Церкви в политике и политика в церквях. Как современное христианство меняет европейское общество - Роман Николаевич Лункин
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Роман Николаевич Лункин
Кандидат философских наук (2005), доктор политических наук (2018), социолог, религиовед, публицист, заместитель директора Института Европы РАН, главный научный сотрудник Института Европы РАН, руководитель Центра по изучению проблем религии и общества Института Европы РАН, главный редактор журнала «Современная Европа».
В 1998 г. с отличием окончил исторический факультет Московского государственного университета им. М. В. Ломоносова. С 1995 по 1998 г. являлся внештатным автором общественно-политического еженедельника «Русская мысль». С 1998 г. – член русской команды Кестонского института (Keston Institute, Oxford, UK) и сотрудник проекта «Энциклопедия современной религиозной жизни России» (руководители – каноник Майкл Бурдо и проф. Сергей Филатов) по изданию «Атласа современной религиозной жизни России».
В рамках проекта участвовал в полевых социологических исследованиях в более чем 70 регионах России. С 2006 по 2019 г. – ответственный редактор журнала «Религия и право» и главный редактор портала «Религия и право» Славянского правового центра.
С 2011 г. – эксперт Центра Вудро Вильсона (Вашингтон, США), Public Policy Scholar, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. В 2017 г. – участник программы Галины Старовойтовой Института Кеннана в Центре Вудро Вильсона (Вашингтон, США). Автор нескольких сотен научных работ по социологии религии, религиоведению, политологии на русском и иностранных языках.
Сфера интересов – европейская идентичность, религиозная идентичность, общественно-политическая роль религии в целом, а также христианских конфессий и новых религиозных движений, в частности религиозно-общественная и политическая ситуация в Европейском союзе, российских регионах и на постсоветском пространстве.
The book “The Churches in Politics and the Politics in the Churches. How the Christianity changes the European Society” by Dr Roman Lunkin (Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Scieences) is the result of many years of research of the role of Christian churches in social and political life. Compared to previous centuries, it seemed to sociologists and to the public that faith would never determine the life of people as much as before, and religious figures would never (or should not) participate in politics. There is an unprecedented freedom of choice now between the old traditional religions and previously unseen faiths, imported from other parts of the world. New gods and prophets from unexpectedly emerging religious movements complemented this diverse palette of religious colors. The world is going through a special religious era. Europe is on the verge of a new sunset. However, Christianity did not become just a culture, churches did not become museums, faith did not become simply a “private religion”, “faith in the soul”, or “online faith”. Religion prepared for a “new leap” in human history, and the springboard for this round was the participation of church leaders in political life and in social service.
The Content of the book includes the following Chapters: Political role of Religion, Religion inside the democratic system, The Christian Churches in the European society, Religious institutes in the structures of the European Union. Special Chapter dedicated to the Churches in the period of the crisises with special accent to the crisis of the European integration, immigration problems, religious reaction to the coronavirus pandemics. The Chapter on the Churches of the post-Soviet space analyzes the political and social role of the Russian Orthodox Church, the foreign policy of the Moscow Patriarchate in the context of the Russian-Ukrainain crisis of 2014. Also there are chapters on the Catholic Church and the review of the political role of the Protestant Churches (Evangelical movement) in Russia and Eurasia.
The Author made a conclusion that the old sociology of religion and the past methods and tools of counting believers and the influence of religion and individual churches as a whole are collapsing. The Russian Church, like many other European churches, evaluates itself in the old way, therefore, it is periodically forced to make excuses for attending divine services for certain holidays, percentages that support the authority of the church, etc. In fact, religion existes in several spaces, in reality and online. What is called religion in private life, “faith in the soul”, is leaving. The religion of an active citizen has become a new creative meaning in the life of mankind, whose diseases and viruses, as well as claims to the church, remain the same from century to century.
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5. Атлас современной религиозной жизни России. Т. 2 [Текст] / отв. ред. М. Бурдо, С. Филатов. – М.; СПб.: Летний сад, 2006. – 686 с.
6. Атлас современной религиозной жизни России. Т. 3 [Текст] / отв. ред. М. Бурдо, С. Филатов. –