Полимат. История универсальных людей от Леонардо да Винчи до Сьюзен Сонтаг - Питер Бёрк
Фра Пьетро де Новеллара, цит. по: Kenneth Clark, Leonardo da Vinci (1936: new edn, Harmondsworth, 1958), 63.
Kemp, Leonardo, 4.
Zubov, Leonardo, 65.
Edna E. Kramer, 'Hypatia', DSB 6, 615–6; Charlotte Booth, Hypatia: Mathematician, Philosopher, Myth (London, 2017).
Обе книги стали двумя частями ее труда «Книга о внутренней сущности различных природных созданий» (Liber Subtilitatum Diversarum Naturarum Creaturarum, 1150–1160). – Прим. науч. ред.
Sabina Flanagan, Hildegard of Bingen, 1098–1179, a Visionary Life (London, 1989); Charles Burnett and Peter Dronke (eds.) Hildegard of Bingen: The Context of her Thought and Art (London, 1998), особенно статьи Burnett, Jacquart и Moulinier; Heinrich Schipperges, The World of Hildegard of Bingen (Collegeville, MN, 1999).
Margaret Brabant (ed.), Politics, Gender, and Genre: The Political Thought of Christine de Pizan (Boulder, CO, 1992); Kate Forhan, The Political Theory of Christine de Pizan (Aldershot, 2002).
Castiglione, Il Cortegiano. Книга 3, часть 9.
Margaret L. King, 'Book-Lined Cells: Women and Humanism in the Early Italian Renaissance', in Patricia H. Labalme (ed.), Beyond Their Sex: Learned Women of the European Past (New York, 1980), 66–90, at 81n. См. также: Paul O. Kristeller, 'Learned Women of Early Modern Italy', in Labalme, Beyond Their Sex, 91–116; Lisa Jardine, 'The Myth of the Learned Lady', Historical Journal 28 (1985), 799–819.
Lisa Jardine, 'Isotta Nogarola', History of Education 12 (1983), 231–44; Margaret King, 'Isotta Nogarola', in Ottavia Niccoli (ed.), Rinascimento al femminile (Rome and Bari, 1991), 3–34.
Albert Rabil Jr, Laura Cereta: Q uattrocento Humanist (Binghamton, NY, 1981); M. Palma, 'Cereta, Laura', DBI 23, 729–30.
C. Cavazzana, 'Cassandra Fedele erudita veneziana del Rinascimento', Ateneo veneto, XXIX (1906), 74–91, 249–75, 361–97; Franco Pignatti, 'Fedele, Cassandra', DBI 45, 566–8.
Rabil, Laura Cereta, 25.
King, 'Book-Lined Cells', 69.
Georg Deichstetter (ed.), Caritas Pirckheimer, Ordensfrau und Humanistin (Cologne, 1982).
Almudena de Arteaga, Beatriz Galindo, La Latina, maestra de reinas (Madrid, 2007).
Retha M. Warnicke, 'Women and Humanism in the English Renaissance', in Albert Rabil Jr (ed.), Renaissance Humanism (Philadelphia, 1988), vol. 2, 39–54.
Marjorie H. Ilsley, A Daughter of the Renaissance: Marie Le Jars de Gournay (The Hague, 1963); Eva Sartori, 'Marie de Gournay', Allegorica 9 (1987), 135–42; Michèle Fogel, Marie de Gournay: itinéraires d'une femme savante (Paris, 2004).
Hermann Boerhaave, Methodus studii medici (Amsterdam, 1751), 73. Джордж Элиот в романе «Миддлмарч» предпочитает выражение «герой эрудиции», но в автобиографии Ричарда Фейнмана упоминаются «исполинские умы» ученых типа Джона фон Неймана.
Hans Blumenberg, Die Legitimitä t der Neuzeit (1966: English translation, The Legitimacy of the Modern Age, Cambridge, MA, 1983), 191–200. Нил Кенни предостерегает от восприятия Бэкона как человека, «прямолинейно» выступавшего за любознательность (Neil Kenny, Uses of Curiosity, 167).
Nicholas Jardine, The Birth of History and Philosophy of Science: Kepler's A Defence of Tycho against Ursus (Cambridge, 1984).
Erwin Panofsky, Galileo as a Critic of the Arts (The Hague, 1954).
Stephen Gaukroger, Descartes: An Intellectual Biography (Oxford, 1995).
Meric Casaubon, Generall Learning: A Seventeenth-Century Treatise on the Formation of the General Scholar, ed. Richard Serjeantson (Cambridge, 1999), 149.
Parentalia, or memoirs of the family of the Wrens (London, 1750), 343: https://books.google.co.uk/books?id=Tm1MAAAAcAAJ.
Adrian Tinniswood, His Invention So Fertile: A life of Christopher Wren (London, 2001); Lisa Jardine, On a Grander Scale: The Outstanding Career of Sir Christopher Wren (London, 2002); Kerry Downes, 'Wren, Christopher', ODNB 60, 406–19.
Betty J. T. Dobbs, The Foundations of Newton's Alchemy (Cambridge, 1975); Karin Figala, 'Newton's Alchemy', in I. Bernard Cohen and George E. Smith (eds.), Cambridge Companion to Newton (Cambridge, 2002), 370–86. Frank E. Manuel, Isaac Newton, Historian (Cambridge, 1963); idem., The Religion of Isaac Newton (Oxford, 1974); Rob Iliffe, Priest of Nature: The Religious Worlds of Isaac Newton (Oxford, 2017).
Yaël Nazé, 'Astronomie et chronologie chez Newton', Archives Internationales d'Histoire des Sciences 62 (2012), 717–65; Jed. Z. Buchwald and Mordechai Feingold, Newton and the Origin of Civilization (Princeton, NJ, 2013), 244.
Jean R. Brink, 'Bathsua Makin: Educator and Linguist', in Brink (ed.), Female Scholars (Montreal, 1980), 86–100; Frances Teague, Bathsua Makin, Woman of Learning (Lewisburg, PA, 1998); Carol Pal, 'Bathsua Makin', in Republic of Women (Cambridge, 2012), 177–205.
Una Birch, Anna van Schurman (London, 1909); Mirjam de Baar et al. (eds.), Choosing the Better Part: Anna Maria van Schurman (Dordrecht, 1996); Joyce L. Irwin, 'Anna Maria van Schurman and her Intellectual Circle', in Anna Maria van Schurman, Whether a Christian Woman should be Educated (Chicago, 1998), 1–21; Pieta van Beek, The First Female University Student: A. M. van Schurman (Utrecht, 2010).
Pal, Republic of Women, 22–51.
Eileen O'Neill, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle, Observations upon Experimental Philosophy (Cambridge, 2001); Lisa Walters, Margaret Cavendish: Gender, Science and Politics (Cambridge, 2014); Richard Holmes, 'Margaret Cavendish', This Long Pursuit (London, 2016), 111–32.
Ивлин цит. по: Holmes, Long Pursuit, 126.
Sten Stolpe, Queen Christina (2 vols., 1960–1: abbreviated English translation, London, 1966); Sten G. Lindberg, 'Christina and the Scholars', in Christina, Queen of Sweden (Stockholm, 1966), 44–53; Susanna Åkerman, Queen Christina of Sweden and her Circle (Leiden, 1991).
Åkerman, Queen Christina, 49.
R. Derosas, 'Corner, Elena Lucrezia', DBI 29, 174–9.
Группа языков, являющаяся ветвью юто-астекских языков.
Ludwig Pfandl, Die Zehnte Muse von Mexico (1946); Octavio Paz, Sor Juana: Her Life and her