Полимат. История универсальных людей от Леонардо да Винчи до Сьюзен Сонтаг - Питер Бёрк
Laura J. Snyder, The Philosophical Breakfast Club: Four Remarkable Friends who Transformed Knowledge and Changed the World (New York, 2011).
Robert E. Butts, 'Whewell, William', DSB 14, 292–5; Richard Yeo, Defining Science: William Whewell, Natural Knowledge, and Public Debate in Early Victorian Britain (Cambridge, 1993); он же, 'Whewell, William', ODNB 58, 463–70.
John Herschel, Proceedings of the Royal Society 16 (1867–8), liii.
Yeo, Defining Science, 57; J. M. F. Wright, Alma Mater (London, 1827).
R. A. Hyman, Charles Babbage (London, 1982); Doron Swade, The Cogwheel Brain: Charles Babbage and the Quest to Build the First Computer (London, 2000); он же, 'Babbage, Charles', ODNB 3, 68–74; James A. Secord, 'The Economy of Intelligence: Charles Babbage's Reflections on the Decline of Science in England', in his Visions of Science (Oxford, 2014), 52–79.
Isaiah Berlin, 'Herder and the Enlightenment', in Vico and Herder (London, 1976), 145–216; Jürgen Trabant, 'Herder and Language', in Hans Adler and Wolf Koepke (eds.), Companion to the Works of Johann Gottfried Herder (Rochester, NY, 2009), 117–39.
Walter H. Bruford, Culture and Society in Classical Weimar, 1775–1806 (Cambridge, 1962), 174–235; Peter H. Reill, 'Herder's Historical Practice and the Discourse of Late Enlightenment Science', in Wulf Koepke (ed.), Johann Gottfried Herder, Academic Disciplines and the Pursuit of Knowledge (Columbia, SC, 1996), 13–21; Elías Palti, 'The «Metaphor of Life»: Herder's Philosophy of History and Uneven Developments in Late Eighteenth-Century Natural Sciences', History and Theory 38 (1999), 322–47; Dalia Nassar, 'Understanding as Explanation: The Significance of Herder's and Goethe's Science of Describing', in Anik Waldow and Nigel DeSouza (eds.), Herder: Philosophy and Anthropology (Oxford, 2017), 106–25.
Nicholas Boyle, Goethe: The Poet and the Age, 2 vols. (Oxford, 1991–2000).
Katharina Mommsen, Goethe and the Poets of Arabia (1988; English translation: Rochester, NY, 2014).
Hugh A. Nisbet, Goethe and the Scientific Tradition (1972); George A. Wells, Goethe and the Development of Science (Alphen, 1978); F. Amrine et al., Goethe and the Sciences (Dordrecht, 1987).
Paul R. Sweet, Wilhelm von Humboldt: A Biography, 2 vols. (Columbus, OH, 1978–80); Tilman Borsche, Wilhelm von Humboldt (Munich, 1990); Peter H. Reill, 'Science and the Construction of the Cultural Sciences in Late Enlightenment Germany: The Case of Wilhelm von Humboldt', History and Theory 33 (1994), 345–66; K. Muller-Vollmer, 'Wilhelm von Humboldt', Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy, https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/wilhelm-humboldt.
Ole Hansen-Love, La révolution copernicienne du langage dans l'oevre de Wilhelm von Humboldt (Paris, 1972).
Ralph W. Emerson, Works, 17 vols. (London, 1904–5), vol. xi, 458.
Kurt-R. Biermann and Ingo Schwarz (1997) 'Der polyglotte Alexander von Humboldt', Mitteilungen der Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung H69, 39–44.
Bettina Hey'l, Das Ganze der Natur und die Differenzierung des Wissens: Alexander von Humboldt als Schriftsteller (Berlin, 2007), 7–10, 386–394 and passim.
Die letzte Universalgelehrte: Claudia Schülke, https://www.welt.de› Wissenschaft, 4 May 2009.
Auguste Comte, 'Préface personnelle', Cours de Philosophie Positive, 6 vols. (1830–42, переиздание – Brussels, 1969), vol. 6, v – xxxviii. См. также: Mary Pickering, Auguste Comte: An Intellectual Biography, 3 vols. (Cambridge, 1993–2009).
Comte, Cours, vol. 1, 1–115. См. также: Johan Heilbron, 'Auguste Comte and Modern Epistemology', Sociological Theory 8 (1990), 153–62; Pickering, Auguste Comte, vol. 1, 445, 561–604.
Sydney Elsen, 'Herbert Spencer and the Spectre of Comte', Journal of British Studies 7 (1967), 48–67.
John D. Y. Peel, Herbert Spencer: The Evolution of a Sociologist (London, 1971); Greta Jones and Robert Peel, Herbert Spencer: The Intellectual Legacy (London, 2004); José Harris, 'Spencer, Herbert', ODNB 51, 851–61.
Общие труды о Марксе очень многочисленны, от Isaiah Berlin, Karl Marx (London, 1939) до Gareth Stedman Jones, Karl Marx: Greatness and Illusion (London, 2016).
Lawrence Krader (ed.), The Ethnological Notebooks of Karl Marx (Assen, 1972).
Цит. по: Eric Hobsbawm, 'Marx, Karl', ODNB 37, 57–66, at 60.
Jones, Karl Marx, 434, 593.
René Wellek, A History of Modern Criticism 1750–1950, 4 vols. (Cambridge, 1955–65), vol. 3, 34–72; Wolf Lepenies, Sainte-Beuve: Auf der Schwelle zur Moderne (Munich, 1997).
François Furet and Françoise Mélonio, 'introduction' to Tocqueville, Oeuvres, vol. 1 (Paris, 2004); Raymond Aron, Main Currents in Sociological Thought, 2 vols. (Harmondsworth, 1968–70), vol. 1, 183–232; Melvin Richter, 'Tocqueville on Algeria', Review of Politics 25 (1963), 362–98.
Jean-Louis Benoît, Tocqueville (Paris, 2005). xii.
Richard Swedberg, Tocqueville's Political Economy (Princeton, NJ, 2009), 73.
H. W. Wardman, Ernest Renan: A Critical Biography (London, 1964), 211. См. также: Jean-Pierre Van Deth, Renan (Paris, 2012); Henry Laurens (ed.), Ernest Renan (Paris, 2013).
Историк Габриэль Моно, цит. по: Laurens, Renan, 10.
Leo Weinstein, Hippolyte Taine (New York, 1972); Regina Pozzi, Hippolyte Taine: scienze umane e politica nel 'Ottocento (Venice, 1993); Nathalie Richard, Hippolyte Taine: histoire, psychologie, littérature (Paris, 2013).
Pozzi, Hippolyte Taine, 24.
Richard, Hippolyte Taine, 81.
Цит. по: Weinstein, Hippolyte Taine, 26.
Ann P. Robson, 'Mill, Harriet', ODNB 38, 143–6; Dale E. Miller, 'Harriet Taylor Mill', in Edward N. Zalta (ed.), The Stanford Encyclopaedia of Philosophy (Stanford, CA, 2015): https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2015/entries/harriet-mill.
Nicholas Capaldi, John Stuart Mill: A Biography (Cambridge, 2004); Jose Harris, 'Mill, John Stuart', ODNB 38, 155–75.
Timothy Hilton, John Ruskin, 2 vols. (New Haven CT, 1985–2000); Robert