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Александр Лурия - Основы нейропсихологии

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Luria A. R. & Yudovich F. Ya. Speech and the development of mental processes. — London, 1959, 1972.

Luria A. R. & Homskaya E. D. An objective study of ocular movements and their control // Psychologische Beilrage. — 1962. — № 6.

Luria A. R. & Homskaya E. D. Le trouble du role regulateur de language au cours des lesions du lobe frontal // Neuropsychologia. — 1963. — № 1.

Luria A. R. & Homskaya E. D. Frontal lobes and the regulation of activation processes // Mostofski (ed.). Attention. — N. Y., 1970.

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