25, 2013.

46 Monica Anderson, "At Newspapers, Photographers Feel the Brunt of Job Cuts," Pew Research Center, November 11, 2013.

47 Robert Reich, "Robert Reich: WhatsApp Is Everything Wrong with the U. S. Economy," Slate, February 22, 2014.

48 Alyson Shontell, "Meet the 20 Employees Behind Snapchat," Business Insider, November 15, 2013,–11?op=1.

49 Douglas Macmillan, Juro Osawa, and Telis Demos, "Alibaba in Talks to Invest in Snapchat," Wall Street Journal, July 30, 2014.

50 Mike Isaac, "We Still Don't Know Snapchat's Magic User Number," All Things D, November 24, 2013.

51 Josh Constine, "The Data Factory — How Your Free Labor Lets Tech Giants Grow the Wealth Gap," TechCrunch.

52 Alice E. Marwick, Status Update: Celebrity, Publicity and Branding in the Social Media Age (New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 2013). См. гл. 3: "The Fabulous Lives of Micro Celebrities."

53 Surowiecki, "Gross Domestic Freebie."

54 Amanda Holpuch, "Instagram Reassures Users over Terms of Service After Massive Outcry," Guardian, December 18, 2013.

55 The American Society of Media Photographers (ASMP), "The Instagram Papers," Executive Summary, July 25, 2013, p. 3.

56 Ethan Zuckerman, The Internet's Original Sin," Atlantic, August 14, 2014.

57 Annie Leonard, "Facebook Made My Teenager into an Ad. What Parent Would Ever 'Like' That?," Guardian, February 15, 2014.

58 Caroline Daniel and Maija Palmer, "Google's Goal: to Organise Your Daily Life," Financial Times, May 22, 2007.

59 Derek Thompson, "Google's CEO: The Laws Are Written by Lobbyists," Atlantic, October 1, 2010.

60 Amir Efrati, "Google Beat Facebook for DeepMind, Creates Ethics," The Information, January 26, 2014.

61 Jaron Lanier, Who Owns the Future? (New York: Simon & Schuster, 2013), p. 366.

Глава 5

1 Kunal Dutta, "The Revolution That Killed Soho's Record Shops," Independent, May 12, 2010.

2 Annie O'Shea, "Oasis (What's the Story) Morning Glory?," Radio Nova, January 14, 2014,

3 Philip Beeching, "Why Companies Fail — the Rise and Fall of HMV,", August 6, 2012.

4 Alexander Wolfe, "Digital Pennies from Analog Dollars Are Web Content Conundrum," InformationWeek, March 12, 2008.

5 David Carr, "Free Music, at Least While It Lasts," New York Times, June 8, 2014.

6 Grant Gross, "Pirate Sites Draw Huge Traffic," Computerworld, January 1, 2013.

7 "NetNames Piracy Analysis: Sizing the Piracy Universe 3," September 2013.

8 IFPI Digital Music Report, 2011, "Music at the Touch of a Button," p. 14.

9 OFCOM, сравнительное исследование данных слежения за нарушениями авторских прав в Интернете, Q3 2012, 20 ноября 2012 г.

10 David Goldman, "Music's Lost Decade: Sales Cut in Half in 2000s," CNN Money, February 3, 2010.

11 Derek Thompson, "Why Would Anybody Ever Buy Another Song?," Atlantic, March 17, 2014.

12 Thair Shaikh, "HMV Closes Historic Oxford Street Store," Independent, January 14, 2014.

13 Dave Lee, "'Netflix for Piracy' Popcorn Time Saved by Fans," BBC News, March 17, 2014.

14 Andrew Stewart, "Number of Frequent Young Moviegoers Plummets in 2013," Variety, March 25, 2014.

15 IFPI Digital Music Report, 2011, p. 5.

16 TERA Consultants, "Building a Digital Economy: The Importance of Saving Jobs in the EU's Creative Industries," International Chamber of Commerce/BASCAP, March 2010.

17 "45% Fewer Professional Working Musicians Since 2002," Trichordist, May 21, 2013.

18 Выводы о разрушительном влиянии онлайнового пиратства на творческие отрасли см. в моем экспертном докладе "Profiting from Free: The Scourge of Online Piracy and How Industry Can Help" (ICOMP, October 2013). Данные некоторых исследований, проведенных мной для доклада, были использованы и в этой книге.

19 Ananth Baliga, "Pirate Websites Roped in $227 Million in Ad Revenues in 2013," UPI, February 18, 2014.

20 Duncan Grieve, "Kim Dotcom: 'I'm Not a Pirate, I'm an Innovator,'" Guardian, January 14, 2014.

21 Robert Levine, Free Ride: How Digital Parasites Are Destroying the Culture Business and How the Culture Business Can Fight Back (New York: Doubleday, 2011), p. 4.

22 Там же, с. 13.

23 "Know Your Rights on Social Media — Legal Considerations and More," American Society of Media Photographers, 2013.

24 "Understanding the Role of Search in Online Piracy," Millward Brown Digital, September 2013.

25 "comScore Releases March 2014 U. S. Search Engine Rankings,", April 15, 2014.

26 "comScore Releases '2013 UK Digital Future in Focus Report,'", February 14, 2013.

27 Josh Holiday, "Google Pledge to Downgrade Piracy Sites Under Review," Guardian, November 5, 2012.

28 See Glenn Peoples, "RIAA Report Criticizes Google's Efforts to Limit Infringing Search Results," Billboard, February 21, 2013. Also Glenn Peoples, "Business Matters: MP3 Stores Harder to Find as Google Search Removal Requests Accumulate," Billboard, February 4, 2013.

29 Andrew Albanese, "Artists and Photographers Sue Over Google Book Search," Publishers Weekly, April 7, 2010.

30 Erik Kirschbaum, "Merkel Criticizes Google for Copyright Infringement," Reuters, October 10, 2009.

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