Сексуальные преступления и симбиотические отношения: научное психоаналитическое исследование - Карола Ленэке
Freud 1909
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Freud 1917
S. Freud, On transformation of instinct as exemplified in anal erotism, Standard Edition, 17, 1917, p. 125-134.
Freud 1939
S. Freud, ‘Die Ichspaltung im Abwehrvorgang’, in: Gesam-melte IVerke, Band 17, Frankfurt a. Main: S. Fischer Verlag 1983.
Freud 1976
S. Freud, ‘Die Ichspaltung im Abwehrvorgang’, in: Gesa-mmelte IVerke, Band 17, Frankfurt a. Main: S. Fischer Verlag 1983.
Fonagy 1991
P. Fonagy, H. Steele & M. Steele, ‘Maternal representations of attachment during pregnancy predict the organization of Infant-mother attachment at one year of age’, Child Development, 1991, 62, p. 891-905.
Fonagy 1995
P. Fonagy, M. Steele, H. Steele, A. Higgit & M. Target. ‘Attachment, the reflective self, and borderline states: The predictive specificity of the Adult Attachment Interview and pathological emotional development’, in: S. Goldberg, R. Muir & J. Kerr (Eds.), Attachment theory: Social, developmental and clinical perspectives, New York: Analytic Press 1995.
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Fonagy 1999
P. Fonagy, M. Target & G. Gergeley, A new transgenera-lional theory of selfdevelopment, IPTAR Conference, Evolution and Dissolution of the self, 1999.
Fonagy 1999
P. Fonagy, ‘Psychoanalytical Theory from the Viewpoint of Attachment Theory and Research’, in: J. Cassidy & R. R. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of Attachment: Theory, Research and Clinical Applications, New York: The Guilford Press 1999, p. 595-624.
Fonagy 2001
P. Fonagy, ‘Attachment, the development of the self, and its pathology in personality disorders’, Psycbomedia Telematic Review, 2001, p. 1-22.
Furman 2001
E» Furman, On Being and Having a Mother, Madison: International University Press 2001.
Gabbard 1994
G. O. Gabbard, Psyclwdynamic Psychiatry in Clinical Practice: The DSM-IV Edition, Washington D. C.: The American Psychiatric Press Inc. 1994.
Gartner 1999
Richard B. Gartner, Betrayed as Boys, Psychodynamic Treatment of Sexually Abused Men, New York: The Guilford Press 1999.
Gillespie 1964
W. H. Gillespie, ‘The psycho-analytic theory of sexual deviation with special reference to fetishism’, in: I. Rosen (Ed.), The pathology and treatment of sexual deviation, Oxford: University Press 1964.
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Gillet 1996
E. Gillet, ‘Learning Theory and Intrapsychic Conflict’,/».
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Goldberg 1995
A. Goldberg, The problem of Perversion, the View from Self Psychology, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 1995.
Cooper 1991
A. M. Cooper, ‘The unconscious Core of Perversion’, in: G. Fogel & W. Meyers (Eds.), Perversions and near-perversions in clinical practice: new psychoanalytical perspectives, New Haven, CT: Yale University Press 1991.
Gooren 1994
L. J.G. Gooren, ‘Biologische aspecten van seksueel deviant gedrag en de invloeden van geslachtshormonen*, in: W. Bezem-er, L. J.G. Gooren & H. J.C. van Marie (Eds.), Seksueel deviant gedrag, Bussunt: Medicont Europe 1994, p. 33-50.
Gorman 1991
J. M. Gorman & R. M. Kertzner, Psycho immunology Update (Progress in Psychiatry Series), Washington, D. C.: American Psychiatric Press 1991.
Gosselin 1984
C. Gosseiin & G. Wilson, ‘Fetishism, sadomasochism and related behaviours*, in:
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Graham 1993
K. R. Graham, ‘Toward a better Understanding and Treatment of Sex Offenders*, International Journal of Offender Петру and Comparative Criminology, 1993, 37, 1, p. 41-57.
Greenacre 1968
P. Greenacre, ‘Perversions. General considerations regarding their genetic and dynamic background*, Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 1968, 47, 1, p. 199-225.
Greenacre 1970
P. Greenacre. ‘The transitional object and the fetish- with special reference to the role of illusion’. International lounel of Psychoanalysis, 1970, 51, p. 335-447. /
Greenacre 1971
p. Greenacre, Emotional growth: Psychoanalytic studies of rl, e gifted and a great variety of other individuals, Vol. I., New york; International University Press 1970.
Greenberg 1983
J. R. Greenberg & S. A. Mitchell, Object Relations in Psychoanalytic Theory, Cambridge, MA Oxford University Press 1983.
Grossman & Canaunaugh 1989
S. Grossmann &J. L. Cananaugh, ‘Do Sex Offenders Minimize Psychiatric Symptoms?’, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 1989, 34, 4, p. 881-886.
Grubin & Kennedy 1992
H. Grubin & H. G. Kennedy, ‘The Classification of Sexual Offenders’, The Prison Seivicejoumal, 1992, 85, p. 22-55.
Haan 1977
N. Haan, Coping and Defending: Process of Self Environment and Organization, New York: Academic Press 1977.
Hare 1993
R. D, Hare, Without Conscience, New York: The Guilford Press 1993.
Harlow 1958
F. Harlow, ‘The Nature of Love’, American Psychologist, 1958, 13, p. 673-685.
Halberstadt—Freud 1977
H. C. Halberstadt—Freud, Het sadomasocbtsme: Proust en Freud, Amsterdam: De Abeiderspers 1977.
Halberstadt—Freud 1991
H. C. Halberstadt—Freud, Freud, Proust, Perversion and Love, Amsterdam: Swets & Zeitlinger В. V. 1991.
Halberstadt—Freud 2002
C. Halberstadt—Freud, Manrten en Moeders: de levenslange worsteling van zonen met hun moeder, Amsterdam: Van Gen-nepB. V. 2002.
Hendriks, Bijleveld & Muizer 2002
J. Hendriks, C. Bijleveld & M. Muizer, ‘Jeugdige zedende-Unquenten: misbruikers van leeftijdgenoten gecontrasteerd met
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Hildebrand. Ruiter & Vogel
M. Hildebrand, C. de Ruiter & V. de Vogel, ‘Rec^. van verkrachters en aan- randers na TBS, de relatie met J** chopathie en seksuele deviatie*, De Psycholoog, 2003, p. 114-124.
Howitt 1995
D. Howitt, Paedophiles and Sexual Offences against Chp dren, New York: John Wiley & Sons 1995.
Hucker & Bain 1990
S. J. Hucker & J. Bain, ‘Androgenic hormones andsex^ assault’ in: W. L.
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Hudson 1992
S. M. Hudson, T. Ward & W. L. Marshall, ‘The abstinence violation effect in sex offenders: A reformulation’, Behavior Research and Therapy, 1992, 30, 5, p. 435-441.
Hudson 2000
S. M. Hudson, T. Ward & D. R. Laws, ‘Wither relapse prevention?’, in: D. R. Laws, S. M. Hudson & T. Ward (Eds.), Remarking relapse prevention with sex offenders: A Sourcebook,