Мальчики есть мальчики. Как помочь сыну стать настоящим мужчиной - Майкл Райхерт
20. Whitson, “Sport in the Social Construction,” 26.
21. Eric Anderson, “Orthodox and Inclusive Masculinity: Competing Masculinities Among Heterosexual Men in a Feminized Terrain,” Sociological Perspectives 48, no. 3 (2005): 337–55.
22. Paul Langhorst, “Youth Sports Participation Statistics and Trends,” Engage Sports Blog, March 8, 2016, www.engagesports.com/blog/post/1488/youth-sports-participation-statistics-and-trends.
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24. Michael Atkinson and Michael Kehler, “Boys, Bullying, and Biopedagogies in Physical Education,” in THYMOS: Journal of Boyhood Studies 6, no. 1 (Spring 2012) (ed. Reichert and Nelson): 181.
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34. Jesse A. Steinfelt et al., “Drive for Muscularity and Conformity to Masculine Norms Among College Football Players,” Psychology of Men and Masculinity 12, no. 4 (2011): 324–38.
35. Harrison G. Pope, Katherine A. Phillips, and Roberto Olivardia, The Adonis Complex: How to Identify, Treat and Prevent Body Obsession in Men and Boys (New York: Free Press, 2002).
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37. Health Provider Toolkit for Adolescent and Young Adult Males (Washington, DC: Partnership for Male Youth, 2014), www.ayamalehealth.org/#sthash.o8CsgfcT.dpbs.
38. Jerry L. Grenard, Clyde W. Dent, and Alan W. Stacy, “Exposure to Alcohol Advertisements and Teenage Alcohol-Related Problems,” Pediatrics 131, no. 2 (February 2013): 369–79.
39. Lesley A. Smith and David R. Foxcroft, “The Effect of Alcohol Advertising, Marketing, and Portrayal on Drinking Behaviour in Young People: Systematic Review of Prospective Cohort Studies,” BMC Public Health 9, no. 1 (February 2009): https://doi.org/10.1186/1471–2458–9-51; David Jernigan et al., “Alcohol Marketing and Youth Alcohol Consumption: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Studies Published Since 2008,” Addiction 112 (January 2017): 18.
40. Richard J. Bonnie and Mary Ellen O’Connell, eds., Committee on Developing a Strategy to Reduce and Prevent Underage Drinking, Board on Children, Youth and Families, National Research Council, Reducing Underage Drinking: A Collective Responsibility (Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2004), 2.
41. Magdalena Cerda, Melanie Wall, and Tianshu Feng, “Association of State Recreational Marijuana Laws with Adolescent Marijuana Use,” JAMA Pediatrics 171, no. 2 (2017): 142–49; Steve Gorman and Diane Craft, eds., “Colorado’s Teen Marijuana Usage Dips After Legalization,” Scientific American online. accessed September 2, 2017, www.scientificamerican.com/article/colorado-s-teen-marijuana-usage-dips-after-legalization.
42. Patricia A. Adler and Peter Adler, The Tender Cut: Inside the Hidden World of Self-Injury (New York: New York University Press, 2012).
43. Theo Merz, “Why Are More Boys Than Ever Self-Harming?” Telegraph (UK) online, last modified August 21, 2014, www.telegraph.co.uk/men/thinking-man/11046798/Why-are-more-boys-than-ever-self-harming.html.
44. Там же, 2.
45. “Teen Suicide Statistics,” Statistic Brain Research Institute, accessed September 2, 2017, www.statisticbrain.com/teen-suicide-statistics; Tara Haelle, “Fewer Teens Die by Suicide When Same-Sex Marriage Is Legal,” Forbes online, last modified February 20, 2017, www.forbes.com/sites/tarahaelle/2017/02/20/fewer-teens-die-by-suicide-when-same-sex-marriage-is-legal/#1ef1f6783b75.
46. Michael A. Messner and Donald F. Sabo, Sex, Violence and Power in Sports (Freedom, CA: Crossing Press, 1994), 214.
1. David Finkelhor et al., “Violence, Crime and Abuse Exposure in a National Sample of Children and Youth: An Update,” JAMA Pediatrics 167, no. 7 (July 2013): 614–21.
2. “Physical Fighting by Youth: Indicators of Child and Youth Well-being” (Bethesda, MD: ChildTrends Databank online, April 2017), www.childtrends.org/indicators/physical-fighting-by-youth.
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4. Michael Kaufman, “The Construction of Masculinity and the Triad of Men’s Violence,” in Beyond Patriarchy: Essays by Men on Pleasure, Power and Change, ed. Michael Kaufman (Toronto: Oxford University Press, 1987).
5. Brian Heilman with Gary Barker, Masculine Norms and Violence: Making the Connections (Washington, DC: Promundo-US, 2018), 6, https://promundoglobal.org/2018/05/04/report-links-harmful-masculine-norms-violence.
6. Myriam Miedzian, Boys Will Be Boys: Breaking the Link Between Masculinity and Violence (New York: Anchor Books, 1991), xxiii.
7. Leonard D. Eron, Jacquelyn H. Gentry, and Peggy Schlegel, eds., Reason to Hope: A Psychosocial Perspective on Violence and Youth (Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1994), 9.
8. Wynne Perry, “Battling the Boys: Educators Grapple with Violent Play,” Live Science, last modified August 29, 2010, www.livescience.com/8514-battling-boys-educators-grapple-violent-play.html.
9. Eron, Gentry, and Schlegel, Reason to Hope, 30.
10. Там же, 35–36.
11. “Children’s Exposure to Violence: Indicators of Child and Youth Well-being” (Bethesda, MD: ChildTrends Databank online, May 2016), www.childtrends.org/indicators/childrens-exposure-to-violence.
12. Gavin Aronson, Mark Follman, and Deanna Pan, “A Guide to Mass Shootings in America,” Mother Jones online, last modified June 5, 2017, www.motherjones.com/politics/2012/07/mass-shootings-map; James Garbarino, Lost Boys: Why Our Sons Turn Violent and How We Can Save Them (New York: Free Press, 1999), ix.
13. James Gilligan, “Shame, Guilt, and Violence,” Social Research 70, no. 4 (Winter 2003): 1154.
14. Elijah Anderson, Code of the Street: Decency, Violence and the Moral Life of the Inner City (New York: W. W. Norton, 2000), 75.
15. Kindlon and Thompson, Raising Cain.
16. Gilligan, “Shame, Guilt, and Violence,” 1163.
17. Anderson, Code of the Street, 32.
18. Ann Arnett Ferguson, Bad Boys: Public School in the Making of Black Masculinity (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 2001), 193.
19. Michael Cunningham and L. K. Meunier, “The Influence of Peer Experiences on Bravado Attitudes Among African American Males,” in Adolescent Boys, eds. Way and Chu (New